Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 43
No matter how you look at medium-duty Batwing® rotary mowers, Woods new MD3IS has the advantage. Feature for feature the MD3IS is a leader... and the ideal choice for maintaining APR acres plus a wide variety of commercial mowing applica tions. See for yourself. T ' Cutting; Advantage Woods Cutting height is conveniently adjusted from 1" -15" and kept level across the entire 15' cutting swath with a single hydraulic cylinder The MD3ls's six blades provide clean, even mowing, cutting and shredding of grass, weeds and light brush BANGOR IMPLEMENT Bangor, PA 218-888-8024 BELMONT FARM Glyndon, MD 301-893-8091 B. EQUIP., INC. Waynesboro, PA 717-763-3193 ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIP. New Ringgold, PA 717-943-2131 NORMAN D. CLARK & SON, INC. Homy Grow, PA 717-734-3683 ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. Now Borllnvlllo, PA 218-367-3169 FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT, INC. Ephrate, PA 717-384-2180 Advantage: Transport; Advantage Woods The model MD3IS wing sections hydraulically fold up and lock to a very compact 78" transport width Road travel, gate clearance and storage are easier and safer * N.H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Maxatawnoy, PA 218-683-7283 GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE Quarryvllla, PA 717-786-7318 HINES EQUIPMENT Craaaon, PA 814-886-4183 Baltwood, PA 814-742-8171 R.S. HOLLINGER & SON, INC. Mountvlllo, PA 717-388-4838 C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC. Intercourse, PA 717-768-8231 INCH EQUIPMENT CO. MoAlllstervllle, PA 717-403-2191 KAUFFMAN FARM SUPPLY Ml. PiMMnt Mills, PA S.G. LEWIS AND SON 717-850-4871 Wsst Grow, PA NESLEY EQUIPMENT CO. TRACTOR PARTS CO. Bsllsvllls, PA 315-809-0440 Pottslown, PA Bloomsburg, PA 717-085-3131 315-800-3314 315-400-5591 717-704-0380 Construction: Advantage Woods 7-gauge center frame deck plate. B-gauk wing frame deck plates. 1/4" steel side frame> with adjustable full length skids and full length box frame sections across the entire machine these are just some of the construction featureslhat give this 4040 hp tractor rated machine the heft to meet the rigorous demands of daily commercial use Driveline: Advantage Woods A 35R three joint input drive and Woods exclusive slide-through wing drive design results in the most compact, maneuverable cutter in its class r Gearbox: Advantage Woods Designed, buill and field tested by Woods, parts are always * available for our LI S '■ manufactured gearboxes Our network of 4,000 dealers ensure prompt service and parts supply WOODS KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Labanon, PA 717-949-6801 KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. Quakartown, PA 218-836-4046 KERMfT K. KISTLER Lynnport, PA ais-aos-2011 LAMB’S FARM MACHINERY Thorndala, PA 215-860-2876 LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. Lancaster, PA 717-869-7063 LAWN CARE OF PA. Martlndala, PA 215-448-4841 Woods Model MD3I IjotvJirg ROBERT E. LITTLE. INC. NICARRY EQUIPMENT CO. C.H. WALTZ SONS. II Zlaglorvlllt. PA (Rout. 2 Box 200 S) I I" a 'T!E O IL P , A 218 ?H7 Raiding, PA 717'438-2931 310-928-2441 WENGERS'FARM M.M. WEAVER & SONS, INC. NICHOLS FARM EQUIP. MACHINERY INC. PA Bloomabufg, PA Myorolown, PA 717-606-2321 717-784-7731 717-068-2130 MANOR EQUIPMENT INC. Sinking Spring, PA 310-678-0828 MESSICK FARM EQUIP., INC. Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1310 MIFFLINBURG FARM SUPPLY, INC. Mlffllnbura, PA 717-066-3114 MORRIS INTL, INC. Evaratt, PA 814-682-6101 Woods PIKEVILLE EQUIP. INC. CLARENCE WILSON °loy, PA SONS 210-087-8277 Klmborton, PA 310-033-3881 SHUEY SALES & SERVICE C.J. WONSIDLER BRI Ono. PA Quakartown, PA 717-865-4915 216-556-1955 215-536-7535 STRALEY FARM SUPPLY, INC. Dover, PA 717-202-4443 717-202-8631 THOMAS POWER EQUIPMENT Avondale, PA 218-268-2181 Uncnter Firming, Saturday, July 17, 1 Rotaiy Cutter Rt 309 A 100 Maw Tripoli, PA 215-767-7611 Olay, PA 215-987-6257 YORK CO. FARM IND., INC. Emlgavllla, PA 717-764-6412 ZIMMERMAN FARM SERVICE Bathal, PA' 717-953-4114.