Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 18

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    AIB-UncMW Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 4, 1993
Jersey Shore
Livestock Market, Inc.
Auction every Thursday
•t 4:00 p.m.
Jeney Shore, Pu.
Report eupplied by Auction
Thurtday, Sept. 2, 1993
GOOD VEAL: 80.00-120.00.
COMMON VEAL: 25.00-85.00.
CHOICE STEERS: 70.50-73.00.
SELECT STEERS: 67.00-72.50.
COMMON STEERS: 58.00-64.00.
COMMERCIAL COWS: 47.00-56.50.
CANNERS-CUTTERS: 44.00-52.25.
SHELLS: 30.00-43.00.
SELECT HEIFERS: 66.00-75.00.
COMMON HEIFERS: 53.00-59.50.
GOOD FEEDERS: 70.00-97.00.
COMMON FEEDERS; 45.00-68.00.
BULLS: 51.75-60.50.
HOGS: 41.75-45.75.
HEAVY HOGS: 37.00-41.75.
North Jersey
Hsckettstowu, NJ
Report Supplied by Auction
Tuceday, August 31, 1993
Report supplied by auction
CALVES .23-2.0714 .
COWS .20-54.
EASY COWS .09-.39V4.
HEIFERS .30-.64V4.
BULLS .SS-.68.
STEERS .56-.70V4.
HOGS .26-.45.
BOARS .20-.35.
SOWS .30-.34.
SHEEP .08-.61.
LAMBS EACH 5.00-61.00.
LAMBS PER LB. .33 .96.
GOATS EACH 23.00-152.50.
KIDS EACH 6.0049.00.
HIDES EACH 1.0010.00.
TOTAL 1094.
Diffenbach Auction Center
New Holland, Pa.
Monday, August -23, 1993
Report Supplied by Auction
ALFALFA; 60.00-160.00.
MIXED HAY: 72.00-150.00.
TIMOTHY: 92.00-150.00.
STRAW; 50.00-102.00.
EAR CORN: 63.00-91.00.
RYE SEED: 3.50-4.50.
Milk Market News
Penn Slate Cooperative
Ea terra lon Agent for
Lackawanna County
Free Fall
SCRANTON (Lackawanna Co.) — Oreeae pricea were in (free fall for
iix week* before finally getting the parachute open five week* ago. Which
onlytneanathcy are atill falling but not aafaaL What we don't know ia how
far they are from the ground before they can go up again for another try.
From their peak price of $ 1.39 the end of May, block pricea fell nearly 14
centa in aix week* and than added loeaaa of four oanta more inthelaat five
weeka for a total of 1 > cent* in 11 weeka. The rate of decline haa alowed con
aiderably from an avenge of over two centa a week to lea* than one cent
recently. However, USDA’a Dairy Market Newa aounda like a broken
record with the aame report—“the eheeae market iaunaettled"—forthejaat
five weeka. Suatained inneaaea in milk production (June war up again one
percent) and lower demand, have been given moat often aa the reaaon for the
decline m eheeae pricea.
Invenlctiea Up
If the reaaon for the 23 cant incraaae in eheeae pricea in March and April
waa inventory building, the handler! did a good job. The USDA report on
cold atonge holdinga for June ihow an increaae of 11 percent over May in
commercial atocka of cheddar eheeae and 17 percent over laat June. In which
caae it may be another couple of monlha before demand increaaea enough to
affect the price. Thia should happen in preparation for late fall and winter
holiday aalea along with the opening of achoola that affect demand through
aubardized lunchea including powder, eheeae and milk.
The Mmneaou-Witcontin Price Seriee d topped another 61 cenu in July
to $11.42 making a total diop of $l.lO in two month* from ita peak of $12.52
in May. With dry alum milk pricea only ateady to lower and inventoried
ample to fill current needa, the declinea in chceac pricea will mean further
dropa in the M-W price. If the lower cheeae pricea tranalate into a $1 .SOdtop
in the M-W from ita high of $12.52, it would mean another fall to $10.72 in
the neat two monlha. It probably won't |o that low but at leaat the prediction
that the milk pricea act in May and June will be the hi|heat for the year aeema
to be right Thoae who gueaaed otherwiae are chan|in| their numbera. Any
changer in national milk pioductian due to the weather are not expected now
until after the fitat of the new year.
Farm Prlcaa
The lower cheeae and M-W pricea haven’t quite hit the fan yet at the farm
level in the checka for July milk. In fact the Weighted Average in Order 4
waa up five centa from June to July and the Uniform Price in Order 36 wu
off only one cant Order 2 thowed a drop of 26 canta to the Uniform Price
front the previoua month. The principal reaaon waa the peak in Claaa I pricea
in July from that M-W peak in May but Augual farm pricea will begin to
reflect the dropa in the M-W price in June and July.
Producer profiu from now on may well depend on crap production tod
winter forage feed available on the farm. Crowing conditiona vary widely in
the northeeat from diaaatar aaaiatance tituationa to very notmal crept. A lot
will depend on the yield and quality at com adage. If you got it, give thanka.
Some who don’t may have to give up.
Jersey Becomes Supreme Bedford
Bedford Co. Correspondent
BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) A
Jersey 4-year-old captured the su
preme champion title in the open
class dairy show of the Bedford
County Fair.
Owned by Scott Fisher. New
ville, the cow had won reserve
honors in supreme competition at
the open class dairy show held in
Martinsburg recently.
Fisher is a part-time farmer who
farms for a hobby and drives truck
for Carolina Freight
In other competitions held in
the open class, awards were as fol
Snlder'a Homestead hald up their cham
pion tradition by thawing the senior and
grand champions and reserve senior and re
serve grand champion at the Open Class
Dairy Show of the Bedford Fair.
Misty Meadow Farm and Bath Clark, a for
mer national Guernsey princess was Junior
In the Jr. Heifer Calf division, Kendy Clark
was drat.
Placing second and third were Jan Snider,
also of the Snider farm, and Green Slope
Farms, Imler.
Other first through awards in the Guernsey
open dast division were: Intermediate Heif
er Calf: Kristi Snider, New Enterprise, Misty
Meadow Farm, and Green Slope Farm.
Senior Heifer Calf: Misty Meadow Farm
(first and second). Amber Clark.
Summer Yearling Heifen Snider Home
stead, Green Slope Farms, and Jan Snider.
Junior Yearling Heifer: Amber Clark,
Green Slope Farms, and Green Slope
Intermedhrts Yearling Heifer: Aaron Ga
ble, Misty Meadow Farm, and Green Slope
Senior Yearling Haller: Maty Meadow
Farm (first and second), Green Slope Farms.
Junior Bast Three Females: Misty Mea
dow Farm, Snider Homestead, Aaron Gable.
Junior Two-Year-Old: Snider Home
stead, Misty Meadow Farm (second and
Senior Twe-Yoar-Old: Snider Home
stead, Bobby Jo Schilling.
Threa-Yaar-Old: Snider Homestead. Am
ber Clark, and Green Slope Farm.
Four-Yaar-Old Cow: Snider Homestead,
Aaron Gable, and Misty Meadow Farm.
Fiva-Year-Old Cow: Snider Homestead,
Aaron Gable, and Green Slope Farms.
Dry Cow 4 and Under Misty Meadow
Farm, Jan Snider, and Green Slope Farms.
Dry Cow Five and Under: Snider Home
stead, Green Slope Farms (second and
Milk Pricea
Cow 100,000 production: Snider Home
Bast Udder Class: Aaron Gable, Snider
Homestead, Misty Meadow Farm.
Senior 3 Best Females: Aaron Gable,
Misty Meadow Farm, Snider Homestead.
Dairy Herd: Aaron Gable, Misty Meadow,
and Snider Homestead.
Produce of Dam: Misty Meadow (first and
second), and Green Slope Farms.
Daughter A Dam: Snider Homestead,
Jan Snider, and Misty Meadow.
Samuel Diehl, a Friends Cove farmer, up
held the tradition of bringing top quality Ayr
shires to the Bedford Fair and took home the
Grand Champion awards. Jr. and Resents
Junior Champ was Brant's Homestead of Mt.
Placing first in the Junior Heifer Calf Divi
sion was Sam J. Diehl.
Placing second and third were Edna Schil
ling of Williamsburg and Brant’s Homestead.
ML Union.
Intermediate Heifer Calf: Brant's Home
stead, Samuel Diehl, and Linda Schilling.
Sr. Heifer Calf: Brant's Homestead (first
and second).
Summer Yearling Heifer: Brant's Home
stead, and Bobby Jo Schilling.
Jr. Yearling Heller: Samuel Diehl, Edna
Intermediate Yearling Heifer: Samuel
Senior Yearling Heller: Samuel Diehl,
Bobby Jo Schilling.
Jr. Beet Three Females: Samuel Diehl.
Jr. Two-Year-Old: Walter Schilling (se
Sr. Two-Yeer-Old: Samuel Diehl.
Thrae-Year-Old Cow: Brant's Home
Four-Year-Old Cow; Samuel Diehl, Brad
Five-Year-Old and Over Cow: Samuel
Dry Cow Four and Under Sam Diehl,
Brant's Homestead, and Waiter Schilling.
Dry Cow Five and Oven Branfs Home
stead, Walter Schilling, and Bobby Jo Schil
Bast Udder Class; Samuel Diehl (first
and second), and Brad Palmer.
Sr. Best Three Females: Samuel Diehl.
Dairy Herd: Samuel Diehl, Brant's Home
stead, and Bobby Jo Schilling.
Produce of Dam; Samuel Diehl.
Daughter A Dan: Samuel Diehl (first and
second), and Bobby Jo Schilling.
AD champions in the Milking Shortdivision
of the Open Daily Class went to Horizon
Farm of New Enterprise RD 1.
Prizes awarded in the Milking Shorthorn
division of the open class dairy cattle were:
Jr. Heller Cell: Honzon Farm (first and
Intermediate Calf: Horizon Farm.
Sr. Hollar Calf: Horizon Farm (first and
Summer Yearling Hslfer: Horizon Farm.
Jr. Yearling Heifer: Horizon Farm, Bobby
Jo Schilling.
Excellence Since 1903
3368 York Rd.
PA 17325
Call or writ today
for mom Information
P.O. Box 126,
NJ 08865
Intermediate Yearling Haller: Horizon
Sr. Yearling Heifer. Horizon Farm.
Jr. Best Three Females: Horizon Farm.
Jr. Two-Year-Old: Horizon Farm.
Sr. Two-Year-Old: Horizon Farm.
Four-Year-Old Cow: Horizon Farm.
Five-Ysar-Old and Over: Horizon Farm.
Dry Cow Four and Under: Horizon Farm.
Dry Cow Five and Oven Horizon Farm.
Best Udder: Horizon Form.
Sr. Best Three Femalee: Horizon Farm.
Dairy Herd; Horizon Farm.
Produce of Dam: Horizon Farm.
Dam A Daughter: Horizon Farm.
Grand Champion award* in the Red and
White division* went to Brad Palmer. Holly
Mors* took Reserve honors. Junior cham
pion was Holly Mors* and Reserve Junior
Champ was Angle Morse.
First through thrid In the Red and White
Class were:
Jr. Heifer Call: David Donaldson, landon
Intermediate Heller Call: Angie Morse,
Brad Palmer, and Brock Hoopengardner.
Sr. Heifer Call: Holly Morse, Lonnie Pal
Summer Yeerllng Heller: Spring Truax.
Jr. Yearling Haller: Christiana Booth,
Spring Truax.
InL Yearling Heller. Clndl Mearkle, Brock
Hoopengardner, Spring Truax.
Sr. Yearling Heifer Theron Brennan, Ju
lie Truax.
Jr. Beet Three Females: Spring Truax.
Jr. Two-Ysar-Old: Holly Morse, Julie Tru
ax, and Spring Truax.
Thrae-Year-Old Cow: Brad Palmar, Julia
Flvo-Yaar-Old and Over: Christiana
Booth, Spring Truax, and Angie Morse.
Walter Schilling of Williamsburg, RD 2,
walked off with all top honors in the Brown
dais show.
INnoto only, all
■ward with an Intermedia!* Call. Doyle I*
from Bedford Rd 3.
It was a newcomer to the fair, the Cessna
Brothers, located near Bedford, who took
home the Holstein awards.
*We took both the champion and reserve
awards and were quite pleased,’ says Buck,
one of the Cessna brothers.
Other Holstein awards were;
Jr. Heitor Call: Amanda Cessna. Cessna
Senior Heitor Calf: Cessna Brothers,
Mary Jo Deputy, Cessna Brothers.
Summer Yearling Heifer: Cessna Bro
thers, Sara Deputy, Franklin Doyle.
Junior Yearling Heitor: Nora Snider,
Amanda Cessna, Cessna Brothers.
Intermediate Yearling Heifer Gretta Jo
Snider, Cessna Brothers, Christiana Booth.
Senior Yearling Heitor: Amanda Cessna,
Sara Deputy, Cessna Brothers.
Junior Beal 3 Fematoa: Gretta Jo Snider,
Cessna Brothers, Frankting Doyle.
Senior 2-Year-Old: Ross Snider, Angie
3- Cow: Cessna Brothers, Dog
Gates, Annette Gates.
4- Cow: Green Slope Farm*.
9-Year-OldOver Cow: Cessna Brothers,
Ross Snider. Cessna Brothers.
Dry Cow 8 and Under. Court* Brottieri,
Green Slop* Farm*.
Cow 100,000 pound production: Cou
rt* Brother*.
Baal Udder Claaa; Court* Brother*.
Ron Snider, Ceuna Brathar*.
Dairy Hard: Ceuna Brother*. Green
Slop* Farm*.
Produce of Dam: Ceuna Brother*.
Scott Fither of Martlntburg took home the
top award* In the Jeraey dlvltkm of the dairy
show including tupemte champ.
Other Jeney award* wore:
Junior Champ