Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 24, 1993, Image 102
C22-L*ncaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993 y*^*^*^*^ I * 4^*^*^ _ 9 IFANTim TH RTTV* V \\ f% %\ M.H. MARTIN CO. (( FEED & WATmBDIUHUI. M Ilf .1 LANCASTER COUNTY, PA )) $ Organic Corn, Soybean. (]) VS// (717)738-1312 I ( Barley or Wheat J // SI BMONLMHIIER i H MUSHROOM t^d SBS/per ton I Extruded • Soybean* V At Least Last 3 Years A (( 100 bu. $60.00 mo hu. $90.00 iaoobu.s 160.00 ™mZ d 1?, l l h of 50 I B.«ed 80 lb. or Bulk 9 Affadavlt Required 111 BARK MULCH - Delivered Columbia Co., pa | Shelled Com, Ear Com and $ Paying Premium Prices 6 )) Iw* $140.00 10 y4*. $250.00 u yd* $330.00 717-389-1139 1 Soybeans - Barley & Wheat £ CORNERSTONE GRAIN 9 Buying-Drying-Contracting S 215-693-5027 { 1 SELLING '' (717)569-7929 i) Liquid Fish Products : seuxinir rr\ eon A 000 Farm • Home • Gardens HIGH (717) 569-4383 I I Custom Spraying • MOISTURE H\GH FEED COSTS? e • 100% Organic .S 3?? J WOULD CORN SILAGE LIKE THIS * ALL YOUR FERTILIZER NEEDS $ INTEREST YOU? I LUKE H. KURTZ $ ✓ True Protein Increased 25-50% $1 I I Emest S. Stutter • I } 215-944-0263 $✓ Dry Matter increased 5-10% $ Enterprises 1 Berks Co. J ftl IJ b a*/ Mold Control • uihAiMaianietriKntnr S [, „ . $ ✓ Bunk Life Extended 24-48 Hrs. J • q Wholesale Distributor • e ✓ Less Heating - Less Spoilage $ •P O. Box 341 Nazareth, PA 18064 tt»v ! $ Our Customers Are Reaping $ (215) 759-7732 * 1 Reduce Your Feed Costs $ These Profits From t " QUALITY I ReaUCe I | "Cold-Flo™” Silage Treatment | ALFALFA > I we • roasted soybeans I J FDA Approved *; ► "Competitive Prices” I; 1 WeDeUver I SUPPLY • distillers ■ f Cost Per Ton About $1.50 Retail Jj►. A g Limestone ■ CAL 1 ■ W ® ■ ISSyhuLes ■ $ Plan Now For Next Year’s $ Ftock Phosphate HY MAC; 1 John or ■ - custom mixing ■ $ Feeding Profitability 5 ; Calcium Sulfates ] ; Rhnrri Woods ■ “ u * Today... ■ $ . Cali Or Write - $ I ► Sales & Spreading ; , snem woocw ■ i/aoo-844-4574 ■ J uriCFV $! ► Soil Testing Available ; ; 800/572-7274 $ FARM SERVICE $i I ZIMMERMAN LIME i ; $ 1665 ML Pleasant $ ! > & FERTILIZER a Mount Joy, PA 17552 C % (717) 733-7674 £ { Wrapped { e (717) 653-1568 $ "Prompt Delivery” > \ Round Bales I, ? “Programs For Profit 1 of Alfalfa ■ > * W;fh Anhydrous Ammonia” * _______ I Haylage, baled | ■ i with Ag Master ! Peerless ClialUwcew Silo Mill | TURKEY IH PLANTS " awksC* IrM . . I S 9 Wirll Blows. MANURE L=>k 1717/933-5953 7 VOU-tVMG(I ' f 1 0? oh, n ,n B» r »io mi y Broccoli, Red & Green A Of T Jf _ roller mill with *°4-bm* °l2 n I $5 PER TON Cabbage . Paul Breneman laasagt toasted drains? ■■■■■■ ’PsKHHVj 717-582-4431 lower and celery. Call Carl, , , mtorto * 1 717-867-1227. Excellent Consider these advantages over mu e. c-w-om* mm *«k««cr. ch , mm Qualitv traditional roasting methods; nut Corn Silage ♦ Consistent by-pass proteins and hydr ByS '* m SS ==== 9 low moisture levels _ • lE] FRUITS* Cooler Bally walk-in. Silo King , , . r Peeriess Silo Mill vegetables 9xl s‘ w/2 . ♦ Improved enerev density of vour Procen— good condition, $l7OO Treated r „ ti V- ric 77 High Moliture Ear Corn 215/367-2677 ask for Jim rations. f For silo PirkpH lin Or ♦ Excellent qualitv control. Now In Stock: “r V ' l -I J . X mill with > 4-bar iml. TU> lirpr . 1 Delivered ♦ Exchange programs with feed mills. ™ ST.J? p *°^ 1 *** I Kasco Protective Pesticide Helmets 717 fiQ A 7ft AO _ , i Plastic Baskets / j. /-090-/ 009 ♦ Economical storage, rolling and I. . itq tom aio Vegetable Boxes - Georgia Pacific Brand - gnndmg available. ■QP™ F * Mo Wooden Baskets I 4we also buv corn and soybeans A,so Available With;"'" * i, “ b0,,l vlsit opur 0 p ur B A ? A Warehouse Wrapped b y " d yb Big 10”x36” Chrome Hardened Rolls Powder Mdl Hollow Rd. nmm H With 1095 sq. inches of Screen to granulate up to Frecon Orchard Supplies ivuunu 2000 10 2500 ljushels ear 001X1 P er hour I 215-367-2933 Haylage Bales New I0"x20" Silo Mill In Stock in 2nd Cutting JfcfC tfdlitYmK Now I0”x30 n Silo Mill In Stock mmm A,,alfa Ag Bag Models Available il!l Nurtlent Tested UBed 10 ” x3 0” Ear Corn Silo Mill ■■■ SRY JUNGB With Corn Discharge MW— FARMS INC. vSNSs Used 10”x30” Small Grain silo Mill 2 small greenhouses; hoop JfSrSSM C»U For Dcmoutnllo. D.tM In For more information call UUU °r For Tom (717)397.4360. 215-298-2334 (7171 SSfi-BFAM The Farm Demonatratlon Bark mU | Ch and mushroom -=* l F.M.1.-Feedmobile Inc. 727 Furnace Hills Pike, Lititz. PA 17543 aWe Gwmm’s Coal md 717-626-2680 US 1-800-S2B-6693 Srh LVn'k (717)653-9580 l£&| fertilizer Chicken Manure, Western York Co 717/225/5383 717/843-2284 HEN HOUSE FERTILIZER Delivered Dry Layer Bulk Spread Per Ton Door Cuetom Spreading Per Ton HP K Spreader Rental Available SO M 90 717-o*4-3400 Leal compost in small or large quantities, available FREE for the taking from County of Delaware (PA), municiple recycling prog ram. For more information call (215)892-9627. (215)892-9628. ask (or Mr. Grosso or call Peabody As sociates. (215)458-8632. Drip irrigation system, 8000 feet rigid plastic, drip pers spaced 18 inches, Honda pump, filter, fertil izer enjector, $l5OO 304-274-3679 Evenings FINEST QUALITY CHRISTMAS TREES For 45 Years Doug. Fir, Blue Spruce, Norway and White Spruce Call or Write for Price List TOBIAS YULE TREE FORESTS P.O. Box 168 Pino Grove, PA 17968 717/345-4952, 717/366-0213 (6) 2" discharge irrigation pumps, several thousand feet of PVC irrigation pipe 75 rolls of lath shade. Sev eral bolts of lO'xIOO' poly shade cloth. (600) 4' PVC lath shade benches. 150 sprinkler heads. 3-1/2 gal lon of Ridomil 2-E fungi cide. 5' 3pt Bushog. 8N Ford tractor, new paint and tires. VG condition. 1R 3pt vegetable transplanter, like new; 1991 Ford 1720 trac tor, show room condition (717)937-4198.