Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1993, Image 31
Horse Expo,, Trade BETHLEHEM (Lehigh Co.) — Edgar J. Balliet, a veterinarian The Lehigh Valley and Pocono serving the Lehigh Valley, the Horse Councils’ annual Equine Pocono Mountains, and surround- Expo and Trade Show will be held ing areas, speaking on “External on Saturday, September 25, at the & Internal Equine Parasites” Dr. Holiday Inn, Bethlehem. The expo Karyn Malinowski. Rutgers Uni will run from 8 tjn. to 4 p.m. versity, will ipeak about “Stress Speakers for die day are Dr. Management for the Equine Ath- Globe Run Farms (Condmwd from Pago A3O) SanlarOalvoa; Erin Shaw, John Footer 111, and Clinton Black. Summar Yaartlnga: dot Sdn, John David Kelly, and Rodnay Metzlar. Junior Yaarttnga: Jannlfor Fredrick. Heaihar Hoovar, and Brandon England. Intarmadtalo Vaarflngos Ranaa Bakar, Mfchala SoDanbaigar, and Audrey Fox. Sanlar Yaartlnga: Angola Fredrick, Jamaa Orar, and Joa StftL Junior Boot S Famaladt Globa Run, Rtch- Lou, and Joa StftL Junior 2-Yaar-Olda; Robert Norria, Wattay Maofcar, and John Fouar in. Sanlar t-Yaar-Olda: Samantha Foatar, John David Kaly. and EtaanoTlakar. Junior 3-Yaar-OMa; Lory Bakar, Matt Black, and Ctraram Foatar. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? If selling your grain is costing you money and time at the mill, take a long, hard look at this adl \V o Vv* BROCK. BIN 1248 South Mountain Rd. • Dlllsburg, Pa. 17019 • 717-432-9738 Sanlar S-YaorOd*: Ranaa Bakar, Don Kannady, and Rodnay Macdar. 4-VaohOMe: John David Koly, RkfrLou Farina, and Joa StitL S-Yaar And Under Dry. Joa Stitt, Robert Norria. and Kakh Kannady. S-Yaor and Over Dry Caw: ChorannFoa tar, Joa Site, and Adam Fredrick. Agad Caw: Matt Stack, Clinton Stack. 100,000 Lb. Ctaaa: John and Alloa Foatar. Sanlar Boat Thraa Fomalaa: Globa Run, Btaokoraat, ahd Spring Lana. . Praduaa Of Dam: Globa Run. Spring Lane, and Globa Run. Daughtar/Oam and Spring Lana. ExhlMar's Nani: Qioba Run, Btaokcraat Farni, and spring Lana. i: Mm Back, Glob* Run, 4 \ \ Show Set tete," Dr. Elaine Hammel, New Bolton Veterinary Center, will address, “Practical First Aid Tips for Horses” Dr. Wendy Yaala, New Bolton Veterinary Center, will speak about “Care of the Pre mature and Critically HI Foal." ' A trade show of various aspects of the horse world will be pre sented along with the speakers. Tire booths will be open during the entire day. The fee for the day is $27, which includes lunch. The public is requested to preregister, because space is limited and the seminars may be closed by the day of the event For more information and registration forms, please call Janice Martin, (21S) 837-7294; Fatt Sealer, (215) 767-7346; Joan ne Fossett, (717) 992-3921; or Donna Foulk, (717) 992-2235. for 4V2 hours and got docked over 10,000 lbs. on one load! -< How about you? j YESII want to make a good I ! profit and save titne when I S ■ sell my crop. Tell me morel ! SERVING 1 NAM c ! AGRI-BUSINESS • WWIC 1_ I ADDRESS _ 1 i CITY J STATE I PHONE ( ) There is absolutely no { obligation to Look! I waited in line Susan WUsy posat with FFA Master Showman, Tom Greenlsaf and Rassrvs Champion, Jos Stitt. FFA Show Starts Martinsburg Event /Hk '• ii 0 yV if ZIP (Continued front Pag* Alt) Brown Sarlaa Monio* Gtoahom of Blairi MW* and Tim Mm toNtr of Gar ran, look homa Brown Swita FFA grand and raaarva grand award*. Tim MMlollar had tha Drat piaca junior two-yaar-oM. Jo* Stitt, Ih* Brawn Swlaa aanior-Mo-yaar-old. Monica Qoahom had tha winning (Iva-yaar-oW. Milking Shorthorn Ilwailh* Qoahpma aU tha way in tha Milking Shorthorn division. Matt Qoahom hod tha aanior and grand championa with a thraa yaar old and tha raaarva award* with a thraa-yaor oU. Man's ntarmadlata call took tha junior champ award and Monica 1 * junior yearling, tha raaarva ribbon*. Monica wa* first in junior calvaa, aummar yearlings, junior yearling*, aanior yaorlinga, and fiva-yaar-oid*. Matt placed Drat In (ntarmadlata calvaa, thraa-yaor-olda, aged oowa, and drycowa. Bobby Jo Schilling wa* ascond in Junior yearlings, and Chriadana Booth, aaoond In dry oowa. Matt took drat piaca with tha junior hard and Monica, second. PRODUCE GROWERS/BROKERS We vacuum cool your product to your desired temperature - 7 Days a Week - Call For Details. * KOOL-BREEZ ©rp VACUUM COOLING C -J~^3 RD #1 Box 96 • Pmn Stun RcL, Unferbarg, PA 19360 (215) 268-2473 night day (215) 268-3592 • FAX (215)268-3594 FRANK A. FILUPPO, me. - WANTED - DISABLED ft CRIPPLED COWS, BULLS ft STEERS Call: Frank FiUippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Stem nmppo 218-666-7976