ESCH’S FENCING 215-857-1676 QUALITY FENCING FOR HORSES; CATTLE; DOGS; CHILDREN AND PRIVACY. AH Types Fencing Including P.V.C. Fencing R.D. 1 BOX 227 Gap, PA 17527 NO PENCE CONTRACTOR IN PA KNOWS MORE ABOUT ROTATIONAL GRAZING THAN I DO AND THAT’S A PACT! (V^ JOSEPH H. HICKS ' TV / 814-632-8489 V‘ /si4-632-3050j Spider Fence Pac CTemp Fence) Python (Water System) 1 (800) 866-PENC WM CATTLE 100 Cow Holstein herd, home raised & Al bred, 100% calfhood vac.; also springing Holstein heifers 703/788-4930. 1S Large bred holstein heif ers, vaccinated, due Nov ./Dec., $950 per 0.b.0 Call 215-766-0534. 17 registered polled Here ford cows w/calf at side, $1,050 each. Sired by EPH Champion, 2nd in test PA Beef Expo 1991. (814)236-1576 after spm. 1 Simmental Cross and 1 Angus bull calf. 717/334-8475. 25 Springing Holstein Heif ers for sale. Call 914-887-6042. 2 yearling Charlois bulls, home raised, $ 82/per lb 717-569-0700 35 head Holstein heifers, calves thru springing, all out of 21,000 lb herd avg Lane Co 215/445-4993 50 Red Angus Stock Cows, 30 w/calves 2wks -4 months old, other cows due in fall, 2 mature herd bulls, some Yearling Heif ers Selling Tuesday, July 27. BPM at Westminster Livestock Auction, West minster, MD (410)848-9820 Angus and Charolais steers, 22 head on mea dow. 700 lbs, asking 190/lb Please call even ings 717/933-4952 PA Angus Bulls ready for ser vice Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County Angus calving ease and balanced EPD bulls avail able Pairs, bred cows* bred heifers & open heifers also available. Eberly An 9us; 717/667-9817. Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying ser vice i trucking. Denzil Heishman, 703-465-5785 Beef cattle for sale, r Herefords, K°NT FARM. Stock ten. NJ rencnnoT.xooo Belted Galloway bull, proven breeder, excellent disposition. 401-568-4558. Black Star Son, born 5/14/92. Dam MaternalS Sister to Curious and Cubby. 29,323 m, 1213 f, has red factor 8490 Sec hler Rd, New Tripoli, PA 18066 (215)298-2334. Buyers = Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Canadian Dairy Herds, re gistered or grade. For further information call 410/679-7485. Expanding operation wants to buy dairy cows and heifers of all ages. Toll free 1-800-852-2697. FOR RENT: 2 service age bulls. Alvin Stoltzfus, Ches ter Co. 717/529-2950. FOR SALE OR LEASE; Reg Holstein Bulls sired by Blackstar, Leadman, Aerostar, Wister and others. Dams w/records to over 30,000 m. Many to choose from. Also 1 red & white and 1 red carrier Berks Co. 215/488-1965. FOR SALE. Service Age Blackstar Son, Dam VGBS, 24,950, 4.3%, 1101 f. GrDam Ex9o, 34,110 Other Top Pedigreed Bulls Available We Deliver 717-285-7426 Lancaster Co. Highland Cattle Available Now. For local breeder in- formation contact Mid- Atlantic Highland Associa tion, RD3, Box 181 AL Sunbury, PA 17042 717-286-7952 BUT DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop Holstein Dairy Herd 40 Service age registered Head Average 60Lb. Milk, Ho)stein b J|, s with goo d 4 1 Test, See 150,000, oedisrees, $650 Mostly Registered, Young 5 . 7/899-6893 W-SSSS* Uda °" Jersey cows and bred heif ers (304)788-2154. Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at All Times 703-869-2622 or 703-869-4276 Jersey Heifer, 10 months old, grade 717/862-3728 LIMOUSIN/ FULL BLOODS 2 yearling bulls, Seven-Forty-Seven blood lines, 1 open heifer West minster, MD (410)857-0176 Now buying entire dairy herds and springing heif ers Highest cash price paid Call Reuben Green- berg, inc., Columbus, NJ I i (609)298-1021 Purebred Charolals Bull, 15 months old, halter broke Junanita Co 717-527-4028 Reg black Angus cows w/ calves, yearling heifers, ;reasonably priced 717-434-2658. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1:200 fat Stump Acres, - 717-792-3216, York County Registered Holstolns 100 cow herd. Choice or herd. Also available 60 reg. Hols tein heifers, calf thru spnn ger ' McVeytown 717/899-7526 Service age bulls for sale from excellent 30,000 lb dams and top bulls. Some big enough for cows. Pr iced reasonably Coldspr mgs Farms (410)775-7670 or (410)635-2181 Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves 410/442-1546 eves. Simmental bulls for sale, (1) Reg. polled purebred, 39 months old; (1) 9 months old 304-229-5311 STARTED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and multi-type bulls from $2lO 301/432-8973, 301/432-5070. Trifecta heifer pasture bred, due Sept, or October, $lO5O 215-484-4195 WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE w/seller financing, up to 50 Holstems 215/488-6835. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS -Pasture-exposed Yearling heifers -growthy, good frames and confor mation. Pasture-exposed cows w/spring calves. Rea sonable prices. Health and registration certificates Come see or call 814-742-81 18, 814-742-7476 Box 10, Bellwood, PA. 16617 Young Red Angus Bulls, breeding age Tunkhan nock, PA. Leave message, (717)836-7654. Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 70 Cow Herd, $1250/Head 717-626-5830 WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 % WANTED! I I Holstein Heifers, t I bred, t % 6V4 -8 months, t I 717-527-4772 % BUUUUAJUUUUUULftJ 9 Head Holstein Dairy Heifers Calfhood Vaccinated Approx. 600 lbs., Nice 717-524-0624 84 Head Herd, Parlor Housed, 50% first & second calves 9 due July, 8 due August, 10 due September, 8 due October, 9 due November, 8 due December, 6 fresh In June 215/286-9096 Our Natural Products Will Work Even When Medication Isn’t Effective. All Natural Animal Health Products • Protector Gold • Protector Silver NEW • Protector • Nitunl Naul Spray • D-EX-88 • Dyna-Bac • Calvi Dropt • Gear Up DON’T WAIT UNTIL ITS A DISASTER...CALL US! Before Shipping and Upon Entering The Barn, Uie Our Program To Give An Overall Performance Boost' CALL 1-800-829-8117 For Your Noorool Dtotrbulor Or For A Fotoonal his Vlalt ly Our TodinM Tom BRITT-AM-SCIENTIFIC RR a »ei as • Wyooi, FA 11154 Down Cow & Horse Removal (For Pet Food) LEBANON, BERKS, LANCASTER AND CHESTER COUNTIES 1-800-234-2697 215-286-9400 TEXAS LONGHORNS FOR SALE 4 Quality Nov. Helfera Vary Colorful Savaral Cowa With Calvaa At Thalr Sid# BROWN BROS. LAND AND CATTLE CO. Gatlyaburg, PA 717*334-4136 Homo 717-334-4908 Office Come Where You Have A Selection, Not A Choice WANTED REG. OR GRADE HOLSTEINS Vac. or Non Vac. SMOKE-RIDGE FARM 717-284-3562 add Herei and Her Sach Availabl Ing i $450 EWP bounty -2130 Cs^ * WOOD SHAVINGS/ J J SAWDUST { 5 FOR BEDDING S 3 V» Ton Truck Loads $125.00 £ J 717-299-6288 k J Free Delivery In k Lancaster County FOR SALE Holstein Herd Good Quality Cattle Heifers Can Go With Herd Call Us Now Also Summer and Fall Cows For Sale rSTONEHURST FARMS 717-687-7475 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993-Cl7 CATTLE Home-Raised Holstein Feeder Steers 350 lb. available every 8 weeks. (717) 568-8921 Martin’s Beef No Sunday Calls El HORSES & MULES 14 yr old standard bred mare, traffic safe and sound, anybody can drive, ready for long trips, $775 Call between 8-8 30 AM (717)786-8154 Syr. old Percheron gelding, green broke, lots of style and snap, should mature to 17H, $l5OO Jacob Zook, Jr 717/768-3774 5 Year Old Standardbred Trotter, Carriage Horse, Anybody Can Drive, Safe and Sound. John Stoltzfus, Haiti Road, Quarryville. American Saddlebred Stud Service Jason Stoltzfus. 215/273-9665 Amish Courting Buggy from Weaver Coach Shop, brake, like new, $2OOO Boyertown, 215/367-6446 Blacksmith practical, sci entific and sound patholog ical horseshoeing. Spe cially hand made shoes available when needed. For an appointment, please call (302)475-8225. CARRIAGE. Park Phae ton, early 1900, pole & shaft, good condition; Gray & Davis signed lamps, super deluxe show har ness for pair or single plus extras. Holly whip, new English saddle & bridle, all purpose, excellent condi tion. (215)286-9400, 800-234-2697 FOR SALE MINIATURE HORSES ROCKY MEA DOWS is offering 25 qual ity registered mini horses all under 34" A selection of weanlings, yearlings, bred mares, and mare with fo als Many colors including 8 Pintos starting at $BOO Delaware County 215-459-1244 For Sale Mammoth tack, 7 years old, excellent dispos ition, proven stud, mares only black/ silver tips (717)528-8170, 7-9 pm Good looking stan dardbred, trotting stud, quiet and gentle, record 2 01, $1,500 (301)898-7426 Herd dispersal, Tennessee Walking Horses, Ages 2 to 10. All mares, sweet and smooth Priced $l7OO to $2500 717-949-2616 HORSE TRAILERS 'B3 18' GN, new floor & wiring, 6'6"H, good condition, $lBOO 080, 3 Bumper pull. 7'H, $lOOO-$ 1500 717/687-8408 MILL RUN BUGGY SHOP Restoring and manufactur ing carts, carriages, coaches to your specifica tions (215)273-9665, RD#2, Box 7J, Mill-’Rd , Honey Brook, PA 19344 Miniature horses- Gor geous Pinto Colt almost pure white, blue eyes, pap ers, $550 (210)398-7954 Nice, Standardbred, trot ting mare w/foul on side $1,250 080 (301)898-7426 Pair of Sicilian Donkeys. Jack 8 months, Jill 5 months, $7OO/pair. Tan Jack, 8 yrs„ $250. Sunrise Farms 717/528-4505 PONY lots of snap, broke to ride or drive, harness & cart. 215/273-3487 Registered Tennessee Walking Horse, gelding, black, 15 hands, 9 yr old, spirited, experienced rider $2,000 717/734-3567 Saddlebred, Registered. Rides English or Western, Drives, Street safe, Quiet, 100% Sound. Honest, No Vices, 13yrs., 16.1 H, first $l5OO. 215-273-7861 SLEIGH. One horse, origi nal excellent condition, no restoration, $l5OO firm 717/396-9334 after spm. Specializing in spotted and solid colored walking horses. SPOTTED FEVER FARM. 717-582-7831 STUD SERVICE- Beautiful Registered Hackney Pony, 13H, bay, 3-white feet 717-768-8980 Standardbred Horses 3 and 6 Year Old $6OO and Up 717-656-9548 Three 4 month old Belgian Mule Colts, one Stan dardbred Mule Colt, sharp 215/Bs7-9237 Three year old registered Quarter horse gelding in Central PA, great looking, gentle, sorrel/white, nice show prospect, green broke Price negotiable Call 207/646-0613, owners live in Maine MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 • Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 717) 949-3246