Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 24, 1993, Image 98
ClB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993 Young Broke Mules On Hand From 16 to 18 Hands • 4 yr. old Standard Bred, 16*2 $1,300 CALL PAUL SMUCKER (717) 299-3721 HORSE lc»f0 f — ’ QO HY-TECH Mushroom Compost, Inc. West Grove. PA 19390 • 215-869-0202 Jtir WOOD SHAVINGS/ J J SAWDUST S J FOR BEDDING J 3Vz Ton Truck Loads $125.00 J 717-299-6288 1 ' Free Delivery In L Lancaster County W |J jgM 1 JMT ffr <di^,ii^w UU SHEEPS, GO47S ANGORA GOATS- Blue buck, registered whites, whites w/color genes AMITY 215/257-8847 evenings Dorset Ewes, Rams and Lambs York Co 717-225-1407 Dorset Sheep, 7 Ewes and 1 Registered Ram 717-665-3862 JD 40 combine, 10' gram, 2R corn, vari-speed straw spreader, $l2OO. Montour 717-672-2382 evenings Lincoln Border Leicester cross lambs, good breed ing stock, excellent fleeces for handspmners, also ewes and rams for sale Call 410/398-5732. Nice, big yearling white faced ram. Purebred Col umbia Not registered Pr iced accordingly. Dorset Fall Ram Performance guaranteed 717/776-7858 PENNSYLVANIA’S 15TH PERFORMANCE TESTED RAM LAMB AND INVITATIONAL EWE v SALE AND SHEEP PRODUCERS i * FIELD DAY 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 and 7,1993 Opening Friday Noon Trade Show and Educational Booths and Presentations 1:00 PM, Saturday - Ram & Ewe Sale AT PSU’S AG ARENA NEXT TO THE: PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE’S MEAT ANIMAL EVALUATION CENTER 651 Fox Hollow Road State College, PA 16803 RAMS ON TEST; 24-Doisets 7-Hampshirea 18-Suffolks (10 Fall bom) (1 Fall bom) (3 Fall bom) 1-PolyPays 3-Katahdin 1-Southdown (Fall Bom) 1-Columbia CATALOGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST ABOUT JULY 24 For Information Contact: GLENN EBERLY At (814) 238-2527 or writ# to tha above addraaa Ewe* Consigned From Performance Breeder* 1 Lapib Barbeque (Educational Seminar* & Booth) Trade Show X CLIP AND SAVE X MANURE Straw Only. 15 Horse Minimum Rams for Sale Cornell Star Dorset, Purebred Finn, (2) 1/2-Finn 1/2-Dorset-Cross, 1 E as e r 814-349-9665 Reducing flock Fine crossbred ewes, mix of Hampshire Dorset Suffolk different ages. Purebred rams Hampshire, Dorset. Polypay (302)2^9-0725 Reg Cheviot ram lamb, breeding, twin, 3/93, Breezeview-Erdenheim- Gladehouse Reasonable. 215-399-1470 Registered Southbound flock for sale, excellent condi tion, good FFA and 4H ani mal projects. 6-Bam or af ter 7pm, (717)285-5338. Registered Dorsets & Southdowns' Spring ewes & rams, yearling South down rams. Reasonable, Will Deliver 215/459-0408 weekdays after 6, Sat -Sun. anytime. BROKE MULES FOR SALE HENRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Ball Road Christiana, PA 17509 (Naar 9 Polnta) 717-529-2614 Frank Waldman - Laava Message Pick-up SWINE ARNOLD HOG FARMS 1 BOARS!Averages on 28 Yorkshores scanned July 9,1993,261 lbs., .68 BF, 5.72 loin. Some exceptional boars: #105 . 6 265 , bs #lO5-10 290 lbs. # 9-6 275 lbs. # 9-7 280 lbs. # 15-4 285 lbs. All figures actual. Scanned by Mike Cherchuck w/ Real Time Ultrasound. 717-258-1056. These boars ready for August service. Priced $4OO to $6OO. Delivery available. Yorkshire x Landrace, also York shire. 30 to 60 head monthly. Above animals available at the farms. Arnold’s 85th Production Sale Sat., Aug. 14, 1993 6 p.m. Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA 50 BRED GILTS I Handmated due Adjust thru October. 130 BOARSI Scan figures available ISO OPEN GlLTSlRegistered & Crossbred. Catalogs available. All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-222-4084 PA Only 717-733-0513 Others. Hamoshlre-Durocs Leon L. Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 TWH 11 years, rides, drives, been shown, exper ienced rider, $2OOO OBO; MeadowbrooK cart/ harness, used 2 times, like, new. $lOOO. 717-626-8633 leave message. SWINE Bennecoff Ho is. Kami shires, Poland China, Berkshires, Boars and Gilts Service Age 215-285-6681 or 215-285-6582 Ouroc, Yorkshire, Spotted. Chester White & Landrace Boars, Open Gilts and Bred Gilts. Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. 215-799-3375 or 3831. FOR SALE: 3 purbred, ser vice age Hamp boars, $250 each. 215-562-7388. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall. RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County (814)355-1647 mdrace Single source feeder pigs, PIC genetics, PRV moni tored. Broker inquiries wel come. 600 head/wk., Please call (800)848-4647 ask for Brenda Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 Chester White & Duroc Boars. Open Gilts & Bred Gilts. Boars Have Real Time Figures Jim Parlett ft Son RD #2 Box 176 AirvUlc, Pa. 17302 (717) 862-3610 BF BF BF BF BF .46 .55 .55 .63 .50 Lawrence Arnold R.D. 1, Box 309 HI SWINE DONNA ft J.C. STRAWBRIDGE WE’VE MOVED DUE TO THE LOSS OF JOHN - WE ARB NOW LOCATED AT 4290 BRIDGE STREET, WHITEHALL, PA 18082 215/799-3375 We are still in the seeds lock business and can supply you with Hampshire and Yorkshire breeding stock. We can also supply you with Durocs, Spotted, Chester and Land race. Boars, bred gilts and open gilts available. Select your new boars while selection is good. 150 boars on hand. Raised in groups. Delivery available. Validated PRV and bruc. herd. \CRE FARMETTE FOR SALE, YORK CO. 7.6 Ac_ CUR ATTENTION HOG FARMERS Packers Want Lean Hogs Improve Your Herd Genetics By Colling THAMES BEND PENN JAY ft CLAUDETTE HORST 410 Vallay Vlaw Rd., P.O. Box 83 Schaeffaratown, PA 17088 717-949-3381 * ** YORKSHIRE, HAMPSHIRE, DUROC, LANDRACE & HYBRID BREEDING STOCK CANADA'S LARGEST PUREBRED ROP TESTING HERD The Mg Of Tomorrow At Oil Mae* Today! uPIL 40 yurt of TmM Otnitlct rA Fb isa s BRED GILTS • OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Cartlflad Bruealloala and Paaudorablaa Fra* Hard Rano Thomia Park Thomaa Mark Stahr (717) KHKI (717) KI4H4 (717) (st-7007 RD #l. Box 220 • Baavartown, PA 17013 mEmhogeouphent & SUPPLIES Mfv BOSS HOG... The Best In Woven Wire Flooring, Suparior. »Kld-(raa footing. Fawar Injuria*. Eaalar to claan. Available 'V/ In 5/16". 3-gf. and 5-ga ' i Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc. 1 WC& TJ FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK 139 A Wen Airport R 4, Lida, PA 17543 (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 HOG CONFINEMENT EQUIPMENT Diicounlc'l Facloiy Direct Price* VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL PENNING Full Line Of Parts In Stock For Your Poultry & Hog Needs W* Ship UPS 24 Hour Sonic* lorn* S PouSrv System* Spoctolii* FARMER BOY AG,. 410 E. LINCOLN AVE, RT 422 MYERSTOWN. P* 1706? 717-866-7565 how*: *f mmms s*t rae-n* Landraca Duma Yorkthlraa Larga MMtaa FI Crotabrad* • Pre-Nurmj • Nursery a Finishing • Gestation isones Chart Oar WanhauM f**