Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1993, Image 243
6806 Deutz noil* in 3rd gear $3200. Lane. Co. 717-354-6706. JD 40 combine 10‘ grain head very good oond., very good motor $9OO. Lane. Co. 717-354-6574 after 6 p.m. 1970 Leyland 154 4 cyl. new tires, battery very good cond., 3 pt. hookup 2 spd. PTO hydi. wide front York Co. 717-225-5179. Purebred Charolais bulls out of Al serviced herd cer tified & accredited 1991 with or without registration papers. Clearfield Co. 814-345-5961. yjjjjjManci Total Dairy Management System Agri-Comp Computer Automatic Take-offs end Milk Metering John Bean #6l pump spray outfit w/3 pt., $425, York rake 3 pt 8’ $575. Montg. Co. 215-646-3113 after 6 p.m. 40’ Howard rototWer 3 pt hitch for small tractor up to 30 HP, good oond., $550. Bur). Co. Medford, N.J. 609-654-4337. Dehumidifier, Bears Col dspot, works good, $55. Lane. Co. 717-394-4219. New spring wagon for tour ist people, also tamo horse, 2 seated Mannonite car riage in fair cond. Lane. Co. 717-859-2374. 2 Charolais steer weighing 500 lbs to TOO lbs, 1 Charo lais Heifer 500 lb. York C 0.717-259-7090. Xpressway Cow Traffic System Nothing Works Finer Than A 2-WHEEL & 4 WHEEL DRIVE - 20 & 16 HP LIGHT UTILITY TRACTOR • Single Shift Hydrostatic Drive • High Flotation Tires of Equal Size • Low Center of Gravity for High Stability • Center Pivot Frame with Power Steering • 14" Turning- Radius • Front Mounted Accessories for Greater Control Visability Only Steiner Dealer In Berks, Lehigh 8t Schuylkill Counties. ROY’S WELDir SERVICE Sales & Service • Roy Sousle; R.DJ2, Box 533, Lenhartsville, PA 19534 Toko Rt». 143 North From Lonhortovlllo • 1946 JD *LA' tractor, fully restored w/plow & cults, vary reliable $2600. Lane. Co. 717-653-6708 call eves. 1972 GMC van type truck V 6 oak $lOOO, rag. gross weight 21,000. James Beh nsy, York Spring, Pa. 17372. Adams Co. 717-528-4840. MH wagon gear 15’ tires $l5O, Papec cutter 12’ $lOO, 6.1-H cutter knives 455016R1 $3O. York Co. 717-235-2032. Tumbler $l5O, WPA axe head $75, Marx train track switches $3O, radio flyer side boarde steel $BO, com pressor parte. 216-733-7044. See Us At AG PROGRESS DAYS We Can Help Improve Your Dairy Business W & J DAIRY SALES PLAITNINO...BALBS... SERVICE Serving Lancaster, ChMtar, York, Cecil & Hartford Counties Ag tires 2-7DO-14R1 front 2-.95-24R1 rear new On MF rims $290. Sussex Co. N.J. 201-875-1597 5-9 p.m. 20' flatbed trailer oak floor sideboards ramps tandem axles 4-wheel brakes 10,000 lb. GVW excel, cond., $2,100. Lane. Co. 717-464-0681. Antique loghouses, doors, hewn beams, manufac tured antique flooring, old glass, porch posts, 7 acres architectural artifacts! 717-334-0249 eves. Regs. Perc herons 5 year- Knga, 2 fillies, 3 studs, also Fox terrier puppies, 4 mare 6 yrs. 17-3 females, 6 wks. old, $4O 7yrs. 17hds, 10-AN-lman- ea. Lane. Co. ure spreader. Fred. Co. 717-354-5696 Md. 301-845-8650. - Location: W sth St. 1202 Lloyds Rd, Oxford, PA 19363 (717) 529-2569 2 tobacco ladder wagons cheap, lane. Co. Either F. Petershoim, 109 A N. Weavertown Rd„ Ronks, Pa. 17672. AC Dl7 tractor w/pulley on steel 56 HP in good shape 8’ Brillion alfalfa seeder 323 com picker. 601 Musser School Rd., Leola, Pa. 17540. Tew brush washer & absor ber, excel, cond., $950, bushel baskets, 3 row, stan hay precision plantar, like new, $2,000. 717-944-5782. Tbenna-Stoi* Heat Recovery System Plate Cooler DARI-KOOLO Bulk 101 k Cooler* See U» AG PROGi STEINER On West Si Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 14,1993-Fll 8’ endowed reading utility body, excel, oond. for sale or trade for 8' Ford pick-up be-d. Berks Co. 215-323-2677. 706 D uni-system w/737 picker 728 4RN com head 710 combine w/shredder 715 grain head, good eond., $9OOO. Montg. Co. 215-679-9145. Baekhoe JD 300 3 cyl. gas average cond., $5500 or best offer. York Co. 717-993-3350 after 7 om Walk in cooler Bxl2 works but no door $2OO or best offer. Berks Co. 215-856-7842. NH 401 crimper $5OO, IHC T mower $125, rubber tire farm trailer for hauling llre wood $5O. Berks Co. 215-286-9682. Rhode Island red $ barred rock pullets $4.00 delivery avail, some areas. Amos Lapp, RD 2 Millers burg, Pa. 17061. MH #26 grain drill, good oond., $3OO, Oliver 73-H Compicker, 2 row wide, excel, cond., $l5OO. Cumb. Co. 717-776-6427. Steel wheel for front end of Deutz tractor, 16 mo. old open holstein heifers. PTO drive com sheller. Cumb. Co. 717-486-7194. Purebred holstein bulls (10-20 mos.), from dams w/ records to 28,000 m. 1 IOOf. wormed & priced to sell, possible delivery. Franklin Co. 717-597-3770 or 328-5487 or 328-3530. Ml 207 manure spreader excel, shape, also Palom ino rabbits. Lane. Co. 717-653-4120. 1990 Fleetwood 18.5 A Yukon travel trailer tandem axle w/4 wheel brakes sleeps 4 like new w/sth wheel, $5,500. O.C. N.J. 609-296-8998. 8' chain drag nds. little repair $l5, parts for Far mall H, hyd. lift unit front whls. w/bearings $25, radiator may fit old Cub $25. Montg. Co. 215-539-5045. 2 horse toiler, ramp load 6V5 ’ high 5' wide new tires, new floor, new inspection $lOOO. Cumb. Co. 717-423-6758. 2 JD 34 choppers 1R head 1 good. 1 parts $3OO both cools blower for parts $25. Franklin Co. 717-762-4538. Nl #324 8 roll picker $750, Westinghouse 3 hp.. 3 ph. Thermo-King XMT backup motor $5O. Caroline Co. 410-482-2165. 2 male ostrichs, healthy birds, 2 yrs. old, $15,000/ea. Queen Anne's Co. 410-438-3261. Cat 3206 diesel power unit 200 HP used on JD recutter good cond., 1500 psi pres sure washer like new $550. Centre Co. HCOI Box 26. Rebersburg, Pa. 16872. Used S2O STEINER With 21 HP Kubota Gas Englna and 5 Ft Front Mounted Dock. Excaltont Condition 2 holstein bull calves healthy, castrated, eating wall 8 wks. old $2OO ea. Lane. Co. 717-627-0289. Stoltzfus feed bin IST (10-5) 36* Zimmerman con veyor. Lane. Co. 717-665-3865. 2 acres good house sm. bam, outbuilding, stream, fruit tress, good fishing deer, bear hunting, some clear, hard road frontage. RRI Box 75, Mount Pleas ant, Pa. 17853. Used plant containers 1 gal. se, 2 gal. 10e, 3 gal. 30a. Perry Co. 717-536-3265 after 6 p.m. Hobart meat bandsaw 2 HP 3 PH $975, 100 qt. steam kettle $350, 3-row veg. transplanter $l5OO, IH 27 baler $475. North'd. Co. 717-286-5306. Milk tank 1250 gal. Esoo 5 HP comp., $2500 or best offer. Balto. Co. 410-239-3308. Nubian kid goats purebred ready for breeding or great for pels, bucks & does fam ily raised very gentle. Montg. Co. 215-257-8274. 1928 15-30 McCormick Deering tractor all orig. full steel show cond., $2,500 Arnold Garlitz, Rtl Box 103 A-4, Lonaconing, Md 21539. 301-689-8931. Woods 3 pt. mower 5' cut Schuyl. Co. Jake Motter 717-345-2556. 14x50 brown tile stave silo made for com & grass free you take down. Northamp ton Co. 215-252-1344. 3 yr. old standardised car riage horse all trdt, also work horses. Paul Stolt zfus, 302 Homing Rd„ New Holland, Pa. 17557. Brother bulky knitting machine. So. York Co 717-235-0325. Attention deer hunters, Berkel meat slicer for sale, good cond., asking $2OO or best offer Schuyl. Co 717-668-2929 after 6pm NH 90 bale mover $BOO, IH 620 grain drill 24x7, $l2OO, JD 105 combine runs, parts or repair S6OO, NH 495 haybine $5OO Lehigh Co 215-967-5231. 1160 Cat diesel heads, val ves lapped, new seals, also fils 3208 $275/set, 9’ dump sub-frame, cyl. $l5O Cumb. Co 717-530-8282 eves. Oliver 1750 diesel w/19501 engine, good tractor many new parts, needs engine work $2250. Wash. Co Md. 301-824-3202 eves. Gallion road grader rebuilt diesel engine new cutter edge blade model 503 $6,000 or 8.0. 609-629-6596. Tennessee walking horses for pleasuro & trail riding, various sizes & colors, some spotted. Safe, quiet and gentle. Perry Co. 717-582-7831 eves.