JD 3 row oom head, ex. cond. $3400. Lane. Co. 717-786-1240. Two feeder steers app. 250-300 tb., one app. 500-600 lb. Heraford- Anous cross, call after 6 PM. York Co. 717-432-3382 flood stock. Hot water pressure washer $450, 15* table saw $6OO 080. Heavy duty 16* swing engine lathe $l5OO 080. 215-856-7856. File cabinets (5) letter size, exc. cond. $5O ea. Morgan town, Berks Co. 215-286-7497. Little Wonder blower 5 HP pneumatic tires like new $250. Victor welding and cutting outfit with tanks $250. Mercer Co. 606-771-3664. Two Barbados black bellied male sheep, proven rams. Columbia Co. 717-784-0449. Christmas tree branches, fir, pine and spruce, you cut as you want them, very rea sonable, nice color. Lane. Co. 717-872-5263. 2000 ft. White Pine 1* Bds 30 Cents per ft., 2 shingle mills, Paul F. Verger, Auburn Pa. Sch. Co. 717-754-4661 evenings. Gleaner E Combine with cab. 10 ft. grain head, 2 row corn head. Field ready $750. Berks Co. 215-926-4486. SALE 5 To 10% Off On Quincy And Industrial Air, Air Compressors Thru July. 500 Gal. Air Tanks As Low As $190.00 Ea. While Supply Lasts. • Air Sewage Pumps JLh. • Bradford Water Heaters • Air Tools And Motors • Plumbing Supplies • Air System’s Installed • • Air Water Pumps Sales & Service Atrcsrapnasm* For Service Call (717) 442-9622 Between 7:00 & 7:30 AM Or Write To: SPRING GARDEN PLUMBING 339 Spring Garden Rd., Klnzer, PA 1753 S JAY ZEI6LER ROOFING CONTRACTOR FREE Estimates Continuous Lsngth Service bull sire headman 8H2024 dam soorsd 86 pt 2-022970.19,953 m. 71 IF. 3.6 F SB9P 2.6 P. Adams Co. 717-334-8553. Modified pulling tractor pro fessionally built 350 strocked balanced blue printed crane roller system tractor is alum. $2500. Mif flin Co. 717-667-6447. Oliver OC3-42 crawler, will run, needs some work, $1,200. Lane. Co. 717-426-1513 anytime or 717-653-1367 after 5:30 p.m. Ford 292 V-8 complete w I buck ball housing, Warner 4 spd. F-500 truck rear. Chester Co. 215-644-7727. Kubota 87100 hydro 4WD w/60* mid-mount mower, excel, cond., $5300. Leb. Co. 717-272-9531. JD 14T PTO baler fair cond., $350. Mifflin Co. 717-483-6752. Reg. Jersey bull 2 years old, high record dam, easy handler, ready for heavy service. 717-933-4385, 215-488-7632 Berks Co. JD 420 T tractor $2BOO. 1979 IH S series truck DT 466 diesel engine $2900. Lob. Co. 717-865-3869. Two JD *4O combines one in running cond. $lOOO. One for parts $6OO. York Co. 717-235-3160. Free weather reports 717-656-1111 Leola, Pa. 717*768-3733 Intercourse, Pa. 215-445-4738 Terra HM. Pa. Standing Seam Metal Roofing Since 1963 APVi • Roof can last for 100 years - cost efficient • Can be installed over existing roof (Asphalt, roll roofing, wood shingles) • Is environmentally safe • Beauty • colorful (galvanized, 40 lb. teme, teme-coated stainless, and painted steel in over 20 different colors.) PO Box 231 Rehrersburg, PA 19550 (717) 933-4666 (717) 933-5305 (717) 933-5174 Bicycles, Antique and classics, bought, sold, traded. Wanted: Old pedal cars, wagons, motorcycles and doMs, 80 lb. anvil. $B5. Wayne-Camden Co. NJ 609-767-5964. 27 ft. Airstream travel trail er, air cond., microwave, new awning, good cond. $2600. 717-567-4730. Service age headman son Blackstar dam pro! 2 yr. 25,000 4.3 John P. Esh, 302 Osceola Mill Road, Qordonville, Pa. 17529. Cattle groomers: a minl-circ blower-dryer $135. Electro groom with booster on wheels $65. York Co. 717-225-6279. Int 20 blade pull type disc two section spring tooth harrow one section spike harrow, York Co. 717-225-4167 after 9 p.m. Farnjall F-14 restored motor rebuilt, new rear 6 res, Homer factory built igh-lift John Deere H restored, delivery possible. Indiana Co. 412-397-2423. Scat II Hovercraft runs on water, land and snow. List $lO,OOO. Asking $7,000. 814-SB3-5731 4 horse stock trailer $1,500. NH 451 sickle mower S7OQ.. Case baler $2OO. Qravley walking mower, needs head gasket. Harford Co. 410-272-2668. Post hole digger 3 pt. hitch $175. Purple Martin house new $75. Chester-Co. 215-793-1131 eve. Us* On Garagss, Horsa Bams, Etc. Berg Bam daanar 18’ pad dlaa 200' of chain drive unit I incline chute, good cond., beet offer. Lane. Co. 717-361-8351. 1965 Pontiac Bonneville 2DHT PS/PB 389 auto, btack/blaek rune good $l3OO, Hit & Miaa engine trades considered. Ocean N.J. Paul Sr. 908-367-7546. Propane tank 250 gal. Started guinea keata. “•••*• 598-6874, Berks Co 215-488-6816. 215-431-8163 Harry. Lane. CO. MAILBOX MARKL T I NOTICE J Factory mada blade for JD 420 crawler. Bedford Co. 814-793-4611. Someone to tear down two story shed. Can have free lumber, farm equip. North ern Lane. Co. 215-267-5017. Com seed plates for Ford 309 2-row corn planter, have black hawk pldtss for sale. Chester Co. 215-933-5049 anytime. Trailer 4-5 ton deckover 8' w/ball hitch w/elect. brakes double axle. Somerset, N.J. 608-466-3596 eves. Deutz tractor 100-06 or 130-06, running cond. or repairs. Aaron E. Click, Jr., 307 Monterey Rd., Bird-In- Hand, Pa. 17505. 125 or 200 amp. double throw switch. 215-445-4910. MF tractors models T 035, MF3S 202, any cond., also Worthington or Toro pull- type reel mowers. Co. 201-895-2672. Cults, side dressers for Farmall 130 ask for Tom. Burlington Co. 609-298-4931. Complete power steering (or Ford 600 tractor or com plete salvage tractor for parts. Bucks Co. 215-536-6094. Used bedding chopper, also mig or tig welder or other metnl shop tools Lane. Co. 717-733-8434. PTO com shelter on wheels or3pt. hitch. 717-626-5678 call 6-10 p.m. Call For Information Good For All Roof Anglos AGES; • Can be installed on flat roof with as little as Vi " pitch per foot • Good for homes, farm buildings, garages, commercial buildings. * Sheet in continuous length installed with concealed fasteners with double lock seam for water tight application. 1940 50 Mack EH 6 U trucks * parts. 1966 Quick Lasabre & Wildcat 8 1967 Electra oats A parts. Write oond., etc. to Hilbert Snyd er, 5713 Memorial Fra., Oermansville, PA 18053. Lehigh Co. Cast iron radiators prefer smaller size radiators. Adams Co. 717-359-8567. Complete power steering unit for Farmall M. Call or write Rt. 1 Box 91, New town, Va. King/Queen City 23126. 804-633-6177. Chevy V. or 1 ton pickup truck for parts. Jack BaHo. Co. 410-343-1568. Amish workers to take down fire damaged single dwelling. Plenty of good wood-windows, etc. Sch. Co. 717-622-4437. Rotary mower, pull type (not 3 pont) five to seven foot cut wide. 717-326-6573. Maple or birch 2x2* or 1V« xIK ’ for turning chair legs. Del. Co. 215-565-1444. AC WD4S and related equip., chain hoist, block and tackle, winch, log chains, chain saws, back pack sprayer. Lane. Co. 717-872-5263. Front end loader (or Ford Model 1710 tractor 4778 ?? Call Ed Sr. 908-873-8640 Somerset Co. NJ. Farmall 140 tractor with fast hitch AA Co. Md. 410-741-1652. Caterpillar tractors, 10, 15, 20 running or not, construc tion equip, sales literature. Phila, Pa. 215-969-4659. Christian family needs spportunity to work in for a start in farming. Poultry, dairy, general. Exper enced. North'd Co. 717-286-6933. Belt driven piston type water pump, also water Mieel. Any size. Benuel esch, Route 7, Box 247-A, Cookerville, Tn. Overton Co. 38501. Sreenhouse glass new or jsed, most be 24’x26*. Bradford Co. 717-888-7638 would like 100 or more pieces. V and 6' Wade Rain cou jler, magneto for 1949 Case *D" series tractor; Nubian billy goat for breed ng, Chester Co. 21&-269-3494. Jsed canoe wanted, Mr sond. Lane. Co. 717-768-3179 evenings. Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, July 17, 1993-827 Semi-retired Ford tractor 1930-1940 gas pump, origi witt) loader needs ireotor na, unreslored, also bend without loader to share, operated oil pump and easy life & dry dean bam. tank, S gal. gas can. Berks Ocean 609-758-7295. Co. 215-670-9544. Someone to take down AKC breeders, all kinds, bank barn for lumber, good home, will pick up, mulch for cleaning up. any Co. 717-862-1071 7 Adams Co. 717-359-4975. p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Post hole digger, 3 pt. hitch, category 0 9" or 12" auger. Chester Co. 215-469-9734. Cash paid for toy tractors and toy equip, any cond. any amount. Lane. Co. 717-898-2135. Front end loader to lit Mas sey Ferguson No. 265 tree tor. Lycoming Co. 717-684-2059. 1 acre or more with home in any cond. Leb. Co. or bor dering counties. Private buyer, immediate purchase possible. Leb. Co. 717-867-2452. Wisconsin VH4D Power unit with clutch reduction, must be good shape also open buggy. Samuel All gyer, RD #3, Box 584, Mill Hall, Pa. 17751. Old pictorial cigar labels contents of old country stores, adv. signs, etc. We pay cash, York Co. even ings 717-252-3591. John Deere 310 A B or C backhoe, reasonable 717-749-5483 Franklin Co. International 425 square baler as salvage for parts. Rockingham Co., Va. 703-867-0606. Straw square bales wills end truck to farm, need price per ton dark accept able 704-481-1152 Cleve land Co. N.C. Honey extractor working order, also I have bee blow er for sale. Write to Israel Stoltzfus, 1536 Kirkwood Pike, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536 80 or 90 weight transmis sion oil. Lane. Co. 215-445-7422. Planetary gears for 640 T Hesston haybine hub, also for sale Gleaner E combine running or parts. Bedford Co. 814-766-2785. WANTED For Stealing Feedlot Profits ■■■■■■ W H ‘Shifty Starling' ‘Blackie Blackbird' Avitrol traatad grain bald hava baan provan uccauful yaar afar yaar In (amoving paat birds from taadota. 1 - 1 — EPA Approved RESTRICTEDUSEPESTICIDE MARKETING jSsSi¥ff\\ Zia Rockpaint Road MjSSIM 111 I II Mariatta, P* 17*47 (717) 426-3135 corporaiton RECON ENGINES DIESEL PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS, A MMIDeNV OF MEKL KWER sumv .1 N. SHIRK RD. - NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Specializing In Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Used tumble mixer smaller size preferred. Leb. Co. 717-949-3659. Used bldg, blocks and lum ber from countries adjoin ing Bucks. 215-968-2649 after dark please. Fire insurance on bam and house. 717-266-3583. Skid loader, call early morning or late night. 717-589-3212. Hough HF loader rear axle assembly or good Hough model HF HO replacement loader. Perry Co. 717-834-4335. American Flyer train sets two stage self propelled snow blower, motor driven tread mill. Leb. Co. 717-272-8558 5 p.m. John Blue NH’ Cold Flow Unit. Perry Co. 717-536-3786. Female Fox Terrier pup, prefer 3 colored or young female. Hamburg, Pa. Berks Co. 215-562-6298. Mott flail mower. Call Ed Sr. 908-873-8840 eves. Some rset Co. NJ. Farmall M good oond. State price. Dauphin Co. 717-541-8294 leave message. Used canoe or flatboat. Write to: Isaac Fisher, 2280 Leaman Rd„ Lane., Pa. 17602. Lane. Co. Milk cooler four or six can open front. Lane. Co. 717-653-5733. US gear under-drive for GMC Trans. Mercer 609-452-9579. Old brush chipper that needs work, reasonable price. Call 215-777-7349 Berks Co. Loader for 674 IH goi cond. 215-488-1344 Bar Co. after 5:00.
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