Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 109
Champion showman of tho Franklin County 4-H Beef Show was Spencer Walk, left. Crystal Meyers, 15, was champion fitter. Judge Larry High Is In center. Showing the grand champion steer was Jodi Meyers, a first-year 4-H member. Spencer Walk, right, showed the re serve grand champion. At center Is the Judge, Larry High of Litltz. POULTRY LITTER SPREADER Model PLS .81 Inch wheel • Truck-mount -21.5 L 10-ply track available tires - 300 cu. ft. ■ Hydraulic or - Corrosion capacity manual gate resistant -8 ton -30 Inch “Cor-Ten” suspension drag chain s,eel hopper • 14 ft. hopper • Dual hydraulic spinners • Walking beam suspension I STOLTZFUS SPREADERS (215) 286-5146 First-Year 4-H’er Is Grand Champ Franklin Co. Correspondent CHAMBERSBURG (Franklin Co.) A 9-year-old first-year 4-H member walked off with the grand champion award at the Franklin County 4-H Junior Steer Show. Jodi Meyers, the daughter of Dean and Nancy Meyers of Greencasde, led her 1,095-pound Angus to victory at the Cliambers burg Rod and Gun Club. The August 17 show was held in con junction with the Franklin County Fair. Jodi, who will be a fourth grad er at Greencastle Elementary School this fall, also placed first in her age group in fitting. Her for mula for success with her steer. Slick, was simple. “I petted him and watered him and played with him a lot,” she said. CHICAGO, 111. Dave Reinecker, York Springs, Pa., was elected chairman of the Pork Industry Group of its annual meet ing in Chicago recendy. Elected vice chairman was Kent Gansebom, Osmond, Neb. Joining Reinecker and and Gansebom on the Pork Industry Group Execu tive Committee are Wilbur Pau lus, Lincoln, 111., and Danita Rodi baugh, Rensselaer, Ind., repre senting the National Pork Producers Council. During its meeting, held during the National Livestock and Meat Board Annual Meeting and Demand Conference ’93, the Pork Industry Group approved a Fiscal Year 1993-1994 budget of $4.3 million, including $l.l million for research/meat science and $2.73 million for information programs. The major revenue source is from the pork checkoff administered by the National Pork Board, and from • Wide, even spread pattern Is excellent for topdressing. • Standard unit spreads lime, too. BONNIE BRECHBILL Producer Leadership Approves Budget Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993-Cl3 The reserve champion steer, a 1,190-pound Angus, was shown by Spencer Walk of Chambers burg. Spencer, 17, son of Steven and Lois Walk, was also named champion shower. Champion fitter of the show was Crystal Meyers, daughter of Dean and Nancy Meyers. Judge for the event was Larry High, a 4-H leader and Angus breeder from Lidtz. High said he was impressed with the quality of the steers. “This county can be proud of how their cattle look,” he said after the show. “I haven’t seen steers this good all the way through the class.” Following is a list of show plac ings; FITTING Novice (Ago* a,», a 10): 1. Jodi Meyers, Greencastle: 2. Tim Mac Key, Waynesboro; 3. Matt Hawbakar, Mercersborg. Intermediate (Agee 11,12,13): 1. Justin Conner, Chambersburg; 2. David Grove, voluntary investments to the Meat Board from packers and processors. Retiring directors were honored for their dedication to the pork industry as a member of the Pork Industry Group. These directors are Jo Ann Btincks, lowa (seated 1986); Gene Fogle, Indiana (sea- David A. Relnecker FARM DRAINAGE and SOIL CONSERVATION We Specialize In Soil Conservation And Land Improvement Work NOW AVAILABLE... LARGE TRACK LOADER w/BUCKET CAPACITY OVER 3 YARDS Dozers, to Handle Any Excavating Jobs, Such As Terraces, Waterways, Diversions, Ponds, Etc. € COCALICO EQUIPMENT CO. Farm Drainage & Excavating « 323 Reinholds Rd. Denver, PA 17517 ' (717) 336-3808 (717) 738-3794 Waynesboro; 3. Bradley Dlvelblss, Qreen casde. Junior (Agaa 14 A 15); 1. Crystal Meyers, Greencasde, 2. Arlane Rile, Greencasde, 3. Cheryl Hawbaker, Mercers burg. Senior (Ages 1• A Up): 1. Spencer Walk, Chambersburg; 2. Daren Stader, Greencas de. Champion FMer: Crystal Meyers. SHOWING Novice; 1. Matt Hawbaker; 2. Aaron Hart man, Chambersburg; 3. Tim Mackey. Intermediate: 1. Justin Conner; 2. Brad ley Dlvelbiss; 3. Brad Rile, Greencasde. Junior: 1. Crystal Meyers; 2. Cheryl Haw baker; 3. Arlane Rile. Senior 1. Spencer Walk; 2. Daren Stader. Champion Shower: Spencer Wade. Lightweight: 1. Aaron Hartman; 2. Chad Grove, Waynesboro; 3. Cassia Lowans, Mer cer sburg. Medium Weight: 1. Bradley Dnrelbiss; 2. Cheryl Hawbaker; 3. Jimmy Clapsaddle, Waynesboro. Light Heavyweight: 1. Jodi Meyers; 2. Tim Mackey; 3. Justin Conner. Medium Heavyweight; 1. Spencer Walk; 2. Crystal Meyers: 3. Matt Hawbaker. Heavyweight: 1. Arlane Rife; 2. Daren Stader; 3. Micah Hawbaker, Mercer sburg. Grand Champion: Jodi Meyers. Reserve Grand Champion: Spencer Walk. ted 1986); Pat Cooper, at-large (seated 1989), Stan Kerber, Hor mel Foods (seated 1986); Larry Larson, Minnesota (seated 1985); Margaret Ledger, lowa and National Pork Producers Council (seated 1988); and Sharon Schwartz, Kansas (seated 1986). Seated as new directors were Helen Smith, Iowa; Dave Rodi baugh, Indiana; Duane Pearson, Minnesota; Danita Rodibaugh, National Pork Producers Council; Ken Stiverson, Ohio (replacing deceased director Carroll Shultz); Harry Simcox, at-large; and Wayne Walter, Kansas. Robert Norris, Meat Board immediate past chairman from Michigan, also retired from the board. He was seated in 1982, and served as chairman of the Pork Industry Group. Norris was instru mental in taking advantage of eco nomic situations to lower Meat Board costs. For his contributions during his 11-year tenure, the Meat Board directors elected him a lifetime honorary director. .lie A,