Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 24, 1993, Image 11
Workshop Examines Beef Evaluation Techniques NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) —More than 75 beef producers were on hand Wed nesday night at the New Holland Sales Stables to examine new techniques used to obtain and evaluate quality beef. Demonstrations and overviews were presented on ultrasound scanning, Injection site safety, and live cattle evaluation by several indus try and academic professionals. The two-part event concluded Friday night at Stolt zfus Meats, Intercourse, with a carcass evaluation to see dress-out. Here, Penn State Instructor Keith Bryan describes how to evaluate leanness, while Casey High holds the reins. Show coordinator Chet Hughes, Lancaster extension agent, said the two day workshop Is an effort to put farmers closer to consumers they feed. Photo by Andy Andrews. NOW OPEN FOR OUR 53rd SEASON Marketing Fresh Produce Through Mid-September Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Sugar Babies, Tomatoes and More Opening July 7 “No buyer too big or small- Pickup loads to tractor trailer loads sold- Buy your own - No fee for buying No broker needed" Please call for more information 302-875-3147 302-875-5136 .0. Box 633 I, DE 19956 If broilers could speak... ...THEY WOULD TELL YOU HOW COM FORTABLE THEY ARE IN THE NEWLY REMODELED BROILER HOUSE AT THE EDWIN & ESTHER HOOVER FAMI LY FARM. EPHRATA, PA. Ventilation with the Grower in Mind TUNNEL VENTILATION WITH COOLAXR FANS Aw AGRI VENTILATION SYSTEMS CURTAIN CONTROL IP TOU NEED TO UPGRADE TOUR VENTILATION SYSTEM. CALL HERSHEY TT€RSH€V ■■■ mmi EQUIPMENT CO. 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 IF ITS WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT, TRUST IT TO HERSHEY lonoMWr PMHi^'BMirchf) r, iMy G.C. COMPUTER CONTROL FOR ACCURATE VENTILATION