Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1993, Image 246
Fl4-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, August 14, 1993 Butler building * ’ taiM*. wash bowls, H.W. hsstsr, lights, doors, lints)* showsrs, electrical,.brakes, 2*xl2’xl4‘ lumber. Lane. Co. 215-286-8735. American automated batch dryer. 600 bu. hopper btm. wet bin, new 20' 8* auger, SO’ 6’ auger, $2BOO. Mon tour Co. 717-437-2361. Ml TOO 4x4 uni & Ml 838 husker, nice, alto NH 962 4 row wide com he ad. York Co. 717-456-7375 or 903-6423. JD 336 baler w/ejector, recently rebuilt $4500, Ml uni system' 717 combine, good cond., 7135 grain platform. Leb. Co. 717-033-4450. 1973 % Dodge truck, good for collector, Oliver com picker, Case manure spreader 4'x2o" auger, 10’ lime drill, hay. Leo. Co. 717-865-5424 Rei S. yearling rams, Dorset ampshire. Dumb. Co. 17-249-3186. See Us At AG PROGRESS DAYS On West 6th Street See The “ALL NEW* Aqua Cow Rise System SC/MfER BARN COOLER FANS 'I fiiHpmrnr 0 fee*® 1 * IflffCflSW 5ltOS GSI _ r|p ,yi»w' ert Agricultural Ceiling Fan. LAPP Energy-Free Waterers Sh"*'*' 4 BINS PLEAS ANTAIRE W CEILING FANS #/ ® Cedar Crest Equipment , £H|*r\ Two Convenient Locations iwr 7m. WE CUSTOM DESIGN SYSTEMS FOR YOU Surge 2’ stainless steel pipe line milker 75 plus pump damped line. Perry Co. 717-567-3670 before 8 p.m. 1991 4WD Ford supercab 12,000 miles $16,500, model 1910 4WD tractor 160 hrs., $11,500, both like new. Fulton Co. 717-485-4440. AC side mount 6' sickle bar mower & 1 blm. mounted plow, will fit Allis B & C $75, for both. Leb. Co. 717-865-4726. 955 K Cat loader plastic drum's 10 ton trailer new hand held tamper 8N Ford tractor exc. shape. Franklin Co. 717-762-6795. Welding trailer 200 amp. 1987 Suzuki intruder Hobart welder torch heli- 1400 cc only 4300 miles, arc air compressor tool box new rear tire dark blue vise mounted on 3500 lb. paint, narrow bats, excel, trailer $2BOO. North'd. Co. cond., serious inquiries 717-275-4252. only. Col. Co. 717-672-2638. «o U£s I.H. RISSLER MFG. TMR Mixers JUq Waterers 608 Evergreen Rd. RD 2 Box 271 Lebanon, PA 17042 East Earl, PA 17519 (717) 270-6600 (717) 354-0584 Ford 10-whl. dump truck drop axle, also new bed for Dodge dually pickup, make offer. Leb. Co. 717-949-3124. Parting out 815 Int com bine w/407 dsl. & 1755 Oliver dsl. parts, wanted no-till grain drill & 10 or 14' Bush Hog. North'd. - Co. 717-286-0650. JO 54 spreader v.g. cond., $lBOO, front end for JD tractor roll-o-matic $295, collection of old wrenches 25 to 30 of them. Union Co. 717-524-4901. 84 Buick Riviera Roadster •xo. oond. 4500. Monro# Co. 717-223-1347 after 6 pm Good Mennonite buggy, very good rubber, hydraulic brakes, Interior green crushed velvet, $6OO or make offer. Berks Co. 215-682-2180. Mans horse 8 yr. bay stan dardbred trotter, traffic safe, broke the best, pulls in lines $BOO. Berks Co. 215-683-7921. 31 tootStoltzfus MFG feed er wagon with 36 adjust able headlocks $l7OO. 20' Hercules unloader $350. Lane. Co. 717-665-7924. John Deere AW disk har row. 10 ft cot now bear ings & disks. Lane. Co. 717-284-4924. 444 Massey Harris tractor $BOO as is QBO. alter 4 p.m. 717-264-4263 Frank lin Co. Oliver superior grain drill on steel, also sight 16.5 eight lug Ford truck rims. Leb. Co. 717-949-3071. 5000 BTU «dr oon<Wiw»f. Broom making equipment, «Ss7 >tata condition & price, • aw * 75 - 71 7-423-6457 Huntjnodon Co. will travel. Franklin Co. Donald Gibson, PO Box 12 HP Bolens 42" mower 2. Shade Gap, PA rebuilt eng. mower now ’ 7255 - carb. exc. cond., s3' N.C. Co. 215-947-7758. Me ITOl T0 ° e “ r ‘ Universal Sta-Rite full view box KB2OOO Kools recutter m j|^e r daws and Germania i?2£« hi o mo,B,u . re^r n J t auto, take-offs. Call 315-852-9591 anytime. RD#l Mill HaH, Pa. 17751. Madison Co. NY. WANTED For Stealing Feedlol Profits Blackie Blackbird’ AvHral tramd flab Wa law bssn prawn aieoMdul ysar rfar y«*r In ramovino pM bWt loom lw*ti _—- — — HESS AGRI T”""* MARKETING SIS Bockpohrt RMd MjOg l|| Mutotta, PA 17547 (717) 426-8138 ooppcmo* C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC. Intercourse, PA (717) 768-8231 WE DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET YOU YOUR PARTS.. .FAST?// Stop by and talk with us about your parts needs at AO PROGRESS DAYS. Located on W. 3rd St, WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. hours r»T74IU Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-S PM; Sat: 7 AM-Noon emus... Authorized ups station 2-7x17.5 new tires $5O ea., Ipr. wheel weights MM or Co-op $5O pr.. 85 Dodge RU rear bumper. Leb. Co. 717-867-2977. 456 NH trailer mower excel, oond., $l6OO, also 2 Nl crimpers for sale. Lane. Co. Ask for Jr. 215-495-7643. 9N Ford w/3 pt hitch had orig. tires, very good oond., no rust w/new tires $2400. Col. Co. 717-784-1779. Farmall Cub w/Mott mower & snowplow runs nice $2500, Dearborn 6' 3 pth. sickle bar mower $250. Dal. Co. 215-399-1229. Ag-Chem slide in sprayer w/400 gal. tank SO' booms all avail, options, excel, eond. Chester Co. 215-255-4206. Nl 2 row mounted 319 gathering unit w/3-22-12 roll husking bed $1,500, Oliver 74-H for parts. Montg. Co. 215-723-6169. MAILBOX MARKFT WANTED Used hydraulic log splitter. Berks Co. 215-856-7392. I HOOBER EQUIPMENT, INC. I m TWO LOCATIONS (362)378-9555 The Saving Place 1 pt hitch equip. for Far mall 130 wantad cult., plantar also naad Oliver tide draaaer. Burt. Co. 600-238-4931. Pair 14V1 16 hand driving hotsas 4-10 yrs. old Mor gan type geldings quiet, well broke. 717-624-4215. Front mounted 32-36* snow thrower for garden tractor w/right side belt drive, new or used. Adams Co. 717-677-4665. Bedding chopper without engine for sale, MoO com binder. Lyc. Co. Reuben Fisher, RDI Box 298 A, AHenwood, Pa 17810 Triton alum, trailers s'x6’ or MGS trailer & Pequea trail er, Sony betemovie model (BMC) 220 battery charger. Chester Co. 215-347-2232. Owtvers/operaters msnusl for 2 row Iron Age Farauhar potato planter circa 1942. Steuben Co. N.Y. 607-583-4184 after 5 p m. v^> Used Choretime swish drinker cups 24* or 30* spacing. Juniata Co. 717-463-3535 after 5 p.m. Stainless steel milking pail for goals, also smaH farm, Woodhull NY 215-926-2275 after 5 pm. No Saturday cads. Berks Co. Used ag bagger, 412-459-9205 after 7 p.m. or leave message. Indiana Co. A 1956-61 John Deere Model 730 must be in shape for pulling Ollio Oemchuk Calverton NY. 516-369-0160. Mercedes dissel parts car, any cond. 1972-1084. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-2126 eves. Needed locust planks for bridge, must be 10 ft. long. Call Bill Floyd Berks Co. 215-367-6600. GMV« ton dlesoUate mod el, low mileege, suburban automate fun power. Lyc. Co. 717-998-9638. Pick Up Your Phone And / \\ Place Your it '/llL Parts Order IX3sT I T t_» i