icn REAL ESTATE A Victorian 3BR, Kitchen, new dishwasher, newly re modeled laundryroom, LR, TV room, IV4 bath, sepa rate oversized 2 car gar age. Lebanon Co., PA 717-866-5982. WANTED TO BUY; Dairy farm around 150 Acres, must be set up for dairy Write R-65, %Lancaster Farming, POB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 WANTED TO RENT; Dairy facility w/housing, would consider combining herds w/option to buy feed. Ex perienced in herd health, A 1., production records Non-smoker, Non-drinker. Call around noon or after BPM 814-692-7550. WISCONSIN DAIRY FARMS. 30 cow to 150 cow, Up, Excellent Prices & Terms for Spring Pos session. Call now) L.L. STEWART, Realtors, 2007 Hogeboom, Eau Claire, Wl 54701, 715/834-6664. 1.7 acre lot near Raystown Retort, sewage, water, electric, deck, w/or without cabin (717) 021-3245 FOR SALE Modem Southern Virginia Dairy Farm 703-382-0570 703-639-2262 lAL TERRE (Just listed) 6.8 acres. 2Vi Sty. stone, 5 bdrm home w/50'x104' four bay shop, bam, and 3 car garage. Unique farmette opportunity. Ideal for self employed trucker, shop required business, etc. Call Randal Kline at KINGSWAY REALTY 717-569-8701 Res. 717-733-1006 225 Acre River Bottom Farm Lycoming Co, PA Four badroom brick home, bam, and outbuildings. Sacludad baavar - built marsh. $375,000 J.B. STUCHELL RB/MAX WEST BRANCH 717-321-1013 400 ACRES CLARION COUNTY NORTHWESTERN Contiguous acres, 2,838 sq. ft. home, 54’x126' clear span Morton barn, free gas, 300 tillable acres. Cer tified Agronomist re port and soil-test available to the inter ested buyer. For more information call - Coldwell Banker Bums ft Bums Realty (814) 226-6050 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA Approx. 170 Acre Nursery and Christmas Tree Farm. Turn-Key Operation- Complete. Since 1946.. Quality known nationwide 717/345-4952 VIRGINIA LAND LAND LAND PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY ' NEAR FARMVILLE Each pracel fronta on tha Bush Rivar. Pareal #2: 50.11 Acres, approximately 30 acres open, balance wooded in mature pine and hard wood. Road frontage on State maintained road. $52,500. Pareal #3: 34.62 Acres, approximately 10 acres open, balance wooded in mature pine and hard wood. Road frontage on State maintained road. $39,600. Pareal #4: 107.77 Acres, approximately 20 acres open, balance wooded in mature pine and hard wood. Road frontage on State maintained road. $94,600. Owner la a licensed Real Estate Broker. / VAUGHAN A & REAITY CO ,J P.O. Box 1 Kayavllla, Virginia 23047 (804) 786-8400 (Office) 'pool + more, tenant house 4 bdrms, 1/2 'baths, etc. Much more on this once in a lifetime offering, asking $340,000 #1215 Wellsboro. PA"il69ol , 717-724-3500 . V T lp REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE J 234 Acres: 128 tillable, 40 pasture with 11 building lots, large brick farmhouse, large barn, milking parlor, only $940,000. 100 Acres: 65 tillable, 30 wooded, no buildings, high state of cultivation, ready to go, only $335,000. 41 Acres: 41 acre farm, small dairy/large chicken operation with large farmhouse and large barn, $375,000. 3 Bedroom A-Frame with 24x36 horse or beef bam, 2 paddocks and 3 pastures on 9.5 acres of land. $229,000. If you have a farm to sell call: Clarence Wenger (717) 575-0053 (Car) (717) 299-4885 (Office) (717) 284-4423 (Home) 250 N. Duke St. Lancaster, PA 17602 140 Acre Amish farm, 90 tillable, 50 cow barn, 3 silos and a double house. Priced at $400,000. Dauphin Co. 48 Acres M/L farm, 15 tillable, some wooded acres, no barn, 50x70 shop, 2 acre pond, 2 dwellings, lots of road fron tage. Priced at $169,000. 48 Acres M/L, 35 tillable, no buildings, woods and stream, $115,000. 170 Acre, 90 tillable with .brick house and barn, $315,000 quick sale. Lancaster Co. Farmette in Conoy Twp. 1800 sq. ft, 4 br farmhouse, 35x60 2 story barn with 3.4 acres. $134,900 poss. subdivision. 61.5 Acres, Conoy Twp., 37 tillable, no buildings, can be subdivided, $215,500 Juniata Co. Two 15 acre m/l parcels, part wooded, $32,000 Two 1 acre building lots, Richfield, Pa. $16,500. 5.5 Acres $25,000 I need farms in the Amish areas of Dau phin, Perry, Lycoming and Northum berland Counties. Call Harry Zlmmarman 717-299-4885 1-800-472*2641 717-578-2542 TOWN ft COUNTRY REALTY Office: Car: Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993-C37 LOCATED ON NTS & PA BORDER #1251 - Showplace River Valley Farm - The very best land, 300 acres, approx. 200 tillable. 130 cow freestall barn with stanch ions and pipeline milking, large silos with stationary mixer, calf and heifer barns, nice older home in very good repair, mobile home. Located on quiet paved road, bldgs same side of road. Family problem forces the sale of this good farm. Price is firm. $500,000. #2372 - Close to PA Border - River valley farm, 300 acres, 200 tillable,, very best land. 75 cow tie stall barn with milking par lor. Big silos with outside bunk feeding. Large machinery & shop bldg. 12 room home in good repair, nice location, bldgs, same side of quiet road. Price is firm. $535,000. Ask for Free Farm List! POSSON REALTY R.D. #3, Norwich. N.Y. 13815 (607) 334-9727 MIS, r m Readington Township $1,555,000 100 acre farm in rural community in central New Jersey, currently used for farming, but also used for pasturing Black Angus cattle and horses. Mostly cleared and open with two wooded acres of approximately 5 acres each along with 2, 10 acres fenced pastures. A stream borders the southern boundary of the property. An ASCS-approved Farm Plan (Soil Conservation and drainage system) has been approved and implemented to minimize soil erosion. Colonial farmhouse circa 1890 con tains 4 BRs, one V 4 baths, currently heated with oil hot water. Natural gas available. There are 4 outbuildings on farm. Bldg. #1 180x54 4 yr. old Morton Steel structure, concrete and dirt floor, plenty of space for indoor riding ring. Bldg. #2 42x24-4 yr. old Morton Steel struc ture, 4 car garage loading dock unfinished apartment above. Bldg. #3 42x24 (Bank Barn) construction 1965 refurbished in 'BB. Bldg. #4-35x24 circa 1890 used as equipment shed. Offered at $1,555,000 or in part 895 K, 660 K. RE/MAX Advantage Realtors Jeff Polino 24 hrs. Lancaster County Farms • Hunting & Fishing In Bedford & Somerset Counties - This 123 acre farm is a sportsman’s dream. 5 bedroom house, 1 bath - barn, summer house, spring house and milk house. 2 ponds, 3 streams. All this for only $100,000.00. Call Sandy 717-442-4415. • Rare property... 10 acre horse farm with elegant restored brick Georgian home in beautiful condition. Wide plank floors, large covered deck & screened porch. Large triple decker bank barn w/6 box stalls. Pond filled w/bass, fenced pasture, great riding trails. Plenty of storage for hay & tack room. Produce - Vegetable and horse farm. 29 acre farmette - 20 tillable and 9 pasture, 2 story house with modern kitchen and bath. Barn and 2 car garage. Only $210,000.00. Call Joanne @ 717-786-2440. Land * 30 Acres Manhelm Twp. • zoned resi dential, great location, lots of potential. * 40 Acres Coleraln Twp. - zoned resi dential, lovely setting, close to major roads, privacy. * 63 Acres Fulton Twp. • great location overlooking river, mostly farmland, private. Other farms available please call for details. Specializing In Farm & Investment Century 21 Wagner-Hatton ft Associates Investment properties - Tex esehsnge opportunities for sny buyer or, seller Ken Rutt Perm Specisllst Roy Stottztus 717/786-3591 (H) 717/786-1300 (O) 717/548-3785 (H) 800-247-7770 Real Estate
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