Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 21, 1993, Image 93

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    Penn State
Poultry t
liological Eni
John H. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Lancaster County
Extension Director
The state egg associations from
Maryland to Maine have long rec
ognized the value of joining forces
and working together to address
common issues and concerns.
Based on this history, a group of
Northeast egg producers have
developed a Northeast Egg Promo
tion Campaign. The purpose of
this regional product promotion
campaign is to take advantage of
some of the largest media markets
in the country and communicate
pro-egg messages to consumers.
This program is being funded
through a portion of the discretion
ary checkoff dollars that are
returned by the American Egg
Board to the states. By combining
resources from the Northeast
states, the promotion campaign
increases the effectiveness of egg
promotion in the region.
Northeast egg producers are
now able to target their consumers
with the specific messages that are
important to them. Remember, an
individual needs to hear the same
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message three to seven times to
remember just part of it
The egg promotion campaign is
building on the promotion prog
rams of the American Egg Board
' by adding a regional focus. In
addition, it allows egg producers in
the region to coordinate a joint
response to the public when a crisis
strikes and provides a framework
to enhance state promotion
The goal of the program is to
convince targeted customers, con
sumers, and influencers that eggs
are good and good for you. The
first year of the program is focus
ing on media relations in the fol
lowing five key markets: Boston,
New York. Philadelphia, Balti
more, and Washington.
The media is a critical audience,
because it is a vehicle to consum
ers. By generating positive media
coverage on the benefits of eggs in
major broadcast and print media
throughout the Northeast, the egg
industry’s message will be com
municated to consumers.
This will be done by developing
relationships with food, health,
and consumer journalists, estab
lishing an overall spokesperson for
the egg industry in the region,
capitalizing on appearances by any
American Egg Board sponsored
(Montgomery Co.) Five out
standing advertising awards were
presented to representatives from
the Kenneth A. Geyer Auction
Company at the National Auction
eers Association Convention held
in Denver. Colo., recently. The
convention was attended by more
than 1,100 auction professionals.
Four of the awards were pre
sented for brochures on individual
real estate auctions held between
June 1. 1992 and June 1, 1993.
These awards were in the catego
ries of real estate auction,
commercial/industrial auction,
and specialty auction.
The fifth award, best of show.
spokesperson in the region, coor
dinating the industry’s response to
the media during a crisis to make
sure that it is consistent and effec
tive, and maintaining ongoing con
tact with targeted reporters to gen
erate coverage on eggs.
14x52 Cabin for sale w/loft,
legal on the road. Sam S.
Stoltzfus, 102 Meeting
House Road. Gap. PA
200 Board Feet of
1 '/• "xBX9' Black Walnut, air
dried for 15i inside.
$l/board ft. Must take all.
275 Gal. oil tank,
$75/080. 717/375-4701.
Auction Company Participates
In National Convention
(Continued from Pago C 8) support the Keystone Power Line
leveling the banks along their road that cuts diagonally across the
frontage. With a grin, Lehman farm’s acreage. The line carries
noted that the leveling was done electricity produced from a large
“for health reasons.” power plant in Indiana County to
Excessive moisture that year Philadelphia Electric Company’s
weakened the rather steep banks Peach Bottom atomic generating
along the road past their beautiful- complex, where it is fed into the
ly-restorcd farmhouse. As Esther utility’s power grid. In addition,
mowed one day with the riding smaller power lines to supply the
mower, a bank gave way beneath area also cross the property. Hav
hcr. Though not seriously injured. ' n B lived and farmed with the lines
she was pinned there by the mow- most of his life, Lehman views
er until a neighbor passing by l* l6ll ™ tot as a burden, but as just a
freed her, and still carries a scar pari of the convenience of electri
from the accident. Soil graded city that happens to cross his land,
from one bank was used to fill and “I’ve always been very im
level the other, leaving a flat, pressed with the amount of things
smooth, and safer mowing edge. Rolfa has done, not just in conser-
The Lehmans have since added vation but in other areas of agri
rows of Acer Rubin maple trees culture leadership,” said Dave
along each side of the road, for Kann, soil technician with the
beautification and to help restore county district Kann was instru
the roadside to its look of earlier mental in putting together the
years. Old photos they have of the award nomination that won the
area and their church nearby show Lehmans their regional honors,
stately trees bordering the quiet “ft’s equally important that he
country road. « lakes conservation information
They’ve also planted 19 Doug- and shares it through all the other
las Fir trees along another boun- activities in which they’re involv
dary of the farm, after filling and ed,” Kann said,
grading a hole they wanted to Lehman is a 50-ycar member of
eliminate as a potential danger, the Grange, president of the York
Lehman notes that as equipment County Farmers’ Forum, and
grew larger over the years, remov- served several terms as York Farm
ing fencerows was practiced on Credit director. The Dillsburg
most farms. Today, there’s a trend Lions Club made him its “tailwag
toward reestablishing more trees gcr” member for this year and he
and fencerow-like cover areas. has taught Sunday School for 40
Through all his conservation years,
measures on the farm Lehman has When it comes to conservation
had to work around some rather leadership, Dave Kann said, “Rol
imposing structures located on his fa Lehman just promotes and lives
acreage. Three large metal towers agriculture.”
The program is directed by a
board of governors representative
of all the states in the Northeast.
These governors represent egg
producers, marketers, and industry
leaders. The Board of Governors
approves the policies and prog
rams and oversee the budget for
the Northeast Egg Promotion.
The program has begun with
many accomplishments. Christine
Bushway has become the spokes
woman for the campaign. She has
made numerous appearances on
radio and TV shows, telling every
one about the goodness of eggs.
Eggs have been featured in
many big city newspapers. These
stories have included facts on
nutrition, egg production, and
receipts. In-store egg promotion
programs have been test marketed.
The program is meeting with great
success, especially in the suburban
Continued efforts should bring
even greater returns. The North
east Egg Promotion Campaign has
shown by working together we
will accomplish more than by
working individually. This is help
ing all egg producers to receive the
most impact from their egg promo
tion checkoff dollars. Your con
tinued support of this cooperative
ventured is very important to the
future of the egg industry.
Feather Prof s Footnote: "Egg
promotion: An investment in your
PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733-6058
Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM
1.000 12"X8* Slate 50c,
Various Other Sizes 50e.
York County.
U'xse- Storage Shed,
made in '92, $2BOO. Free
delivery up to 20 miles.
was given to the company for their
business promotion package. The
best of show award depicts the
best piece presented in all 42
categories of the contest
Geyer representatives not only
attended the convention to receive
awards, they also contributed to
the association by participating in
one of the educational workshops.
Ken Geyer. president of Ken
neth A. Geyer Auction Company,
instructed a session in the real
estate auction portion of the con
vention. Geyer demonstrated the
Lehmans Win Regional
24x36 Com Barn to be torn
down, excellent condition,
tin roof. Southern Dauphin
County. Best offer.
32’x50‘ Barn to be re
moved, 100 years old,
good condition.
Y. * CPVC schedule 40.20’
lengths, $2/length. Over
1500 sections on hand.
Ask for Rob,
Allied Steel Buildings,
Commercial, Industrial,
Agricultural. Building
YOUR-Business is OUR
Business. A.S. HOOVER
JNC. 3125 Manor Road,
Coatesville, PA 19320
vital role buyer confidence plays
in a successful auction and
explained that many auction com
panies may overlook this element
when marketing their auctions.
To emphasize his points, Geyer
suggested that all auction compa
nies practice full disclosure, pre
pare bidder packages, present title
policies and agreements of sale,
staff open houses, and provide
answers to all pertinent questions.
He said, “If you establish buyer
confidence, you will have suc
cessful auctions.”
Antique building materials,
beams, wide pine boards,
flooring, doors, etc.
36'x100’, hip roof, specta
cular framing, 2"xl2' floor
joists, lots of good 2* plank.
Make offer. 717/324-2371
or 717/324-2741.
Barn in Lansdale. Must be
moved. Approx. 50x75 In
excellent condition. Call H.
Hassan 215/368-3178
Re-sawn heart pine
boards, 2000', 8-16* wide;
22' antique log addition.
Cramer's Discount Roof
ing, lowest prices in 3
states. See display ad sec
tion 4. (717)567-6782.
FLOORING- New kiln dried
T&G, 2xB Y.P. Can deliver.
“FREE*... Large barn to be
removed, located Morgan
town. Call evenings.
Free Wooden Windows
from old farmhouse; also
aluminum storm windows.