Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 07, 1993, Image 26

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York Co. Correspondent
YORK (York Co.) Call it a
summer re-run for die Tom Boyer
family of Sunnybend Farm.
For the second consecutive
year, the York Holstein breeders
hauled one cow-to the county’s an
nual show - and snagged Grand
Champion honors Peace & Plenty
S-W-D Justina ET, an S-W-D
Valiant daughter, got the cham
pion nod after winning her hand
over age class. Judge Genie
Lorenzo Roberts, New Jersey,
praised the size and scale, snug
ness of foreudder and levelness of
topline of the winner.
Scored EX-91, Justina complet
ed her fourth lactation with over
30,000 pounds milk and is cur
rently projected to repeat that pro
duction her fifth time through the
milking string. She is owned by
June Boyer and her father, John
Haar, New Oxford, and was bred
by Shane Swartzbeck, Union
Bridge, Maryland.
The- champion title was at least
the second for Justina, having won
the York Fair Supreme Dairy
award as a younger cow. As a
junior-two-year-old. she was nam
ed All-Pennsylvania.
Reserve champion honors went
to the Knight family’s Woodbine
Farms. Airville, with a beautiful
ly- uddered and well-balanced
Woodbine Erwing Sonia was
also named Best Bred and Owned
in her first trip through a show
ring. She scored VG-87 as a two
year-old and finished her first lac
tation with over 23,000 pounds
milk and 850 pounds fat.
Named junior champion was
Coredale Vanguard Ivy, a winter
yearling exhibited by the Rodman
Thompson family’s Coredale
Farms. The tall, stylish heifer was
selected Best Bred and Owned for
the East Berlin Holstein breeders.
Taking the reserve junior cham
pion rosettes was Dar-Dale Mantis
Tristie, a 4-H project animal ex
hibited by Dixie Lynn Doll, Glen
Rock. The fall yearling was bred
by Dixie’s brother, Dana. She was
named junior champion the pre
vious day at the York 4-H dairy
The Doll family won a round of
applause at the show’s wrapup,
when they were announced win
ners of both the Premier Breeder
and Exhibitor banners. Parents
Dale and Darla Doll, and their
children Dana, Downa, Dixie and
Daphne have been showing under
the Dar-Dale banner for the entire
27 years the couple has been mar
ried. Both Dale and Darla Myers
Doll grew up in the York County
4-H dairy program and have been
exhibiting cattle since they were
The wlntor yearling of Coredale Farm* took York Holt*
tain Show Junior champion honor®. From right are owner -
Rodman ThoropCon, Steve Wood at the halter of the win*
ner, and Dixla Doll, with "her reserve Junior fall yearling.
Boyer Family Repeats Champion Win
In addition to their reserve
junior champion, the Dolls took
blue ribbons in both the junior and
senior two-year-old classes, dry
aged cow class, best three senior
and best three junior females and
the dam-daughter Dar-Dale also
won numerous second and third
place spots.
Acknowledged by judge Genie
Roberts as the most difficult class
of the day was the popular Kiddie
Klass, open to youngsters between
three and seven years old, show
ing a junior calf.
“I quit!” she quipped to the
audience of parents, breeders and
friends when confronted with a
showring full of ten wide-eyed
children tightly clutching the hal
ters of their well-trained calves.
But after careful evaluation and a
brief chat with each competitor
about their calf, judge
lected two winners.
Cory Thompson was selected
the first-place winner for his
showmanship skills. Six-year-old
Cory is the son of Tammy and
Roy Thompson, Coredale Farms,
East Berlin, and has been a Kiddie
Klass participant since he was
Second-place winner was Jo
seph Hushon, son of Patti and Dan
Hushon, Delta.
A partial list of winners at the
York Holstein Show follows:
Spring Hsliar— 1. Eric Gammlll, Delta; 2.
Joshua Hushon, Delta; 3 Furnace Creek,
Winter Heifer 1. Amy Trlmmer/Core
dale. East Berlin; 2. Ramsay Cooper, Jr.,
Della; 3. Daphne Doll/Dar-Dale, Glen Rock.
Fall Heifer 1. Jacob Hushon, Delta; 2.
Angle Beshore, New Cumberland; 3. Roy
Thompson and Shirley Tnmmer/Coredale,
East Berlin.
Summer Yearling 1. Ramsay Cooper,
Jr., Delta; 2. John Calp/Dar-Dale, Glen Rock;
3. Downs Doll/Dar-Dale, Glen Rock.
Spring Yearling 1. Angie Beshore,
New Cumberland; 2. Adam Gross, Delta; 3.
Shannon Doll/Dar-Dale, Glen Rock.
Winter Yearling 1. Rodman Thomp
son/Coredale, East Berlin; 2. Furnace Creek,
Hanover; 3. Dixie Doll/Dar-Oale, Glen Rock.
Fall Yearling 1 Dixie Doll/Dar-Dale,
Glen Rock, 2 Chad Trimmer, Coredale, East
Berlin; 3. Furnace Creek, Hanover.
Junior Champion/Baet Jr. Bred And
Owned Rodman ThomptorVCoredale
Farm, East Berlin.
Reserve Junior Champion Dixie Doll/
Dar-Dale, Glen Rock.
Junior Beat Three 1. Dar-Dale Farm,
Glen Rock: 2. Coredale Holstelns; 3. Fur
nace Creek, Hanover.
Kiddie Klees —l. Cory Thompson; 2. Jo
seph Hushon.
Dry Aged Cow l Daniel Cole/Dar-
Dale, Glen Rock; 2. Furnace Creek, Han
over; 3. Brad Walker/Walk-le Farm, New
Jr. Two-Year-Old 1. Daphne Doll/Dar-
Oale, Glen Rock; 2 Beshore Farms, New
Cumberland: 3. Mark Lucabaugh/Oar-Dale,
Glen Rock.
Sr. Two-Year-Old 1. Dana Doll/Dar-
Dale, Glen Rock; 2. Furnace Creek, Han
over; 3. Shannon Doll/Dar-Oale, Glen Rock.
Jr. Three-Yeer-Old 1 Woodbine
Farms, Airville; 2 Dar-dale Farms, Glen
Rock; 3. Ramsay Cooper. Jr., Delta.
Sr. Three-Yeer-Old 1. Brad Walker/
Walk-Le Farm; 2. Furnace Creek, Hanover,
3 Rodman Thompson/Coredale, East Ber-
Four-Year-Old —l. Rodman Thompson/
Cored ale, East Berlin; 2. Furnace Creek,
Hanover; 3. Bupplynn Farms, Sevan Valleys.
Flvs-Yaer-Old 1. Rodman Thompson,
Cored ale, East Berlin; 2. Brad Walker, Walk-
Le, Mew-Freedom.
Aged Cew 1. June Boyer and John
Haar, York; 2. Dana Doll/Dar-Dale, Qian
Rock; 3. Rodman ThompsorVCorsdale, East
Champion at the York Holstein Show was the aged cow exhibited by the Tom Boy
er family’s Sunnybend Farms. With the champion are, from left, Dairy Princess Cecil
ia Martin, Dairy Maid Kelly Jo Myers, Paul Knight with Woodbine Farms reserve
senior and grand champion, Judge Genie Lorenzo Roberts, Tom Boyer with the
champion, and co-owners John Haar and June Boyer.
Kiddle Klass winners at the York Holstein Show accepted congratulatory prizes for
their showmanship. From left are York Princess Cecilia Martin, Dairy Maid Kelly Jo
Myers, Joseph Hushon, Cory Thompson and Dairy Maid Tanya Thoman.
Family and show crew of Dar*Dale Farms gather to accept their premier breeder
and exhibitor banners at the York Holstein Show. From left, front, are Curt Calp,
Jason Arnold and Daphne Doll; second row are Dairy Maid Tanya Thoman, Darla,
Dale and Dixie Doll, York Dairy Princess Cecilia Martin; and third row, Keith Wiener,
Downa and Dana Doll, Danny Cole. The Dolls have bean showing as a family for 27
Senior and Grand Champion Juno
Boyar and John Haar, York.
Reserve Senior and Grand Champion/
Boot Brad and Ownod—Woodbine Farms,
Baal Thraa Famalaa 1. Dar-Dala
Farm, Gian Rode 2. Fumoca Croak. Hon
ovar: 3. Bupptynn Farms, Sevan Valley*.
Product of Dam 1. Fumaoo Crook,
Hanover; 2. Dtr-Ook Farm, Gian Rock.
Dam and Daughter—l. Dar-Dolo Farm,
Gian Rock; 2. Bupplynn Farm*. Savon Val
Premier Brooder and Exhibitor Oak
and Darla Doll family, Oar-Dak Farm, Glen