Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 07, 1993, Image 24

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    A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 7, 1993
Corn Plants Receive
Extended Test Permit
(Continued from Pago A 22)
Ciba Seeds, made the presentation. “We think
the power and potential of European com borer
protected com plants is exciting,” Lehmann said.
“We believe it will reduce the risk of this insect
for American agricultuyre, and we believe it’s
just the begining of what can be done with bio
Lehmann said com borer damage across the
nation on the average takes seven to 1S percent of
the yield. With borer protected plants, 2.S mil
lion acres of com could be available for other
uses; 100,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer would
not be needed; 22.5 million gallons of fossil fuel
would not be needed; $5O million in pesticides
would not be needed. “That’s the power the tech
nology has,” Lehmann said.
European com borer protected plants could
increase yield equivalent to 66 percent of com
production in France, total production in Canada,
twice the needs of France, 20 percent of the needs
in Brazil, and 15 percent of the needs in the U.S.
While the registration process is formidable, it
is not as stringent for biological products as with
chemical products.
On the present time schedule, Ciba officials
expect European com borer protected hybrid
seeds to be on the commercial market by 1999 or
at the turn of the century.
to flit’s All in the
D & M Martin
Hauling and Van Service
Going to Green Dragon
Every Friday
Low Rates
Call Michael Martin
Dear Friends of the Clinic for Special Children,
We are again asking for your support and
dona-tions of saleable items to sell at the 3rd
Annual Benefit Auction on Sept. 13,1993, at
the Leola Produce Auction site on Brethren Church
All proceed s will go to the Clinic for Special
Children, a non-profit organization, witn Dr.
Holmes Morton as the attending physician. Dr.
Morton has taken a special interest in several
hereditary diseases. Bytesting all newborn
babies of high-risk percent-age, he has been able
to prevent irre-versible brain damage of many of
these young children. The same tests that are
done at the clinic for s 3s°° would cost *3so°°
to *4oo°° at major medical centers, making
these tests too expensive for many parents.
The costs of owning and operating tnis
laboratory equipment are nuge, but with the
funds from this annual auction the clinic has
been able to offer this service to their clients at
a price that is affordable ty the average parent.
You may contact any of the following for more
information or, if you wish, deliver your donation
to any of them. Thank you for your support.*
•NOTICEI If you wish to donate items that should be
listed on our sale bill, such as Winross trucks, special
quilts, or any other Items, our advertising deadline is
wed, Aug.tL Please call or write to one of the fbllow
ing._thariks again for your past and future support!
•John Stoltzfui; 20 Stoltzfus Lino, ieola
•Enos Hoovor 373 Grist MHI Rd., Now Holland, 717-354-5415
•Ernest Ziinoisrman; 330 W. ML Airy HI, Stevens, 717-733-2645
•Haney Hoover 263 S. Farmersville Rd, Leola, 717-656-9604
•Leonard Hurst 124 RothsviDe Station Rd. UHtz, 717-626-4705
•John Fisher; 3405 Old Phila. Pike, Ronks (atintareourM)
•Stevie Huyard: N. Railroad Ave, New Holland
•Stevie Seiler: 2198 Hubson Road, Lancaster
•Jacob Zook Jr.: 4021 Old Phila. Pike, Gordonville
•Daniel Stoltzfus: Box 2220 HuSson Road, Lancaster
The Sales Committee
■■■ - t HUSH HH^^II I sHHiH
The com stalk on the left damaged by com borer, at right a genetically engineered
plant to resist damage.
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