Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 04, 1993, Image 1
01A1VX IW9 i'FRIOHICAt « DIVISION irllL . ... , v fEMHUVLVAN(A 51 All UN(VKi.n(f S M 209 I'ATTI'.C LIWAK'V UN I Vi-RSI TV PARK Pa }6-Ak' i •.><>. lfl MB lilHll 1^ Vol. 38 NO. 43 Association Believes Wool Act Must Continue For Sheep Producers To Survive ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Staff KEMPTON (Berks Co.) Sheep producers could find them selves out of business if U.S. sena tors and representatives are suc cessful in eliminating or drastical ly restructuring the National Wool Act of 1954. The grand champion in the swine show at the Somerset County Fair is owned by Ju lian Ickes, age 12. From left is Jill Clites, fair queen runner-up; Vicki Stahl, fair queen; Matt Fletcher; Howard Henderson. Judge; and Ickes. Somerset Livestock Winners Named, Sale Brings In $138,984 GAY N. BROWNLEE Somerset Co. Correspondent MEYERSDALE (Somerset Co.) The gross receipts for the 1993 Somerset County Fair’s Junior Livestock Sale topped the 1992 sale figures by nearly $25,000, despite the fact that 38 fewer animals were sold this year. According to the sale statisti cian, Doyle Paul, Berlin, the 287 animals grossed $138,984 at this year’s sale and should prove to doubtful 4-H’ers andFFA’ers that it’s still about the best place to sell their animals. “We had an excellentsale,” said Paul. “I’m impressed, especially when compared to last year,” he said. Paul noted that it was the fair board’s evaluation of the second year Saturday sale since moving it from a Friday night event begin ning last year. Their decision at the time had been unpopular with many people. So when some 50 new buyers signed up for the 1993 sale, even though others dropped out, a hefty increase was netted in the number of purchasers according to one fair 604 Per Copy That was the message approxi mately 7 5 sheep producers from all sheep-producing states, including Alaska and Hawaii, took home from the recent annual summer meeting of the American Sheep Industry (ASI) board of directors in Rapid City, S.D. According to Pennsylvania director. And they came from all over, as far away as Dubois and parts of Maryland. Kami Hillegass, Fairhope, had the top selling lamb with her home grown champion Suffolk weighing 130 lbs. It brought a tidy $1,430 after selling for $ll per lb. to Bob Bastian of the Somerset Animal Hospital. Lindsay Schmuck’s grand champion Hampshire brought $7.75 per lb. for a total of $961 from Riverside and BiLo Markets in Somerset Schmuck is from Scullton. Ashland Petroleum, Conflu ence, paid $lO per lb. for the reserve grand champion Suffolk belonging to Luke Svonavec, Rockwood, for a total of $l,OBO. In 1992, the champion lambs both sold for $6.50 a lb. and the group champion for $1.30. This year the group champion owned by Michelle Coddington, sold for $6. Market lamb sale average with champions was $1.66 per lb. Without champs it was $1.50. Lambs brought a total of $18,138. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, I99|g> Q g 03 Four Sections Sheep and Wool Growers Associa tion President Joseph R. Vogel, the problem is that the facts surround ing the act are not understand by the news media and the general public. Acccording to the ASI, the Act came into being as a result of a move to help protect sheep produc- The market beef sale grossed $77,589 for 53 steers. Jerry Ferk o’s grand champion Maine X weighing 1,315 lbs. was sold to Bonanza Restaurant, Somerset for $5.50 per lb. From Central City. Ferko's check amounted to $7,232.50. Vicky King’s reserve grand champion was bought by Dolan Chevrolet. Somerset, who paid $4.50 per lb. for the Chi-Angus X and a total of $5,-625. (Turn to Pag* A 34) State DHIA Receives Quality Award, Seeks New General Manager EVERETT NEWSW ANGER Managing Editor STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) Pennsylvania DHIA has received another in a series of excellent quality control ratings for their testing laboratory, and the directors have appointed a selec tion committee that is in the pro cess of receiving applications for ers from a flood of wool following the lowering of trade restrictions after World War 11. The program, according to then-U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Ross Riz ley, was set up to be “self financing.” The U.S. was trying at the time to prevent damaging markets with the beleaguered economy of Aus tralia, hit hard by the war. Wool flooded into the U.S., dropping domestic prices drastically. Sheep producers knew they were in trou ble, so they petitioned Congress. Congress side-stepped efforts to set up restrictions, and instead passed the Act. Kralls Continue To Dominate S.E. Hog Derby VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) In the three years the Southeast Pennsylvania 4-H Market Hog Derby has been in existance, Stacey and Jason Krall have either entered a champion or finished within the top three places. This year, the brother-sister team from Cornwall has captured a one-two dominance of the months long contest Jason showed the overall grand champion market hog and Stacey showed the reserve grand champion overall. The son and daughter of Linda and Glen Krall, who operated a family dairy farm in the southern end of Lebanon County, Jason and Stacey have managed to raise and show champion market hogs each year. The first two years, the youth had raised feeders they purchased from Kenneth Winebark, county extension agent who breeds and raises Hampshires on his Myer stown farmette. The Krall siblings have excelled in the competition with Jason rais ing the overall champion during the derby’s first year, Stacy raised the second year’s overall champ ion and this year they took champ ion and reserve champion overall. Jason|s grand champion overall was also the grand champion' on foot, which doesn’t normally have to happen. It was the reserve champion carcass animal. It weighed in at 64 pounds and fin ished out at 255 pounds with a ninth place average 1.91 pounds the position of general manager. Pennsylvania’s testing laborat ory has long been recognized as one of the best in the nation. The latest rating was 100 points out of a possible 100 points. “You go into the rating process trying to do as good as possible,” said Jim Garrity, acting general manager. “But a perfect score is $19.75 Per Year The National Wool Act allows up to 70 percent of the total tariffs on imported wool and wool pro ducts to go to the program to pro vide incentive payments to wool and mohair producers, according to ASI. Payment is based on the percentage needed to bring the national average market price received by producers up to the support price determined annually by the USDA. Nearly 70,000 wool producers receive program payments, rang ing from very small to very large operations. It includes payment caps. Wool Act incentive pay (Turn to Page A 23) per day gain, conformation was rated a 4, carcass weight was 187 pounds, with a 6.24-inch and .80-inch back fat, rated at 52.48 percent lean. It’s lean gain was .8304 pounds per day. Stacy’s reserve champion over all was the reserve champion live weight hog. It weighed in at 57 pounds and weighed out at 253 pounds for a 1.96 pounds-per-day gain. The carcass weighed out to 181 pounds with 1.1-inch back fat, a 5.91-inch loin eye and a pounds lean-per-day gain of .6844. Stacy’s hog carcass was rated at 48.96 percent lean. Both carcasses were 3114 -inches long. Good genetics is as important as the techniques for raising a derby winner this year, the Kralls won with purchased feeders from neighbor Johnny Risser, who has been raising and breeding market hogs for several years. Risser, who had been using someofhis grandfather’s farmland which surrounds his parents’ house to breed and raise swine, is a (Turn to Page A 32) Office Closed For Labor Day Lancaster Farming’s office will be closed on Monday, September 6 to observe Labor Day-. The advertising and news depart ments will open for the week on Tuesday. very gratifying.” In mid-July, the board of direc tors accepted the resignation of Richard Barth as general manager of the state organization. Barth had been general manager for seven years. Therefore a new general manager needs to be found and a committee of board members, one (Turn to Pag* A 37)