Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 24, 1993, Image 28
Dairy Cattle Show Season S.E. Region FFA, Lan VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) All across the state the dairy cattle showing season has kicked off, and for many particip ants the regional youth dairy shows are the first part of the annu al show progression. A number of shows were held this week, including the Southeast ern Regional FFA Dairy Show at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, and the Lancaster Coun ty 4-H Dairy Show at the Solanco Fairgrounds in Quarryville. Animals are judged according to the Danish System, which rewards animals exhibiting enough show quality not only among the other animals exhibited, but also against the model animal of that breed. In other words, while judges place first, second and third place animals, etc., they also issue rib bons of blue, red, and white, in descending order. Brian Nolan shows his grand champion Ayrshire. Karen Heilinger shows her best bred-and-owned dairy animal of the colored breeds. Thomas Zartman shows his junior and reserve junior Brown Swiss champions. Animals awarded blue ribbons qualify for the next level of com petition, while animals receiving the other colored ribbons do not. The judge does not have to qualify any animal for further competi tion, even if the animal is judged grand champion at a particular event At the same time, the youth are judged themselves, on showing ability and the grooming or “fit ting” of their animal. Special recognition is also made of animals bred and owned by the same exhibitor, as recognition of the exhibitor’s ability to breed quality animals. On Tuesday, a special award was made at the Southeastern Reg ional FFA Dairy Show by sponsor Sire Power the owner of the grand champion bred and owned of all the colored breed animals, and the owner of the grand champ ion bred and owned Holstein were presented with one free AI service. M W'£mm % Starts From the left, Troy Getz holds the halter of his reserve grand champion Holstein, while Kathy Jo Mase holds the halter of her senior and grand champion Holstein. Lebanon County Dairy Princess Jennifer Bashore, presents the awards. Others who helped support the show included the Brown Swiss Breed Association, exhibitor awards and trophies; Atlantic Breeders Cooperative, financial support; Pen Hostetler, Annville, for milking equipment; Lebanon County Farmwomen No. 20 for food service: Lebanon Area Fair Association, for use of the facili ties; and Harry Bachman for the sound equipment. Numbers of animals shown was down slightly from past years, but the quality was not diminished. There were 34 blue ribbon animals shown, and 14 youth received blue ribbons for showmanship compet itions, while 16 earned blue rib bons for fitting animals. The grand champion Holstein was 4-year-old C Bellstar Elevator Sarah, owned by Troy Getz, of Richland, and bred by Klaas Koenes, of Ontario, Canada. Kathy Jo Mase, of Lebanon owned and bred the reserve grand champion Holstein, a senior 3-year-old Ken-Ire Isaac Corrin, thereby winning the best animal bred and owned competition. The junior champion Holstein, Miss StonehurstLiz, a senior year ling daughter of sire Glen Drum mond Delegate, was shown by Scott Nolt, of Lebanon. The reserve junior champion was Ken- Ire Jay Evening, out of Ken-Ire Dixie Jay, bred and owned by Michelle Mase, of Lebanon. In the Brown Swiss breed, Tom Zartman’s senior 3-year-old Mea dow Hill Convin Blythe ET, a Convincer daughter bred by Gary Mase, of Lebanon, earned the senior and grand champion titles. Zartman is from Ephrata. Showing the reserve grand champion and reserve senior championship animal was Karen Heilinger, of Newmanstown. Her animal was Linday Babaray Lynette, a dry cow entry. The junior and reserve junior champion Brown Swiss were both shown by Zartman respectively, a spring yearling. Meadow Hill Emory Dinah ET, also bred by Mase; and a senior calf Indian Run Michelle, bred by Zartman. ii Zartman also showed the best bred and owned Brown Swiss, a 3-year-old, Indian Run amy Sue, sired by Top Acres Elegant Simon. In the Ayrshire breed, the grand champion was shown by Brian Nolan, of Cochranville, an aged cow, Dreamnol Johny’s Carla. Carla was also named best bred and owned of the show. The reserve grand champion was a dry cow shown by Nathan (Turn to Pago A 32) champion Guernsey. show his grand and reserve grand champion Milking Shorthorns. jis grand champ ion Brown Swiss, while Karen Heilinger shows her reserve grand champion. * I m «s Tfjgrlur : md