Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 07, 1993, Image 20

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    KIMBERTON (Chester four 4-H dairy clubs participating
Co.) The Chester County 4-H «><• 87 animals being shown, with
Dairy Roundup was held recently the Jersey breed being most repre
at the Kimbcrton Fairgrounds with sented with 42 animals shown.
From the left, Amy Hewitt is the reserve champion 4-H
senior fitter and showman, while Kelly Young is the
From the left, TarlK Gaffney, reserve champion 4-H junior
fitter and showman, while Ben Hendricks is the champion.
From the left, Chester County 4-H Jersey champions are
shown by Stephanie Donough with the reserve junior
champ, Tammy Yeager shows the reserve senior and grand
champion, Erica Lloyd shows the senior and grand champ
ion, and Tarik Gaffney shows the junior champion.
From the left, Kristina Donough shows the reserve Junior
champion Holstein, while Mike DiMarzio shows the reserve
senior and reserve grand champion. Kevin Nolan shows the
senior and grand champion Holstein and Jarred Johns
shows the Junior chpmpion.
Chester County
Holds 4-H Dairy Roundup
Thirty-four members showed
' their animals, intending four, first
year 4-Hers, resulting in 53 ani
mals qualifying for the Southeast
4-H District Show, set to be held at
Kutztown, August 27.
Robert Barley. Conestoga, who
is a Holstein breeder and former
member of the Penn State Dairy
Judging team, judged both the
Ayrshire and Holstein breeds.
Bill Lesher, Bcmville area
dairyman and 4-H leader, judged
the Guernsey and Jersey breeds.
Judging for showmanship and
fitting was Kathy Walton, of Carli
sle, and Deb Dietrich. Berks Coun
ty 4-H agent
4-H dairy cattle exhibitor Kevin
Nolan of Cochranville, showed
two grand champions the Hols
tein and the Ayrshire breed
champions not a common feat.
In the Ayrshire show, Kevin
Nolan, showed the senior and
grand champion cow, a senior
3-year-old, Dreamnol Johnny’s
Snow. It was the second year in a
row that Nolan won with Snow.
Craig Nolan showed the junior
champion, a fall yearling Dream
nol Olympic Starr, while brother
Brian showed the reserve junior
champion. Palace Heather, a sum
mer yearling.
Kelly Young showed both the
reserve senior and reserve grand
champion Ayrshire, a junior
3-year-old. Pute-Ayr AJ. Baby
kakes, also a second year repieat
In the Holstein show. Kevin
Nolan showed his senior 2-year
old Dreamnol Leadman Paula to
take the senior and grand champ
ion awards.
Showing the reserve senior and
grand champion Holstein was
Michael DiMarzio, of Atglen. He
took the wins with his' senior
3-year-old cow, Donegal Creek
Beaut Suz.
Winning the junior champion
title was Jarred Johns’ fall calf,
Banksmere Towerhurt Trix. Kris
tina Donough, of Chester Springs,
showed the reserve junior champ
ion, a fall yearling, Beebe-Hill
Wine Willie.
In the Jersey show. Erica Lloyd,
of Pottstown, showed the senior
and grand champion, a senior
2-year-old cow, Patrick Joyce.
Tammy Yeager, of Spring City,
showed the senior reserve champ
ion and reserve grand champion, a
junior 3-year-old, Agape Classic
Suzanna, daughter of last year’s
grand champion.
Tarik Gaffney, of Downing
town, showed the junior champ
ion, a fall yearling, Top-O-HUI
Junos Tootsie Roll.
The reserve junior champion
was shown by Erst year club mem
ber Stephanie Donough. Donough
won with her fall calf, Royal
Queen Juno Laurine.
In the Guernsey breed. Julie
Sollenberger, of Spring City, took
all the championship honors. Her
senior 2-year-o)d Warwickmanor
Fayette Audrey was senior and
grand champion. Sollenbeiger’s
French Creek Fayette Daisy came
in as reserve senior and grand, but
was last year’s grand champion.
Sollebetger’s other champions
were French Creek Victory Valen
tine, a spring calf, for junior
champion, and French Creek
Frank April, a winter calf, for
reserve junior champ.
The showing and fitting contest
is divided into three age groups,
first year, junior and senior
Champion first year showman
ship honors went to Ciyttal Kolb,
Julie Sollenberger, on right, gets help from some friends
showing her Chester County champion 4-H Guernseys.
From the left, Cmig Nolan shows the Junior champion
Ayrshire, Kelly Young shows the reserve senior and grand
champion, Kevin Nolan shows the senior and grand champ
ion and Brian Nolan shows the reserve Junior champion.
showing champion.
of Sping City. Stephanie Donough,
of Chester Springs, was reserve
In first year fitting, the champ
ion was Erin Brobst, Spring City,
and reserve champion was Stepha
nie Donough as reserve filter.
In the junior-age division, the
champion showman and fitter was
Ben Hendricks, of Pheonixvillc.
Tarik Gaffney, of Downingtown
took the reserve fitter and show-
Groce Named
SAN DIEGO, Calif.—Larry L.
Groce of Butler Manufacturing
Company has been named chair
man of the U.S. Feed-Grains
Council (USEGC).
Groce is vice president-,
international for Butler, a major
manufacturer of grain storage and
handling equipment He directs all
international marketing and sales
activities for Butler’s grain sys
tems division.
Groce was named' chairman
during the Council’s 33rd Annual
Board of Directors Meeting, held
in San Diego. Calif.. July IS-21.
The meeting's theme was "Part
ners in Change.” reflecting the
Erin Brobst is named first
year fitting winner.
manship ribbons.
In the senior-age division, the
champion was Kelly Young, of
West Grove, and Amy Hewitt, of
Spring City, was reserve
Prior to the official show there
was pre-4-H showing competition
for those under 8 years old. After
the show, there was a showman
ship competition between 4-H
alumni, parents and leaders.
group’s efforts to continue the
successful promotion of U.S. feed
grains in the export market
through cooperation between agri
business and producer groups. As
chairman, Groce will provide
leadership as well as speak and
travel on behalf of die Council.
Other Council Officers elected
were vice chairman Eldon
Gould, Illinois Com Marketing
Board; treasurer Ron Saylor,
Nebraska Grain Sorghum Deve
lopment, Utilization and Market
ing Board; secretary Glen
Buckley, CF Industries, Inc.; and
president and CEO Kenneth
Bobbie. USPOC.