■ BUY. SELL.TRADE OR BENT THROUGH THE i=3 a - DEMEREE REALTY . A Rte. 3 Box 91H —« Little Falls, NY 13365 c\ Jila. Phone & Fax (315) 823-0288 Gsorge Demarss, Broker • 1 <6OB ■ 410 A. DAIRY FARM w/215 tillable - lg. free stall w/double 8 M.P.,. office, hospital, 3 - 24x60 ft. silos, lg. mach. shed & lots of water with rivers on E. & W. sides for irrigation of lg. open fields w/some of the best soils in NYS - also 11 rm. colonial home w/modern kitchen & fireplace in EX. oond. $370,000. <605 - 21.9 A. HOBBY FARM - barn w/28 ties, horse barn w/9 lg. stalls - remodeled home w/apartment - creek, river on property - $98,800 w/ extras. <320 ■ 300 A. DAIRY FARM w/200 tillable - 52 cows on pipeline, lg. heifer barn, mach. shed w/shop, 4 silos • V.G. 3 B.R. colonial home - $280,000. <3OBA-1541 DAIRY FARM w/122 tillable - 2 story bam for 100 milkers & 60 heifers - 3 lg. silos w/unloaders, TMR, 2 wells, 3 ponds & 2 homes - $225,000 - mors land available. <230-60 A. HOBBY FARM • 36x40 ft. horse barn w/6 stalls, tack rm. & hay storage above, small cow barn, new mach. shed & V.G. 5 rm. home w/new windows, furnace & deck • 2 creeks on property • EX. value at $99,800. #lB3 - 65 A. HOBBY/DAIRY FARM w/30 tillable • barn w/35 stalls & addi tion for heifers, silo w/unloader, 2 nice mach. sheds & 7 rm. ranch home w/2 car garage & pool - $138,800. #lBO ■ UNIQUE RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL PROPERTY w/5,000 ft. Greek Revival style home currently used as gift shop & restaurant - would make perfect Bed & Breakfast w/4 8.R., 2 full baths & 2 half baths - located near scenic Adirondack Mts. - also Ig. horse barn w/18 box stalls & storage bldgs, in good repair - 70+/- A. feature fenced & divided pastures, ice skat ing pond, cross country skiing & horse drawn sleigh rides - An exciting opportunity offered at $296,000. 600 A. PQ- w/531 tillable - Ig. open fields, w/EX. soil can all be irrigated w/unlimited water supply, also Ig. cold storage bldgs., store/gas station/deli, Ig. office bldg. & many other Ig. bldgs. - ranch home w/garage & pool & 2 other houses included plus private communica tion system for business - $2,500,000 fully equipped. Please Call and Tell Ua Your Preference PAUL M. LONGACRE REAL ESTATE BROKER RL 100 Hartford, PA 18056 Ph: 215-679-5919 Paul ZelSlOft, R.E.S. (717) 437-2305 BEDFORD COI • 166 Acres M/L lO5 Tillable, 15 Acres Pastureland, 40 Acres Woodland, Gently Rolling Ground. 2 Houses, #1 - 2-Story 4 Bedroom, Modem Eat-In Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room, Full Basement; #2-1-Story, Full Basement, Patwell House, 3 Bedrooms, Modem Kitch en, Dining Room, Living Room, Breezeway. 80 Cow Free Stall Barn, 120’ Long x 45' Wide, 50x60 Barn w/28 Stanchion, Universal Pipeline w/6 Milkers, .Automatic Washer, 1000 Gal. Mojonnier Bulk Tank. 3 Silos: 20x68 Poured Concrete w/Jamesway Unloader, 16x50 Stave Silo w/Acorn Unloader, 12x40 Concrete Stave Silo. 14x20 Garage And Workshop, Grain Storage & Double Corn Crib, 2 Car Garage Below. Add'l. Oversize 2 Car Garage, $255,000. ■ARI FREE FARM LISTS AVAILABLE OWNER SALE \ Southwest Wisconsin » 180 A farm, 135 tillable, 45 stanchion w/ I Patz cleaner, DeLaval 2” pipeline system, \ 6 units & 1000 gal. tank. 20x80, 20x50 % Harvestores, 16x50, 20x60 cement silos, ? 2 feed bunks, reversable conveyor to f bunks and inside barn. 30 free stalls plus o open housing. (2) large machinery build- i ings, full growing season. Remodeled 8 A room home including 4 BR, new kitchen. i This farm is especiallyjslean and ready for \ occupancy spring of 1994. Offered at ? $350,000. f In the area Of “ITHACA COLLEGE", “CORNELL UNIVERSITY”, "HOBART & WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGE”, “FORMER SAMPSON NAVAL TRAINING CENTER”, “SENECA ARMY DEPOT”, and “WATKINS GLEN STATE PARK” * irtliM l Loaklna for private, country Hying? • A Z dory, 10 room houoo, possble 8 bedrooms, IVi bothy, SO ocroo, loti ol woods, on exceptional vlow of I aka, houoo noodi oomo work, <OO,OOO _ ( \ SENECA LAKE. *175,000 ISO* loka Irontoeo • Approx. 2H ocroo total B > Modem year round ranch • Pull, high colling baoomant . Baoaboard hot water heal • Exceptional Hroplaco • Drive your car to beach - *~ • Like now 2 car garago • Secluded, many treat SENECA LAKE - 250' lake frontage. Approx. 104 acres farm land and pasture, woods and a ravine. Much asphalt road frontage potential for development, LOOKING FOR INEXPENSIVE SENECA LAKE BUIDLING LOTS??? Woodland Shorea Homeowner'* Association Subdivision Rhodes Road, Lodi • All Lots Hava Lake Frontage and 5 Acre* or Morel!) 9 Lots are priced @ $35,000 2 Lots @ $45,000 SENECA LAKE ACCESS Modern ranch, lovely setting ■ 4 M-Mt . i M ■V J bedrooms, 3 baths • 100% \ V 216' of prime, level. Cayuga AL * ,j. basement part finished • Large » .tfii Lake frontage Total 2 6 acres. 1 2 car garage • Many, many BWHCTt* ~ <5l 6 room cottage with wrap Bt 111 Mj trees, large lawn ■ Nicely land- fHT a around porch, detached garage, se*»d • Use of lake Iront and IB P j r 4*B 'o'* °l lawn end trees "S' rec building • Private, restricted 5251,000. developmenl. >1*5,000 *. . WALTER ODOMIROK REALTY 7200 Mam street Lie Real Estate Broker and Appraiser GRI Qvld Ny , 607 . 869 .23 63 Member New York State Appraisal Society • “Former VA Appraiser" 116 Aaes Daii Approx. 80 Tillable, Rest Pas ture, Lg. 2 Story Frame House, Modern Family Kitchen, Lg. LR, Family Room, 2 Baths, 8 BR, Laundry, W/W Carpet, Lg. Dairy Barn With Double High Trashing Floor With 1 Story Addition, 70 Tie Stalls, Pipeline Milk er With Lg. Bulk Tank, 3 Silos, Harvestore Grain Silo, Lg. 4 Bay Garage 36x60 Metal, $225,000 » 448 Acre Dairy Farm 425 Tillable, 176 Free Stalls, 6 Computerized Feeding Stalls For High Protein, 125 Stall Heifer Barn, Double 8 Milking Parlor With Automa tic Take-Off, (2) 1000 Gal. Bulk Tank, (2)-100' Bunk Feeders, (2) 24x60 Silos (1) 20x60 Concrete Silo With Unloaders, Grain System For Extra Feed, Computer ized Feeding System-Mixing Wagon With Scales, 4BR House, Modernized Kitchen, LR, Den, Office, Laundry, I'/: Baths, 2nd Home.. 3BR, Bath, Eat-In Kitchen, 1 Car Garage Attached. H/W/O Heating System In Both Houses. Spring Fed Pond, Gravity Flow Slurry Sys tem For Large Slurry Pit With Agitator & Loader, Heated Repair Shop, Calf Barn, 3 Car Garage, Genera tor Back Up System For The Whole Farm. $797,500. Cattle & Equipment Extra... Lot Stock & Barrel Price, $1,250,000.00. » Canton Area • 1.2 Acres, House Trailer, 14x70,18R, Eat-In Kitchen, Large LR, W/W Carpet, Large Addition 20x24,28R, Family Room, Outside Shed 20x35 Used As Garage, Open On 1 Side, Pond, Wood/Coal Heating System, Forced Hot Air. Excellent Shape, Remodeled All For $48,500. 608-088-4213 UPSTATE NEW YORK BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES AREA Now It The Time... TO BUY...LAKE PI IDS' LAKE FRONTAGE • Almost 2 acres "Senses Lake, Lodi Point Area" A quality bulls A INSULATED one story cottage A nice SEASONAL COTTAGE 100' CAYUGA LAKE frontage good beach, a few atepe $llO,OOO. Contenie Included CROP OR BEEF CATTLE - 356 acres - 265 ac. tillable. Farm house and farm buildings. $475,000 CROP OR BEEF CATTLE (former dairy) 170 ac. • 155 tillable. 3 ac. evergreens. 4 ac. hardwood, 2 ponds, 3 bams, grainery, 5,000 bu , gar. 8 room house, nice rural *255,000. GENTLEMAN'S FARM • 67 acres, 59 ac. tillable, large dairy barn, 2 houses (5 ac woods) *156,000 NO BUILDINGS - 54.6 acres 40 ac. pasture 14 6 ac. woods *40,000 NO BUILDINGS - SO ac. 38 ac. UN. 10 ac. woods. *49,000. NO BUILDINGS • 81 ac. 75 ac. till, nice location near lake *89,000. •Two bedroom - *| !P.m. b xU BE '--*4’**’“ -dfl • Nice batch area •Approx noo° m ate;' 1 r ‘ ■ Fumltur * 4 ,Wu ™» Included tq. It. floor area ' w ™»' 2 •Modem garage W&r ' lo *' l * k * <h>nlsgo 16'x24' 5135.000 5 Lot* are Priced between $75,000 and $132,000 • 80 Acre Mill/Farm w/Road Frontage. Features 76,000 Bushel Storage Grain Elevator, Dryer, Tractor And Trailer Scale, Mill And Large Heavy Storage Barns. Stone Double Farmhouse, $625,000. Bally, Commercial Property. 4 Apartments, Paved Lot, 12,000 Sq. Ft. Parking Space, 2 Story Block, Stucco And Frame Building, Video Store On Ist Floor. Ist Floor, 2BR, LR, Modern Kitchen Apartment. 2nd Floor, 2 Apartments, IBR, LR, Modern Kitchen. Basement Houses Commercial Washer/Dryer, Plenty Of Storage Space. Very Good Income Producing. Property For Only $225,000 Or $190,000 Without Videb Equipment. noGi • 182 53 tie stalls with 2- 16x55 concrete' stave silos, shop 30x30, horse barn 30x52, 2'A * S.S. pipeline milkers, 500 gal. bulk tank, bull pen, heifer barn. 2 story uame house with aluminum siding, trig* modem farm kitchen with solid oak cabinets, LR, OR, laundry, office, wall to wall carpet throughout, 3 BR, 2 full baths, plus attic, $200,000. Cattle, Machinery At Extra Cost. Danvillt) • 133 A m/l a irm has everything to offer. Location, privacy, a Ig. frame 4 br. house w/2 full baths, modern kitchen and dining combination, den, LR w/fireplace, picture window overlooking 3 acre pond, 100 tillable acres, large bank barn equipped for beef & hog, large pole shed for equipment, located in good farming area. Shown by appointment only. -Contact Paul Zeisloft, 717-437-2305. FARMS BERKS COUNTY: 100 acre limestone dairy farm, 80 free stalls, milking stable, 4 silos, 2-story stone house and second house. FRANKLIN COUNTY: 156 acre dairy farm in Antrim Twp., Hagerstown soil, 100 head free stalls, 3 silos, milking stable, modem 2-story brick house w/ significant set back for privacy. HUNTINGDON COUNTY: 25 acre poultry farm w/84,000 sq. ft. for either broilers or turkeys. New 3 BR rancher with mobile home, plus other buildings. Call John Nieslej for details (717) 531-2807 RELINK REALTY OF CENTRAL PA 261 W. Chocolate Ave., Herehey, PA 17033 FARM LAND ROPERTY SENECA And CAYUGA LAKES _ CAYUGA LAKE, Poplar Beach A tpaclous 2 ttoiy cottage with basement. Sleeps up to 1 Zand ol Iht contents are Indudadl 4 bad rooms. Nice dock and boat hoist Tfl IfT’ * " Drive right to the door on a black ,oP roa, f >nd just a few slaps to.a neat beach. Mostly year roulid home in the neighborhood, imme diate occupancy tni,ooo. dairy farm (Batwaan Waahlngtonvllla & rrastkieou!
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