Kids Participate In LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff fun.” LAMPETER (Lancaster Co.) “I learn a lot in 4-H.” Meagan East, 16, paints a horse on the face of Elizabeth Young, 10. “it helps to have artistic talent If you want happy customers,” Meagan said of the services provided by the Diamond 4-H Horseman. For the first time at the 4-H show, a goat show was held. Members of the newly formed Lancaster County Goat Club show pgymy goats, which are stockier and shor ter than other goats. From right are Kim Landis, Rebecca Landis, and Michael Stoner. Stephanie Greiner and children, Alisha, 12; Elizabeth, 9; Nielsen, 5; and Allen. 2, participate In the Mastersonville 4-H Dart Throw while Linda Siegrist, center, watches. “I like 4-H because it is a lot of 0 4-H Fair These comments were from 4-H’ers who attended the Lancas ter County 4-H Fair held at Lampe ter Fairgrounds last week. These 4-H members entered more than 1,200 projects in the Fair. The pro jects were judged and awarded rib bons, and in some competitions, the winner receives trophies and money. Four-H is for boys and girls from ages 8 to 19. It offers many opportunities for learning, achiev ing, and having fun. On this page, you will see some of the ways that 4-H’ers have fun at the fair. The 4-H idea has spread around the world to the point where prog rams similar to 4-H now exist in more than 80 countries with about 5,000,000 members. Perhaps you did not attend this Fair but are a member of 4-H and will attend a 4-H Fair in your county. If you are not a member of 4-H, you may become one. Check the phone directory for the telephone number of the 4-H organization nearest you. It is listed under Penn State Cooperative Extension. 4-h y/d Mark Graybill shows off his Palomlna buck rabbit, which took a gold ribbon at the 4-H Fair. For a fee, visitors at the 4-H Fair could try their hands at steer roping. Daniel Talbot, 13, said that the event, spon sored by the Boots and Saddles Club, was new at the 4-H Fair. £ Amy Strickler, Members of the SoLanCo Rabbit Club use the proceeds from the Toss for field trips. r t