Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1993, Image 60
812-Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 14, 1993 TAKING HfH| TIME by Rebecca Escoft Extension Home Economist Easing Back-to-School Blues Will your children be returning to classrooms at the end of the month? Do you have a youngster who is preparing for school for the first time? Parents of school-age children have an important chal lenge to face during the next few weeks easing the transition to school. Going back to school is a tough adjustment for kids. And going to school for the first time or to a new building is even scarier. These anxieties are normal. The trick is to take positive steps in ad vance of the first day of school to tighten the tension. For children who are returning to school, you can help. • Resume a regular bedtime and wake-up time two weeks prior to the start of school. • Involve your children in back to-school shopping for clothes, notebooks, lunch boxes and other school supplies. If possible, take a relaxed walk around the school building and talk about the new classroom and teacher or the anticipated activi ties of the new year. • If you child walks to school or walks to meet a bus, you may want to time the walk so that you allow enough time on the first day “I Can’t Get Enough Forage Into My Cows!” at AG PROGRESS DAYS! ( Tttreil ) of school. If your child has a prob lem or is frightened, where are “safe places” they can go for help? This may be a neighbor’s house or a community business. • Arrange “practice sessions” during the day where your son or daughter sits and works quietly at a task at a table for a period of time. Then during the first weeks of school, clear the family of as many obligations as possible. Get ting back into the swing of a school routine is stressful. The ex perience is intensified if the eve nings are also filled with tasks and time lines. The structure of a school routine may be a frustrat ing change for your child. When they return home, offer a healthy snack as a tide-me-over until meal time. Then encourage them to play outside. This play time will help them release excess energy and bridge the switch from summer freedom to controlled school pat terns. Do yourself a favor. Plan meals that take few preparations. Any thing you do to relax will make the transition back to school a more pleasant one for both you and your child. If this fall’s classes will be a first-time experience for your STOP and SEE the (ftrtreft) TEAM 1-800-347-1566 Box 265 Bainbridge, PA 17502 child, you have probably already taken steps to introduce them to the idea and setting of school. If your child has not met their teach-, er yet, do this during the next two weeks. Often teachers may be around the school building during the week before classes preparing their room and materials. Call and arrange a visit. Create opportunities for your child to spend time with future classmates. Invite some of them for a sleepover or a trip to a play ground. Having a few familiar faces in a new group makes the-in troduction to school easier. In A Pickle Over What To Eat? (NAPS) Trying to figure out the new Food Guide Pyramid? Worrying about what to feed a baby? The American Dietetic Association, the nation’s food and nutrition authority, provides time ly advice on these and other topics through its Consumer Nutrition Hot Line at 1-800-366-1655. Consumers can speak directly with a registered dietitian (RD) or listen to the pre-recorded mes sages, including one in Spanish, featured each month. By listening to the “Whole Grain Goodness" message, sche duled for July, September and November, consumers can learn Remember a child’s image of school is created from previous messages they've heard from bro thers add sisters, neighbors, you and other adults. You should take time to talk about how many days during the week they will be at school and during what hours. Showing your child these days on a calendar may be helpful. Also review how your child will get back and forth to school and where they will spend before and after-school hours. Some children may resist the ide| of going to school—perhaps a use of teasing from an older I about how “awful” it will be. how whole-grain foods provide adequate levels of fiber and other necessary nutrients. A message airing in August and September makes it easy to adapt the princi ples of the Food Guide Pyramid to any lifestyle and explains why some foods such as rice, bread, cereal and pasta are the foundation of one’s diet. And, the importance of proper infant nutrition is explained in the October message entitled “Feeding Your Baby Dur ing the First Year.” Here’s a schedule of upcoming recorded messages: August: Diabetes and Food, Water The Forgotten Food, The Dealer Makes The Difference Plan yo Harv Not the Weat Be better prepar year by combinii Harvestore High Grain structure w Force Flo™ Powf Auger Unloader Now is the best to make a decisi Call your authori Harvester© Prodi dealer today. ENDLESS MOUNTAINS HARVESTORE* SYSTEMS, INC. “Your local, Independent, authorized Harvestore Systems Dealer” BRANCH OFFICE: Rt. 15 South (Dow Building) P.O. Box 612 Lewlsburg, PA 17837 (717) 523-6600 I remember bursting into tears in my first-grade classroom because I was afraid of my teacher—Mrs. McCann. My older brother and sister had told me repeatedly how mean she was. Don’t allow this kind of teasing. You may have to pull the older children aside and instruct them directly about this. Finally, even if the first day of school results in a tearful separa tion, be comforted. Most chil dren’s tears subside within a few moments and the child has a suc cessful day. Our anxieties may be the ones we have to work on giv ing upl Learning About Food Sources of Vitamins and Minerals, Diet and Cholesterol (Spanish). September: Whole Grain Breakfast Cereals. Learning About Cholesterol, Using the Food Guide Pyramid, and Food Guide Pyramid (Spanish). Operated by ADA’s National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics (NCND), the hot line operates year-round and features recorded messages 24 hours daily. RDs are available to answer questions from 10 a.m. to S p.m. (ESI). Callers also can get referrals to local RDs for individual or group counseling. MAIN OFFICE: Route 6, PO Box G (Across From Sinbad's Restaurant) Wysox, PA 18854 (717) 265-2200