Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 96
C2O-Lancasler Farming, Saturday, July 17, 1993 iil HORSES & MULES 12 Year Old Saddlebred Horse, Drives Good and Also Trail Rider, Gentle; Single Seat Buggy w/ Rubber, 2 Tongues, Har ness Included 717-259-7656. (2) standardbreed driving broke. Price negotiable, horses, sound, good dnv- Call 207/848-0813, owners ers. 717-768-3788. live in Maine. 2 year old chestut sad- TWH 12 Year Old Palom dlebred stud $2,000.00, ino Gelding, Also 13 Year also 9 year old saddlebred Old Registered Bay Mare, broke $900.00 Jonas J Good Trail Horses Esch, 170 Truce Rd., New 717-733-6859. Providence 17560. 2yr. old Percheron gelding, green broke, lots of style and snap, should mature to 17H, $l5OO. Jacob Zook, Jr 717/768-3774 4 year old bay stan dardbred, solid trotter, traffic safe, ready for road, good carriage horse, has style and snap 717-442-9559 6 Year old Saddlebred, real hitcher, also good broke pony and cart Lane Co 717/354-5039 American Saddlebred Stud Service. Jason Stoltzfus, 215/273-9665. Beautiful Registered Haff linger Stallion, red, blaze, white main & tail, champion bloodline; fancy hitch wa gon, Brewster show buggy, cart 814/445-6358 Beautiful TWH, 10 yrs , rides, drives, been shown, $3,000 Leave message, (717)626-8633 Blacksmith, practical, sci entific and sound patholog ical horseshoeing Spe cially hand made shoes available when needed For an appointment, please call (302)475-8225 CARRIAGE. Park Phae ton, early 1900, pole & shaft, good condition; Gray & Davis signed lamps; super deluxe show har ness for pair or single plus extras Holly whip, new English saddle & bridle, all purpose, excellent condi tion (215)286-9400, 800-234-2697. Clydesdale Mares, Were in Parades, Hook Single Dou ble or Whatever; Also 2 Mini- M a r e s 410-486-5970 Saddlebred, Registered, Rides English or Western, Drives, Street safe, Quiet, 100% Sound, Honest, No Vices. 13yrs„ 16.1 H, first $l5OO 215-273-7861 SLEIGH: One horse, origi nal excellent condition, no restoration, $l5OO firm 717/396-9334 after spm SWINE Write: R-18 c/o Lancaster Farming FOB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 ictalizing in spotted and solid colored walking horses SPOTTED FEVER FARM. 717-582-7831. Team penning horse, 7 year old, quarter horse mare, $2950. 908-322-4038. Three year old registered Quarter horse gelding in Central PA, great looking, gentle, sorrel/white, nice show prospect, green- Young Broke Mules On Hand From 16 to 18 Hands CALL PAUL SMUCKER (717) 299-3721 Economical Manure Spreaders MODEL 75, 62 cubic ft. capacity. Operates behind 18-hp tractor. MODEL 50, 44 cubic ft. capacity. Shown with optional endgate. MODEL 25, 28 cubic ft. capacity Fits through 4-foot doors. Hundreds of small farm operators are using an affordable Millcreek spreader to solve their manure disposal problems. Why pay for a big spreader when a small one will do? You have a choice of 4 sizes! Ground drive $ PTO mod els available millcreek IP w Manufacturing Co. |l P 2617 Stumptown Rd., Dept. LF \ Bird-In-Hand, PA 17S0S (717) 656-3050 Reg. show harness pony, 10 year old bay w/blaze, 4 white socks, shown in har ness division, extra fancy, pleasure to work around, $l5OO 215-754-6298 BROKE MULES FOR SALE HENRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Ball Road Christiana, PA 17509 (Near 9 Points) 717-529-2614 Frank Wsldman - Lsavs Massags Quarter horse gelding, Doc Bar cutting horse. 13 years old, well broke, likes to win at team pennings, $3,000. Days 8-6, (215)383-7042; j weekends and evenings i (215)593-7094. j MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 [717) 949-3246 k WOOD SHAVINGS/ J S SAWDUST S J FOR BEDDING S S* 3'A Ton Truck Loads $125.00 717-299-6288 » ? Free Delivery In J Lancaster County W JL jf U2| SHEEPS GOATS PENNSYLVANIA’S 15TH PERFORMANCE TESTED RAM LAMB AND INVITATIONAL EWE v SALE AND SHEEP PRODUCERS i * FIELD DAY 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 and 7, 1993 Opening Friday Noon Trade Show and Educational Booths and Presentations 1:00 PM, Saturday • Ram & Ewe Sale AT PSU’S AG ARENA NEXT TO THE; PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE'S MEAT ANIMAL EVALUATION CENTER 651 Fox Hollow Road State College, PA 16803 RAMS ON TEST: 24-Dorsets 7-Hampshiras 18-Suffolki (10 Fall bom) (1 Fall bom) (3 Fall bom) 1-Poly Pays 3-Katahdln 1-Southdown (Fall Bom) 1-Columbia CATALOGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST ABOUT JULY 24 For Information Contact: GLENN EBERLY At (814) 238-2527 or writ* to tha abova addraaa i Ewea Consigned From Performance Breeders I Lamb Barbeque (Educational Seminars A Boothi Trade Show Have Feed & Feeder Pigs Need Facilities and Labor On Contract To EPrwl mdrhlo Sn h a am«R k » 7WH ShOW Quali ty PriCBS «rt d ?is/2 d 73-3487 Starting at $2500. cart. 215/273-3487. 717.799.fif1«> K & K HORSE SALE Fredericksburg, PA JULY 24th Directions 1-78 to Exit #l, Lebanon Val ley Livestock Market, Next To Esther’s Diner on Old Route 22. New and Used Tack 2 PM Horses 6:00 PM Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day Of Sale 717-865-2881 Regularly Scheduled Sales Will Be Held The 4th Saturday Of Each Month 8/28,9/25,10/23,11/27, No Sale December Finish 1000 to 1200 Hogs Write: R-17 c/o Lancaster Fanning FOB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 SHEEP & GOATS FOR SALE OR TRADE: Black and white male, four month old Alpine Goat, good stock. Must see to ap preciate 717-754-7670 SWINE Bennecoff Hogs. Hamp shires, Poland China, Berkshires. Boars and Gilts. Service Age 215-285-6581 or 215-285-6582. Duroc, Yorkshire, Spotted, Chester White & Landrace Boars, Open Gilts agd Bred Gilts. Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. 215-799-3375 or 3831 FOR SALE-Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd , Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-272-5798 or 273-2921. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall, RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844 Centre County (814)355-1647 The Mg Of Tomenmr At Oar Meet Todqrl s RpU s: Urge Whltei FI Cnnt!ri<jt rA mvt s BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS • BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Ctrtlfltd Bruetllotlt tnd PuudonblM FrM Hard Rtno Thomai Ptrk Ttiomu Iferli 9t»hr (717) MHHt (717) (H-4M4 (717) <St-7007 RD tt, Box 220 ■ Buvwtown, PA 17513 Jacobs 4-Horn Ram, Sell or Trade. 410-486-5970. JD 40 combine, 10' grain, 2R corn, vari-speed straw spreader, $l2OO. Montour 717-672-2382 evenings Rams for Sale: Cornell Star Dorset, Purebred Finn, (2) 1/2-Finn 1/2-Dorset-Cross, 1 Easer 814-349-9665 Reducing flock: Fine crossbred ewes, mix of Hampshire Dorset Suffolk different ages. Purebred rams Hampshire, Dorset. Polypay. (302)239-0725. Reg. Cheviot ram lamb, breeding, twin, 3/93, Breozeviow-Erdenheim- Gladehouse. Reasonable 215-399-1470. Registered Southbound flock for •sale, excellent condi tion, good FFA and 4H ani mal projects 6-Bam or af ter 7pm, (717)285-5338 Reg. Tunis Ram, Ewe, Lambs for sale 908-689-3492. Two Barbados Black Bel lied Male Sheep, proven rams. 717/784-0449. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 For Sale: Chester White & Duroc Boars & Gilts. Boar’s With Excellent En ures By Real Time. Jim Parlett & Son RD#2 Box 176 Airville, Pa. 17302 (717) 862-3610