Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 111
Miller Has Supreme Champion In Somerset Junior Dairy Show GAY N. BROWNLEE Somerset Co. Correspondent MEYERSDALE (Somerset Co.) “You can’t take this cow apart,” said type judge Steve Mowry. Bedford Co., about the four-yr.-old Holstein cow owned by Kirsten Miller, 14, Boswell, which he named Supreme Cham pion of the Junior Dairy Show. “This cow has everything,” Quaker Farm Astrojet Sue Al len, even to the eye of the less ex perienced, appeared an outstand ing cow with beautiful smooth lines in the right places and a beautiful udder. The sire/dam arc Bridon Astro Jet and Quaker Farm Poweipac Miss Elly. Birthdate is 12-14-88. Breeder is Mark Clarence Miller of Boswell. The young lady belongs to the Supermilkers 4-H Club and at tends the Johnstown Christian School. With an older brother and two younger sisters, she is the daughter of Mark and Martha Miller. Rebekah Fox and Brad Fox, , Brown Swiss dairy champion at tha Somersat Co. Fair. Rickl Johnson, left, has the Jersey grand champion at the Somerset Co. Junior Dairy Show, while her brother, Charles Johnson, has the reserve grand champion. Erica Walker, Somerset Co. dairy maid stands In center. breed grand champion. Scott Ream’s senior two-yr.-old Double-Ott V Tab Caran, bom 9-13-90 was named the Hol stein reserve grand champion. She was described by Mowry as being very correct, and blending throughout with a beautiful udder attachment Ream, from Markelton, belongs to the Milkshakers 4-H. Ben Miller, Boswell had the best bred and owned Holstein ani mal. Grand champion Jersey in 4-H was Char-Dale Grand Slam Se lena, a senior 3-yr.-old owned by Ricki Johnson, Somerset She also had the best animal bred and own ed. Charles Johnson owned the Jer sey reserve grand champion. In FFA Eric Lohr had grand cham pion and Jason Baughman, the re serve grand champion. Eric Murray, Salisbury, had the grand champion Guernsey with Someday Farms Glenn Sandy, a 5-yr.-old. Reserve grand cham- pion was owned by Kristin Walk er, Meyersdale. Rebekah Fox, 9. Berlin had the grand champion Brown Swiss with a winter calf, while her sister Gretchen Fox, 13, had the reserve grand champion with a fall calf. A single entry in the Milking Shorthorn was named the grand champion. The spring calf, bom on 4-19-93 is owned by Orlo St. Clair of Somerset. Ben Miller was named the grand champion showman, fol lowed by Ricki Johnson and Suzy Stutzman, Friedens. Most unusual for the Somerset Co. Fair was the heat and sunshine throughout the entire week with temperatures each day hitting 90-plus degrees, bringing misery to both animal and human crea tures. Generally, rain is expected at the Somerset Co. Fair. Thus Mowry felt justified to confess that in neighboring Bed ford Co. the folks say that Somer set has two seasons winter, and the fourth of July. He said he was getting a different impression that day. Judging showmanship during the dairy show was Bob Bender, ‘Accident, Md. Presenting the awards and rib bons were Stephanie Singo and Erica Walker who are the Somer set Co. dairy princess and dairy maid. Following are top winners in each class: HOLSTEIN Spring Call; 1. Julie Miller, 2. Scott Ream, 3 Nick Cite*. _ Winter Call: 1 . Dan Ream, 2. Shawn Foy, 3. William Moiholder. Fall Call: 1. Zachary Foreman, 2. Matt MothoMar, 3. Jill Stutzman. Summer Yearling; 1. Suzy Stutzman. 2. Suzy Stutzman. 3. Timothy Latuch. Spring Yaaiting: 1. Bradley Reiman. 2. Todd Lohr, 3. William Moiholder. Winter Yaaiting: 1. Kirsten Miller, 2. Dan Ream, 3. Ryan Coleman. Fall Yearling: 1. Ben Miller, 2. Valerie St. Clair, 3. Natalia Welch. Dry Cow 2-Yr. ft Over: 1. Matt Mos holder, 2. Jeff Smiley. 3. Dan Ream. Junior 2-Yr.-Old; 1. Jill Stutzman, 2. Juli ana Hlllegait, 3. Donna Philipp. Sanlor 2-Yr.-Old: 1. Scott Ream, 2. Mi chelle McKinley. 3. Suzy Stutzman. Sanlor 3-Yr.-Old: 1. Ben Miller. Four-Yrd-Old: 1. Kirsten Miller, 2. Wes ley Coleman, 3. Scott Ream. Flva-Yr.-Old: 1. William Moiholder. Six Yra. ft Older. 1. Justin Hillegass, 2. Eric Murray. _ ~ „ Dam ft Daughter: 1. Donna Philipp. Z. Deslrae Hillegass. 3. Eric Murray. 4-H Junior Champion; 1. Zachary Fore man, 2. Ben Miller. FFA Junior Champion: 1. Bill Hersch, 2. Valerio St Clair. JERSEY Spring Cali: 1. Lane* Bittner, 2. Megan Sharp, 3. Joshua Van tassel. Winter Calf: 1. Gina Walker, 2. Angelina Poiigardo, 3. Ricki Johnson. Summer Yearling: 1. Amy Eckman, 2. Carrie Eckman, 2. Jaton Baughman. Spring Yearling: 1. Ricki Johnson, 2. Matthew Moyer, 3. Jodi Flick. Winter Yearling: 1. Charles Johnson, 2. Marty Stutzman, 3. Eric Lohr. Fall Yearling: 1. Marty Stutzman, 2. Eric Lohr. 4-H Junior Champion: 1. Ricki Johnson, 2. Gina Walker. FFA Junior Champion; 1. Jason Baugh man, 2. Eric Lohr. Dry Cow 2-Yr. A Over; 1. Angelina Poli gardo. Junior 2-Yr.-OW: 1. Joshua Van Tassel. Senior 2-Yr.-Old: 1. Earl Thomas, 2. Jodi Flick. Junior 3-Yr.-0ld: 1. Earl Thomas. Senior 3-Yr.-Old; 1. Ricki Johnson, 2. An gelina Poligardo, 3. Jodi Flick. Kirsten Miller, Boswell, stands next to her supreme champion 4-yr.-old cow following the Somerset Co. Junior Dairy Show at the fair in Meyersdale. With her Is Somerset Co. dairy princess Stephanie Singo. The grand champion Guernsey at the Somerset Co. Junior Dairy Show Is owned by young Eric Murray of Salis bury. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993-Cl5 MILK. IT DOES A BODY GOOD. 4- 1. Angelina Poligardo. 5- 1. Charlei Johnson, 2. Jason Baughman. t-Yre. A Oden 1. Charles Johnson, 2. Eric Lohr, 3. Earl Thomas. Daughter-Dam: 1. Angelina Poligardo, 2. Angelina Poligardo, 3. Joshua Van Tassel. GUERNSEY Fall Call: 1. Kristin Walker. Winter Yearling: 1. Kristin Walker, 2. Rob Bates. S-Yr.-Old: 1. Eric Murray. BROWN SWISS Winter Cell; 1. Rebakah Fox. Fall Call: 1. Grelchen Fox. Spring Yearling: 1. Adam Coleman. SHOWMANSHIP Junior Showmen; v Juliana HUlegass, 2. Julie Miller, 3. Brad Reiman. Intermedlata Showman: 1. Kirsten Miller, 2. Jill Stutzman, 3. Ryan Coleman.