Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 105

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    Ohio State Fair Draws 94 Angus Entries
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Angus
breeders paraded 94 entries for
judge Fred Smalstig, Millbrook,
New York, at the 1993 Ohio State
Fair Angus Show. The event was
held recently at the Ohio State
Fairgrounds in Columbus.
Taking the top honors in the
bull show was J Bar J Major
League, a February 1992 son of
Leachman Prompter. This junior
champion winner is owned by Ja
son Goff, Norwich.
J Bar J Major League topped the bull entries at the 1993
Ohio State Fair Angus Show in Columbus. He Is a February
1992 son of Leachman Prompter and was also named the
Junior champion bull In the show. This winner Is owned by
Jason Goff, Norwich. There were 94 entries at the event,
which was judged by Fred Smalstig, Millbrook, New York.
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bull was C F Foreman. Champion
Farms, Galiipolis, owns this Sep
tember 1992 son of Century Star
burst 48. He was also named the
senior bull calf champion winner.
C F Maxie Lady 166 was
awarded the grand champion hon
ors in the heifer show. She is a
September 1991 daughter of R&J
Maxima, and was previously nam
ed the senior champion winner.
She is owned by Champion
Q B Land & Cattle Cr
29 Years Experience
Caldwell, was the owner of the re
serve grand champion female.
Sycamore Creek Ark Pride 502.
This March 1992 daughter of
Leachman Tonto was also the jun
ior champion heifer.
A complete list of winners fol
HEIFERS (75 Shewn)
Junior Heifer Cell Chemplon: Matter
fare Late 303; Exhibitor, Matte(fare-3ohn
ttown, OH.
Reserve Junior Holler Calf Champion:
Kritlfna L A F 3002; Exhibitor, Longabergor
Farmt, Dretden, OH.
Senior Halfar Calf Champion; Kiata Elba
208; Exhibitor, Kiata Farm* Inc., Hamilton,
Raaarva Sanler Halfar Calf Champion:
Q B Mitt Spark 102; Exhibitor, Q B Land 8
Cattle Company, Caldwell, OH.
Intormadlata Champion Halfar: Way
view Primrose 3; Exhibitor, Kyle Penlck, He
bron, OH.
Reserve Intermediate Champion Heif
er; Sycamore Creek Marjorie 362; Exhibitor,
Masterfara, Johnstown, OH.
Junior Champion Hollar: Sycamoro
Crook Ark Prido 502; Exhibitor, Q B Land A
Catdo Company, Caldwell, OH.
Raoorvo Junior Champion Holler: WK
Blackcap 2213; Exhibitor, Trevor Jones, Mar
red, OH.
Bonier Champion Female: C F Maxia
Lady 166; Exhibitor, Champion Farms, Galli
pohs, OH.
Reserve Senior Champion Female: R&J
Rachel 2991; Exhibitor, Longaberger Farms,
Dresden, OH.
Grand Champion Female; C F Mexle
Lady 166; Exhibitor, Champion Farms, Galli
polis, OH.
Resarvs Grand Champion Female:
Sycamore Creek Ark Pride 502; Exhibitor, O
B Land t Catdo Company, Caldwell, OH.
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ADC Meets Farmers’ Needs
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993-C9
BULLS (19 Shown) u. I hmn oh
Junior Bull Calf Champion: Kiata Okie; junior etumiUon nun- i i u,i ra
Exhibitor. Kiata Farms. Inc. Hamilton. OH. UaJ^tS<£,« ltoJdn*OH
Raaarva Junior Bull Calf Champion; P Si
Exhibitor, Paul Sidey,
SSKlfiSslf Champion; C F Fora- T"*'"*- ** ‘ Tum " Fafm>
man; Exhibitor, Champion Farms, Gallipoiis, Senior'Champion Bull; Summitcrest
„ . . _„ * _. , _ Nickel 2A42; Exhibitor, Strayer Angus
Reserve Senior Bull Call Champion: C F eda. qh.
Exhibilor ■ Clady AnflU * "•••«• ««tor Champion Bull; None.
i „ Dull. Champion Bull; J Bar J Major
League; Exhibitor, Jason Goff, Norwich. OH.
«hibitor, Indian Creek Farm. Raaarva Grand Champion Bull; C F
taS Intermediate Champion Bull; "“S E,th,bi,o, • Cham P ion Faf ™' Ga,li '
Wayview Casey: Exhibitor. Way View Farms, • utl.
C F Maxie Lady 166 took the grand champion female
honors at the 1993 Ohio State Fair Angus Show In Colum
bus. This entry, which was also named the senior cham
pion female, is a September 1991 daughter of R&J Maxima.
She is owned by Champion Farms, Gallipolls. Fred Smal
stlg, Millbrook, New York, judged the 94 entries at the
Kyle Penick, Hebron, led Wayview Primrose 3 to the
grand champion female title at the 1993 Ohio State Fair
Junior Angus Show In Columbus. This June 1992 entry is
sired by Leachman Prompter. The 41 entries in the compe
tition were Judged by Dave Eversole, Baltimore, Ohio.
Atlantic Dairy Cooperative
1225 Industrial Highway, Southampton, PA 1896.6
Robert B. McSparran