Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 24, 1993, Image 82
& 3 €35 l-V." f GRAZING MANAGEMENT Dr. Marvin H. Hall Penn State Grazing management involves the control of grazing animals on pasture. The two most important tools for influencing the level of animal output under grazing are concentration of animals per acre (stocking rate) and the system of grazing management (which will be discussed in a subsequent article). Grazing Pressure And Stocking Rate The closeness to which a pas ture is grazed is defined as grazing pressure. Grazing pressure is affected by both stocking rate (animals per acre) and available forage (pounds of forage per acre). If you’re looking for a small tractor that gets you through tough spots, you’ll like the new 4-wheel drive Belarus 310 It’s a simple, economical 36-hp tractor with the 4-wheel advantage that gives you extra traction on rough, wet ground. You’ll like the fuel efficiency and low maintenance of the 310. And its low price is another real advantage. Stop in and see us for all your farm equipment needs and take a look at the Belarus 310. MARYLAND SCHROCK FARM EQUIPMENT Route 1, Box 2568 Oakland, MD COULSON r TEFTRISES, INC. ' 178 Oliver Shop Road p La Pata, Md ANDERSON TRACTOR SALES 4600 Breldenßaugh Lane (Off 12200 Manor Rd.) Glenarm, Md. High grazing pressure causes close grazing and short pasture stubble. Animal performance is reduced because animals are forced to consume all portions of the pasture, including the poorer quality forage. Excessively high grazing pressure results in overgrazing. Low grazing pressure refers to selective grazing, with unlimited forage available to animals (Fig ure 1). Animal production rates (gain per head per day, etc.) will usually be high at low grazing pressure. Very low grazing pres sure, or under grazing, results in wasted forage and consequent poor animal production per acre. An optimum grazing pressure is one in which available forage NEW YORK MEL S LUG-A-LOT COMPANY 4793 Watkins Road, Millport, NY BROWN’S TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. RR 2, Box 118, Jackson Hill Rd. Bonnville, NY CLYMER FARM SUPPLIES, INC. 8631 East Main St. Clymer, NY DARROWS USED TRACTORS RRI, 1726 Route 13 Sheds. NY IX 250 TUS Sensible, Down-To-Earth Tlractors JUfc : fev would be analogous to the quanti ty of forage offered daily to ani mals in confinement when rations are balanced. In order to maintain an optimum grazing pressure, it is important to adjust stocking rate so that available forage is main tained within an optimum range. Available forage not only influ ences stocking rate, but can also affect dry matter intake. As the amount of forage decreases, intake per animal decreases. Reduction of available forage from 1000 to 500 pounds per acre has been shown to reduce average intake by almost 40 percent. For optimum grazing, available pas ture should be maintained at 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of dry matter per acre. On average, a 3- to 4-inch bluegrass/white clover sward will have about 1,000 pounds of dry matter per acre. In tall grasses and legumes, this may be about 6 to 8 inches high. Unfortunately, not all available forage in a pasture is utilized. Some of the forage will be trampled or fouled by urine or manure and remain uneaten. The amount of available forage which is consumed is called utilized for age. At high grazing pressures, animals are forced to consume more of the available forage resulting in a relatively high (grea- PENNSYLVANIA LARRY WILHELM Route 1, Box 38A Reynoldsville, PA ROVENDALE AG & BARN EQUIPMENT RD 2, Box 210 Watsontown, PA ANDERSON TRACTOR SALES 636 B S. Main St. Shrewsbury, PA LUBINIECKI WELDING & EQUIPMENT RO 2. Box 160 Meadville, PA High S Medium 1 Low Low Neg Figure 1. Effect of grazing pressure on production per animal and per acre. ter than 80-percent) utilization rate. At low grazing pressures the animals will refuse to eat portions of the forage thus decreasing the utilization rate. As the length of the grazing period increases (low er grazing pressure), the percent utilization decreases. Grazing pressure will not only affect animal performance, but will also affect the plant species in a pasture. Long periods of low grazing pressure commonly cause loss of legumes from the stand. At the other extreme, long periods of high grazing pressure can result in a temporary or long-term decrease in pasture production. High to excessive grazing pressure for Ag Tech GREENSBURG (Westmore land Co.) The Westmoreland Agricultural Fair, Penn State Uni versity, and Westmoreland Coun ty Cooperative Extension Service announce the second Southwest Pennsylvania Ag Technology Day on Thursday, August 26. Last year, 23 commercial exhi bitors participated and, even though it rained, farmers from Fayette, Indiana, Somerset, Wash- Morton • Horse Barns • Riding Arenas •Garages •Warehouses * »v gpnißiinlfc* BUILDINGS, INC M \Sh Excellence Since 1903 3368 York Rd. CONTACT: p. O . Box 126, Gettysburg, Philllpsburg, PA 17325 NJ 08865 717/624-3331 908/454-7900 Cali or who today lor rmra Information Output/Head Available Pasture Medium . Low Medium High Stocking Rate long periods with little or no opportunity for selective grazing will also cause low animal intake and low gain rates. Short periods of high grazing pressure can serve useful pur poses. One to 2 weeks at high grazing pressure, three or four times through the grazing season, can help maintain legumes in the stand and utilize forage that might otherwise be wasted. It is impor tant not to expose lactating cows or growing animals (calves, year lings, and lambs) to long periods of high grazing pressure. Beef cows and ewes can tolerate high grazing pressure after breeding. Day Set ington, and Westmoreland coun ties attended. Both exhibitors and farmers thought it a worthy event. Time for agribusiness exhibi tors to make short presentations to the group assembled is allotted. Ag Technology Day is held in conjunction with the Westmore land Fair, a short distance from the main fair activities. Farmers pay no admission to participate in Ag Technology Day. BUILDINGS Since 1903 •Offices •Shops • Equipment Storage • Aircraft Hangars 1-800-447-7436 Output/Acre V. Lo' V. High \ w i v »(- l-li , 'fc**'* + *'•<*' >*.l* I Illinois oniy»gj 140M2M»i