AMancait* Farmlno. Saturday, Auguit 14,1993 Lancaster Co, Livestock Market Auctions Lancaster Livestock Auction Lancarter, Pa. Monday, Auguit 9,1993 Cattle Calve* Hog* Sheep Goat* Monday'* Auction 1006 64 245 1088 417 Lait Monday 867 73 473 1006 645 Lait Year 1006 87 145 1003 382 CATTLE: Slaughter Keen weak to 1.00 lower, with early tale* mainly 50-1.00 lower, daughter heifer* 1.00-1.50 lower, - cow* 1.00-2.00 lower; bullock* firm, initmce* 1.00 higher; bull* needy to weak. Supply included 53% daughter iteen, 18% daughter heifer*. 17% cow*, with the balance bull,. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1075-1400 lb 72.00-73.50; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1375 lb 74.00-75.50. few 72!25-7l85; couple Choice 2 1100- 1300 lb 75.50-75.00; cou ple lot* Choice 3 to mo*t!y 4 1300-1350 lb 71.25- 72.35; Select and low Choice 2-3 1100-1450 lb 69.50-71.00. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1300-1630 lb 64.50-67.25; couple High Choice and Prime 2-3 1160-1345 lb 68.00-69.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-12501b67.50-72.00, few 72.50-72.85, couple lot* 900-950 lb 62.00-67.00; Select 2-3 925-1150 lb 64.00-67.50. COWS: LO DRESSING BULK HI DRESSING Breaking Utility A Commer cial 2-3 50.00-51.50 51.50-53.00 Commer cial 3-4 47.00-SO.OO Cutter A Boning Util ity 1-3 46.00-48.00 48.00-51.00 51.00- Cuner and low Cutter 1-2 37.00- 4100-46.50. ■ BULLOCKS: Choice 13 10511400 lb 64.75-68.00, couple 68 JO-7215; Select 1- 3 1000-1350 lb 61.00-64.75. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-2000 lb, with 12 bead 2000-2600 lb 61.50-68.00, couple 68.50-71.00; Yield grade 2 1050-1500 lb 58.00-62.00. CALVES: Vealen and slaughter calves steady. Demand good for Holstein bolls to return to fatm. VEALERS: Few Choice 180-320 lb 90.00-105.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 270-475 lb 60.00-90.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 85-115 lb Holitein bulli 120.00-145.00. HOGS: Barrow* and gilts 1.00-1.50 higher, row* 2.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 215-245 lb 45.50-46.00. US 1-3 210-255 lb 45.00-45.50, Few 255-270 lb 42.00-44.00, OARS: All Weights 31.00-32.00.- SHEEP: Spring lamb* 2.00-3.00 higher; slaughter ewes mostly steady. Supply included an estimated 75% spring lambs, with the balance slaughter ewes. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 2-3 80-110 lb 58.00-62.00, 60-80 lb 60.00- few 70.00-73.00, few 40-60 lb 70.00- Good and Choice 1-3 70-90 lb 54.00- 58.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 28.00-40.00; Yearlings and two-year olds \ B&R CATTLE CO. \ • RD 1, Marietta, PA | : 17547 ; I Office Phone: • : (717) 653-8154 ; i Specializing In • I Stockers & : Feeders *: JOHN BOWMAN : : Ph. (717) 653-5728 • : RON RANCK : : Ph. (717) 656-9848 • ...... : HAY. STRAW ft CORN SALE - JjTVW Please Note New Sale Tlmel J Starting Jan. 3 WJ# Sale Starts 10 AM Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION RD No. 4 EphraU, Pa. 717-738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. Stats St Out of Slato Buyoro • (ath or Cort Mod Chock Only Vintage Livestock Auction Paradba, Pa. Tnaaday, Angoat 10,1993 Report Supplied by USOA Cattle Calve* Sheep Goat* Today 734 907 26 0 Lait Tueiday 750 895 8 8 Lait Year 810 852 19 0 CATTLB..USDA.. Supply included an eitimated 38% daughter Keen and 49% cow* ..Compared with Monday’* maifcet: d. Keen film to .50 higher, iL heifer* not fully teited; cow* .50 to 1.00 lower, few ide* bullock* and bull* moitly iteady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1075/1450 lb*. 72.50-75.25, Mixed Choice and Prime 2-3 few 4 1100/1425 lb*. 74.75-75.75, few Choice 2 1100/1350 lb*. 75.25-76.25, Select and Low Choice 2-3 1100/1400 lb*. 68.75-73.50 with .round 60 head 980/1175 lb*, returned to feed at 71.00- HOLSTEINS; Choice 2-3 1200/1640 lb*. 64.00-67.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-3 bulk 50.00- Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 bulk 47.50-50.00, high drening 50.50-52.75, Canner and Low Outer low dreidng 40.00-42.00, bulk 42.50-47.00. BULLOCKS: few Choice 2-3 1150/1400 lb*. 63.00-65.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1-2 1400/1800 lb*. 59.75-61.25, one 1870 lb*. 66.50. CALVES...VeaIers not fully tested, as only 45 head sold for slaughter. Supply included 787 in graded sale. VEALERS: couple Choice 320/345 lbs. 88.00-92.00, High Good and Low Choice 70/90 lbs. 45.00-55.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 20 head 120/125 lbs. Holstein bulls 14100,70 head 110/1 IS lbs. 150.00-155.00,220 head 90/105 lbs. 160.00-168.00 and 35 head 85 lbs. 130.00-140.00, 180 head small frame 90/115 lbs. 127.00-144.00 and 60 head 70/85 lbs. 70.00-87.00; 50 head 90/120 lbs. Holstein heifers 215.00-224.00, 20 head 80/85 lbs. 18100 and 30 head small frame 70/85 Ifaa. 11100-135.00. SHEEP...SmaII supply Good and Choice 1-3 45/70 lbs. Spring lambs 50.00-56.00. GOATS—No market test 35.00- GOATS: All goati told by the head. Large Billiei 75.00-100.00, aeveral 100.00- few Thin 50.00-75.00. Large Naimiei 40.00-50.00; few Fleihy 50.00- Medium 40.00-50.00; Thin 30.00- Small, mainly kidi, 20.00- few Thin 15.00-20.00. Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Wayneaborg, Pa. Thura, August 12, 1993 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: SL. COWS: UTILITY St COMMERCIAL 50.00-58 JO. CUTTER & BONING UTILITY 45.00-53.00; CAN LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Rt. 22 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Flat Mark*! Auction avary Tuasday at 12:30, Tooia, Egga, Produce, ate. Buyara I Sallara Welcome Wednesday'* nark* report ha* bean discostiausd uadi farther noth* because nUasabataniial recaiota. Mercer CATTLE 249.. PDA ..Compared with lait Tueaday’i maiket: aL ileen 2.00 high er; cowi stronger, imtancei 1.00 higher. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1220/1380 Ibi. 74.00-73.75, Choice 1060/146S Ibi. 73.00-75.60, Select 65.75-72.85, few Sundard 59.00-62.00. HOLSTEINS; Choice 1225/ISSS Ibi. 64.25-68.75, Select 61.60-65.00. HEIF ERS: few Choice 1040/130S Ibi. 68.35-7210. Select 63.50-69.00, few Stan dard 49.00-54J0. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 49.00-54.00, Cutter and Bon. Utility 48.00-5285, Camer and Low Cutter 41.00-47.50. BULLOCKS: few Select 1140/141S Ibi. S6.BS-62.00. BULLS: couple Yield Grade No. 1 1145/1815 Ibi. 59.7 S * 61.35, No. 2 725/1475 Ibi. 52.60-60.35, couple to 63.00. FEEDER CATTLE: few Large Frame No. 1 740/960 Ibi. iteeri 7200-76.50, few Medium No. 1 620/710 65.50- few Large No. 2 3SO/760 Ibi. 34.50- few Medium Fame No. 1 570/980 Ibi. heifen 57.00-59.00; few Medium No. 1 215/385 lb*. 83.00-101.00; few Medium Frame No. 1 480/660 Ibi. bnUi 59.50-72.00, few Medium No. 1 210/370 It*. 83.00-92.00 CALVES 113..VBALBRS: Standard and Good 70/120 lbs. 46.00-70.00, Utility 55/93 Dm. 31.00-43.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Few No. 1 Holstein bulk 120/135 Ibi. 120.00-141.00. 90/1 IS Ibi. 140.00- few 10/8S lbs. 100.00- No, 2 Holstein bulls 80/120 Dm. 70.00-140.00, couple No. 1 Holstein heifers 95 A 120 Dm. 198.00 A 214.00, few No. 2 80/165 lbs. 91.00- Beef crass 7S/160Dm. bulk and heifers 116.00-170.00. HOGS 76.. Barrows and gilts .SO to .75 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 230/270 lbs. 46.00-47.00, US 1-3 220/26S lbs. 44.50-45.75. SOWS: few US 1-3 38Q/4901b5. 33.00-39.00, one Medium 280 lbs. 34.00. BOARS: few 365/SSO lbs. 23.00-26.0 a FEEDER PIGS 10..J>ew US 2-3 25/30 Ibi. 1100-16.00. SHEEP 27... Choice 75/100 lb(. Spring •1. lambi 52.00-64.00. Slaughter dteep: few 14.00-24.00. NER & LOW CUTTER 41.00-49.00; SHELLS 41.00 & DOWN. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 1500#-1170# 58.00-66.50; YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# 52.00-63.50. > "W -■*' * : , , ' pyKS'" "’ ; MONDAY • Slaughter Bulls, Heifers, Steers, Cows - Goats, Veal Calves, Lambs 12:00 Noon - Slaughter Hogs 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. - Slaughter Hogs - Slaughter Bulls, Heifers, Steers, Cows • Veal Calves, Lambs - Steers, Bulls, Cows, Heifers FRIDAY - Stocker and Feeder Cattle SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. - Slaughter Hogs 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M. Next Feeder Cattle Sale Friday, August 20 - 1X:00 A.M. Lancaster Livestock Auction Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa, Tuesday, Auguet 10,1993 Report Supplied by PDA GOATS 0...N0 market test New Holland Livestock Auction. Lancaster, Pa. Thursday, AugustU,l993 Cattle Caine Shaap Goan Today 1403 S7S 223 130 Lait Uranday 1300 603 299 272 Lan Year 1098 771 118 112 . CATTLE: Slaughter naan weak to SO lower, imtancei 1.00 lower, few ilaughtar heifen Meady; cowi 1.00 higher, inmmcei 200 higher, buUoclu icarce; bulls needy, although yield grade 1 not fully tailed. Supply included 49% daughter iteen aid 32% cowi. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1100-1400 lb 71.60-74.10, few 74.25-74.85; mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1300-142 S lb 74.50-75.75; Choice 3 to moitly 4 1200-1375 1b70.00-72.00; Select and low Choice 2-3 1 ISO-1375 lb 6925-7200. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1050-1700 n> 64.75-66.00; couple loti High Choice and Prime 2-3 ISSO-16SO lb 66.0066.85; few Select 1-3 1150-1600 lb 62.00-63.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice 2-3 1000-1225 lb 66.50-70.25, one lot 925 lb 6S2S. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility ft Commercial 2-3 49.00-53.50 53.50-53J0. Commercial 3-4 48.00-51.00. Cutter ft Boning Utility 1-3 {17.00-49.00 49.00-5250 5230-33.00 Camer and low Cutler 1-2 40.00-44.00 44.00-49.00 BULLOCKS: Select 1-3 10S0-13SS01b 60.00-4.75; couple Choice 2-3 1100-1300 lb 64.50-67.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-1800 lb 6200-65.00, couple 65.00-69.50; Yield grade 2 1000-1500 lb 57.50-62.00. CALVES: Vealen moldy needy. Bulk of supply arid to mum to farm. VBALBRS: Choice 240-275 lb 92.00- high Good and low Choice 240-3 SO lb 73.00-84.00. 80-110 lb 45.00- Standard and low Good 55-80 lb 35.00- 45.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Aw Choice 400-5701b73.00-81.0a RETURNED TO FARM; Bulk 95-125 Os Holstein Bolls 150.00-170.00. several 175.00 185.00, 80-90 lb 110.00-145.00; smaU frame 90-115 lb 9aoo-130.00,70-85 1b 65.00-9aoo, bulk 95-115 lb Holstein heifers 16a00-18S.00, few 18S.00-210.00 smaD frame 80-100 D> 120.00-165.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs steady and ■laughter ewes steady. Supply included 73% spring lambs with the balance skugh ter ewes. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 2-3 70-110 lb 51006000, 5070 lb 64.0077.00.35-S0 lb 70.0095.00; few New Ctop 3045 lb 1300015000. SLAUGHTER EWES; Utility aid Good 25.0038.00; Yeariingi and two-year (rids 35.0045.00. GOATS: All goals sold by the head. Large 64.0085.00, few 90.0098.00, with four head 106.00-137.00; Medium 38.00-55.00; Small, mainly kids 27.0040.00, Thin 10.002100 FEEDER STEERS: MftL-1 300500# 77.00110.00; 250280# 85.00117.00, M 9001000 60.0076.00. HEIFERS M IftL-l 300-500# 70.00-88.00; L-l 400650# 55.0088.00. BULLS MftL-1 300620# 58.0094.00. CALVES: VEAL.. PRIME 95.00100.00; CHOICE 74.00-98.00; GOOD 60.007100. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90120# FEW 100.00-135.00; #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 80100# FEW 75.00-100.00; BEEF X BULLftHFRSTHD. 45.00120.0 a HOGS; BARROWS ft GILTS #l-2 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. , — m—a———■—— P 10:30 AM. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COW» r F FRAME, 442-4181 B GL BUS ' Lancaster County Weakly LaMaMr.Au Friday, Aagaat 13, 1993 CaMa CahM 3300 1330 TUi Weak Laa Waak Lad Yaar CATTLE: SLAUGHTER STEERS WEAK TO JO LOWER, INSTANCES 1.00 LOWER] SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 1.00-1.30 LOWER; COWS STEADY, AFTER BEING AS MUCH AS 2.OOLOW BR; BULLOCKS FIRM, INSTANCES 1.00 HIGHER; BULLS STEADY TO WEAK. SUPPLY INCLUDED 43% SLAUGHTER STEERS, •« SLAUGH TER HEIFERS, 30% COWS. 6« BULLS. WITH THE BALANCE FEEDERS. SLAUGHTER STEERS: CHOICE 2-4 1073-(430 LB. 71.60-74.23, FEW 74.23-73.23; MIXED CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1300-1423 LB. 74.25-73.73; FEW CHOICE 2 1100-1323 LB. 73.25-76.25; CHOICE 2 TO MOSTLY 4 1223-1430 LB. 70.00-72.00; SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1100-1423 LB. 61.73-73.00, WITH AROUND 100 HEAD 980-1173 LB. RETURNED TO FEED AT 71.00-73.60. HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 2-3 1100-1700 LB. 64.0067.00; HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-3 1160-1630 LB. 66.00-69.73; SELECT 1-3 1130-1600 LB. 620063.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: CHOICE 2-3 9SO-12S0 LB. 66.50-72.00. FEW 72.00-72.85; COUPLE LOTS 900-950L8. 62.0047.00; SELECT 2-3 925-1150 LB. 64.0067.50. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 2-3 BULK 49.0053.50, HIGH DRESSING 53.50-55.50; COM MERCIAL 3-4 BULK 47.0051.00; CUT TER A BONING UTILITY 1-3 LOW DRESSING 47.00-49.00. BULK 49.00-52.50, HIGH DRESSING 52.5055.00; CANKER AND LOW CUT TER LOW DRESSING 40.0044.00, BULK 44X049.00 BULLOCKS: CHOICE 2-3 10501450 LB. 64.5061.00, COUPLE 61.5072.25; SELECT 1-3 10001350 LB. 600064.75. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 12002000 LB. WITH 12 HEAD 20002600 LB. 61.5061.00. COUPLE 61.50-71.00; YIELD GRADE 2 10501500 LB. 57.5062.00. CALVES: VBALERS GENERALLY STEADY; SLAUGHTER CALVES STEADY'. DEMAND GOOb FOR CALVES RETURNED TO FARM. VBALERS; CHOICE 180320 LB. 88.00105.00; HIGH GOOD AND LOW CHOICE 240350 LB. 73.00-84.00. 80110 LB. 45.0055.00; STANDARD AND LOW GOOD 55-80 LB. 35.0045.00 SLAUGHTER CALVES: GOOD AND CHOICE 275-475 LB. 60.009000 RETURNED TO FARM; BULK 95-125 LB. HOLSTEIN BULLS 14100170.00, FEW 170.00-185.00, 80-90 LB. 110.00145.00; SMALL FRAME 90115 LB, 100.00-144.00, 75-90 LB. 55.00-100.0 a BULK 90120 LB. HOLS TEIN HEIFERS 185.00224.00; SMALL FRAEM 7095 LB. 112.00165.00. 210255# 47.005a0a #2-3 255-280# 41.5046.50; SOWS #l-3 300500# 30.0034.50. FEEDER PICS: 1-3 25-35# is.oo-saoo/HD. LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE 55-73 LBS. 50.00- CHOICE 90-105# j 50.00- FEEDER LAMBS GOOD | 45.00- EWES 20.00-32.00. COATS; LARGE 45.0060.00/HD.; MEDIUM 25.0045.00/HD.; SMALL 10.0019.00/HD. HORSES; 50.00-63.00, PONIES 20.0050.00. 7:30 PJf. CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS * GET CALVES IN EARLY 3241 1371 3338 1810