Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 24, 1993, Image 25
Keystone (Continued from Pago Al 6) ia, Pa. The reserve champion Hamp shire ram was consigned by Wil son’s Hampshires, Rural Retreat, Va.. John and Traci Kyle. Spring field. Mass., purchased this late spring ram lamb for $l5O. Wilson's Hampshires. Rural Retreat, Va., consigned both the champion and reserve champion Hampshire ewes. Doe Run Farm, Glen Gardner, N J., purchased the champion Hampshire ewe for $450. She was the first place year ling ewe. The second place year ling ewe was named the reserve champion Hampshire ewe. She was purchased for $275 by David Clouser, Polk, Ohio. Wilson’s Hampshires, Rural Retreat, Va., received the Town send Award for the best consign- Ram, Ewe menu The Keystone Sale presented an award in honor of Henry Easter brooks and in memory of his wife, Virginia. The sale is managed by David L. Harpster, Boalsburg, Pa. Auctioneers for the event were DeWitt Evans, Jamestown, Ohio, and Gary Saylor, Bell Center, Ohio. Jeremy Bradford. JeromesviUe, Ohio, won both the grand cham pion and reserve champion Jack pot Lamb Show. He was presented with a plaque sponsored by the Centre County 4-H Sheep Club. The 46th Keystone Stud Ram and Ewe Sale is scheduled for July 8-9, 1994, at the Penn State Agri cultural Arena, University Park, Pa. Dairylea Hires Buckhout SYRACUSE. N.Y. Crag A. Buckhout recently joined Dairyle a’l new wholly-owned subsidiary, Agri-Financial Services, Coip. has been named president of the entity where he is responsible for development and marketing of financed services. Before joining Dairylea, Buckhout was president of Discip lined Capital Management Coipfl£ ration, an investment advisory firm that helps investors define and attain their long-term invest ment objectives. Prior to 1991, Buckhout waked fa Agway Inc., in project management and finan cial management Buckhout received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from Cornell University and an MBA from the Johnson School of Management at Cornell University. Buckhout his wife. Carol, and daughters Emma and EUie reside near Cazenovia. N.Y. Dairylea, a Syracuse-based dairy cooperative with more than 2,600 farmer members throughout the Northeast markets approxi mately 2.S billion pounds of milk annually. Dairylea participates and is invested in a milk market ing network stretching from Maine to Maryland to Ohio. Farm Forum (Continued from Pag* A 10) should be fighting for. Forget the Bottle Bill, it is high property tax es that are eating us alive. Everyone seems to have the idea that fanners just sit on the front porch and watch for a deve loper to come along. If we are going to look at farms as future development, then every property should be taxed as the possible location of a super high- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, IM3-A2S Craig A. Buckhout way, shopping center, high rise apartments or even a gas station. Why should a farmer have to mortgage his farm to the County to have his farm assessed as a farm? This is what Act 319 amounts to. No other property is assessed as to what may happen 20-30 years from Now. If you sign up for Act 319 it is forever. Who knows what unforseen event might make it necessary to sell. Should this happen, the Fed eral Government will take 28-per cent. the State will take about 3-percent, realtors and lawyers 15-20-percent, then you will have Act 319 which will take- selling price x millage x 7 years plus 6-percent interest The only pension a farmer has is what he can get for his farm. If he is forced to join Act 319 in order to afford to stay on his farm, then he is really being held hos tage, and will have to pay the ran som to the county if he should have to sell. We don’t have to look to Washington to see lack of leader ship, it is right here in Harrisburg and in our Farm Organizations. Albert Bartels 148 Corby Road West Grove, Pa. THE AQUA PUMP For Irrl Save Time Pump Water all night without refueling with our new pump package Feature*: * Frame with 6.6 gal. Fuel tank (Includaa i gal. raaarva) * IPT* 2"x2" High Praaaura Pump * Salt Priming *65 PSI max * 110 OPM max* *(aelual per formance with anglnaa Hated) * Indue trial Plua* Brigga 6 Stratton* or 5.5 Hp Honda Ehglna * (Note This Now Briggs ft Stratton Is on oosy starting, longsr Ills and also our qulataat running origins * LoOII Shutdown STD * Fusl Tank la saafly ramovad from pump to carry tank with ana hand and pump with othar hand (doal for drip Irrigation or sprlnWors Fuel Tank Frama Our Priet FOB Englna S Straiten STD NO SMS.OO 2SPH Howto S SMBon M 01. Yta SSM.OB M Gal. V iIrTW HWWI Specializing In eualom building and rapewarlng of amall Irrigation pumpa with gaa or dlaaal anglnaa. Barvlea and rapalra tor moat makaa of pumpa up to SO hp. ■ g,,.- — M(y * DUtribulad by l with p G D EQUIPMENT R-P.s. or MS wr Matzlar Rd.*. S Ephrata, Pa. 17522 (717) 859-3533 ;ation Modal 2SPB-6 Modal 25 PH NO MM.IIO