C32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993 |C£| TRUCKS A TRAILERS Mack Dump Truck, Diesel, 1960 861 Tandem, $l2OO Days 410-398-9004 Even ings 410-398-9430. Stuck 18' aluminum truck box, rear roll up door, would make good storage building, $6OO 410-392-6038. 1971 International Model 1600 Dump Truck, 392 V 8 Gas, 22,500 GVW, 5/2 Transmission, Hydraulic Brakes, 9.00-20 Tires $1,800.00 HEAVY EQUIPMENT LOADER PARTS. INC. RD 2 BOX 2230 Route 22 Grantvllle, PA 17028 1-800-446-0505 REEDMAN LEASING 2300 CARS-TRUCKS *AII Cara Balow Eguippad With Auto Trans, Air Cond, FB, PS, A Stereo, *’93 NEW JAGUAR XJ6 SON $433.00 Par Month For 36 Months. Closed End Lmm. Stock #62074 6 Cyl VIN PC663666 MBRP * 661.162 Total Of Monthly Payments 615,566 With 62500 Down *’93 NEW CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE $461.00 Par Month For 36 Months, cioms end inm oik FIBOS2 • Cyl VIN F51Q7073 MBRP * *44,244 Total Of Mthty Psyiwnts *14.84* With 64000 Down *’93 NEW LINC MARK VIII $391.00 Par Month For 24 Months. Closed End Lease. Stock #66654 6 Cyl VIN PY664656 MBRP * 636.147 Total Of Monthly Payments 66.364.00 With 63000 Down 11* Per Mile Over 30. * ’93 NEW LINC TOWN CAR $446.00 Par Month For 24 Months. Cloaad End Laan. Stock MS22S ■ Cyl VIN PY72MOO MSRP * *3B,O:fS Total Of Monthly Paymanta *10,704 With *3OOO Down 11* Par Mila Qyar 30.000 Mllaa * '94 NEW LINC CONTINENTAL $393.00 Par Month For 24 Months. Cloaad End Laaaa. stock MSO24 3 Cyl VIN PYSOS2S2 MSRP * 334,475 Total Of Mthly Paymanta 35432 With 33000 Down 11* Par Mila Ovar 30.000 Mllaa *’93 NEW CHRYS NY SALON $246.00 For Month For 36 Months. Closed End Lmm. Stock *60166 6 Cyl VIN P 0203633 MSRP * 620,120 Total Of Mthlv Payments 66666. With 62600 Down *’93 NEW DODGE STEALTH $268.00 to Mm For 46 Months. Cloccd End Loom. Stk *660 M 6 Cyl VIN PY006793 MSRP *621.726 Total Of Mthly Pymto 612,664 With 62000 Down Total Of 66.000 Mi *’93 NEW MERC GRAND MARQUIS GS $299.00 For Month For 24 Months. Cloaad End Laaaa. Stock *SIO4S 6 Cyl VIN PX622112 MSRP * 623,607 Total Of Mthlv Paymanta 67176 With 62100 Down *’93 NEW MERC SABLE GS $220.00 Par Month For 24 Months. Cloaad End Laaaa. Stock *64601 6 Cyl VIN PA600116 MSRP * 616.140 Total Of Monthly Payments 65260 With 62000 Down If Par Mila Ovar 30.000 Mllaa *’93 NEW PLY VOYAGER $225.00 Par Month For 36 Months. Closed End Lease. Stock *76374 4 Cyl VIN PR325481 MSRP * 616,767 Total Of Monthly Payments 66100 With 61500 Down SHOP REEOMAN BEFORE YOU BUY LEASE OR RE-LEASE A CAR OR TRUCK FLASH! If You Still Hava Paymanta On Your Praaant Laaaad Car Or Truck Wa Would Lika To Bid On Your Laaso For A Now Vohiclo, Individual Laaaa. Or Company Laaalno. * ’93 NEW T-10 BLAZER 4x4 4 Dr $284.00 Per Month For 34 Monthe.Cloaad End Lhh stk# T-5005 • Cyl VIN P 2100277 MSRP *220,262 Total Of Mthly Pymt» 1t0J24 With >l5OO Down *’93 NEW COUGAR XR7 $279.39 Far Month For 24 Montha. Cloaad End Loaaa. Stock #23510 2 Cyl VIN PH202230 MSRP * 212.222 Total Q 1 Mthly Payments 22705.32 With 21800 Down *’93 NEW CHEV LUMINA 4 OR $189.00 Par Month For 3S Montha. Cloaad End Loaaa. stock #38301 2 Cyl VIN P 2125242 MSRP *215,250 Total Of Mthly Paymanta 22204 With 22000 Down * '93 NEW OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME S CPE $258.27 Par Month For 3S Months. Cloaad End Loaaa. stock #02105 2 Cyl VIN PD358242 MSRP * 212,123 Total Of Mthly Pvmta 22222 With 22000 Down Cloaad End Leasas First Monthly Paymsnt Plua A Security Deposit Equal To On* Monthly Paymant Is Required Upon Salivary. Lsaaae May Hava Tha Option To Purchase The Car At Lease End At A Price To Bo Negotiated With Tha Dealer At Lease Inception. At Tha End Of Tha Lease If You Do Not Exercise Your Option To Buy You WIH Pay A Mileage Charge Of 10* Par Mila For Each Mile In Excess Of 15.000 Milas Per Year Plua The Coats Of Any Excess Wear Or Tear. * Price Includes All Cost To Be Paid By A Consumer, Except For Licensing Costs, Registration Ret 8t Texes. CALL 215-757-4961 Ask For Rssdman Leasing Dept. Rssdmsn Rts 1 langhome Pa. Tanker trailer, 8500 gallon, $2,400. (717)532-8363. TRUCK SCALE Howe Ri chardson model 16,000 with 60 ton capacity, beam and weightograph, con crete platform size 10x60 feet, 3 sections Contact FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP, 599 Lewisberry Road, New Cumberland, PA 17070 717-774-0241 WANTED 555 Cummins diesel engine 717-534-1253. .000 uSmmS PICKUP INSERT DUMPER For FREE brochure, call toll free 24 hr. 1-800-755-3867 REFRIGERATED MERCEDE BENZ TRUCKS _ v '-•**: Ok -■ * -—* - •1 Can Be Used For Cold Storage Inside Or Outside 14’-22’ Boxes Starting $3500 And Up 201-663-0243 “THIS WEEKS SPECIALS” Gooseneck Trailers Gooseneck 4x24, 14,000#, Convertible Dovetail & Rampa, Double Axle SALE $3695 Many Olhar Styles In Slock SPECIALISTS IN FARM & LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT I Ringo Hill Farms Equipment Co. I ■■■ f'A) 1 OR SEND TOR I !'-/•) Mouli- _■ 1J CKm. mi V. 11117 Oii.iK.nlown PA IH'ISt (215) 346-7340 FAX: (215) 346-8041 A I KI.E CATAU.I. I BEST BUY USED CARS n mi iels | p STOCK TRAILERS 1# Ft. Sale $2,800 #8823 •( J 2 Pun.- GRAND AM 4 Dr., AT, AC, F«ct W»rr. Orig. Lilt $14,657 now $10.995 #8857 ’B9 PONTIAC LEMANS LB 4 Dr.. AT. AC, PS, Only 36,000 Miles special $5,995 #8873 ISUm ’B9 BONNEVILLE LB 4 Dr., Auto, Most Factory Options Was $9,500 now $7,995 PrlcM Baaad on Straight Sala. Thla Ad Muat Ba Praaentad At Tlmi _ 6xlo Sldss sale $2795 Choice of 2 ’92 PONTIAC BUNBIRD 4 Dr., AT, Nicely Equipped Orig. Lilt $12,475 AS LOW AS $8,650 #8859 V* «' 1,, "4 ■*■ ■ amPF ’9O STORM GSI AT AC, Factory Warranty Orig. Lift $9,995 now $8,300 #8902 ’9O GRAND AM LB 4 Dr., AT, Mon Factory Power Optioni Wn $8,995 now $7,995 IS Track Body Insert $1895 + Installation #8940 r , ~ 0> i ’9O CHEVY LUMINA EURO 4 Dr., Mott Factory Options Only 21,000 Miles Was $10,900 now $9,350 #8912 *92 BONNEVILLE SB 4 Dr., Auto, Most Factory Power Options, 15,000 Miles, Factory War ranty Was $17,900 Now $15.995 #BBBB S^jgp *BB PONTIAC GRAND AM 4 Dr, AT, PS, AC A Stereo Orig. List $7,500 now $5,850 Tax & Tag* Extra Of Daal For Sala Prlca CARONI FINISH MOWER Raar Mount 3-Polnt Hitch 5Ft ' Sale $1. 185. #8906 ’92 LUBONA EURO AT, Moit Factory Power Options, 13,000 Miles, Factory Warranty Was $14,900 now $13,300 CENTURY Limited, 4 Dr., Auto, Most Factory Options SPECIAL $8,500 #8958 *9O ESCORT LX 4 Dr., Auto. PS, PB. AC. Stereo/Cassette, Only 35,000 Miles Was $7,995 ONLY $6,550 #B94s^^^^ wramE 6000 4 DR. Auto, Most Factory Options, 1 Owner Only 32,000 MUea SPECIAL S6.3SO
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