Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 175
Corn Featured In National Greg Roth An excellent article entitled “Com. the Golden Grain” was recently published in the June 1993 issue of National Geo graphic magazine. The article provides a history of the development of modem com and traces its history back to Native Americans in Mex ico. It also touches on some ot the most recent research advances being made with the crop, including plant breeding for European Com Borer resis tance and the development of new products being made with com. GO WITH THE *1... The Old Reliable Before You Buy, Cheek With Ue Moat Slzaa In Stock For Quick Service & Avallablility We Sell In Volume SIZES IN STOCK: 190 BIN 230 BIN 275 BIN 325 BIN GeW high BOTH capacity blowers will help gel your MODELS silo Mlmg done eiW*i ft m short order IN STOCK / « Thru models with a choice of &«0 or 1 000 'pm « Twin spinners n(ie material at nearly 35 mph « Twin tided (an due with paddles on both sides mm Split rim sheets feature a replaceable inner liner • Many convenience features rjnklimurst mm BROS. INC. bhhmbkj 133 Rothsville Station Rd. Lltitz, PA 17543 I>Boo-IT PAYS U (717) 625-4705 <|sj) <@) <jog) <@) (@) <|sj) GSI psi PHI PSI PHI ‘ —a* PSI PSI TTeRSHev MM MM EQUIPMENT CO. psi psi psi PHI A new product success story described in the article is the biodegradable packing peanut. One company, American Excelsior, sold more than $4 million dollars worth of these biodegradable packing peanuts last year. The article is loaded with excellent photographs, such as the one of the Com Palace—an attraction in Mitchell, S.D. The authors interviewed growers with contrasting philosophies one who harvests 6,000 acres with a $120,000 combine and another who harvests 60 acres by hand. His only invest- Tour Best Buy In Grain Handling McCurdy Model 275 Model 230 Try An All New GEHL MODEL 970 FORAGE BOX With A New, Improved DRIVE SYSTEM And A NEW WARRANTY! UP TO 20% FASTER UNLOADING! Several In Stock- Got Yourt Now! • Model 1540 540 ATI PTO Economy I 1V - W ' Pr| ced i\ 1 • Model 1580 \ I 1000 RPM With 'I ~ The Highest ' Blowing TS^ll Capacity On i - The Market FFICIENT MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES TIME TO GO - PSI phi: Model 190 *v« J fhmningL \ Gttrt i > With \ Axial i Model 325 The Best Chopper For Com You Can Buy!! CHOP IT Q«hl foragt hanffttars g«t the job done fester with these performsnoe features • Eklmlw Aut*Mu ImS-lamlai Syittfii - Model 1060 lneiMHc>p«crtrbyupttZl% iravouopnttit In Stock lop eapwty without th# fur of downtwn du* to w/T»ndtm . t tf i A p^- « MMal-Stop Mottl Ootoctor - ftwtrt* mtchmo **'• ■"*" damogttndhwWwodMMt. Smoother w In-haoS NyOoulc Knffo ShorpoAor - IM you Chopping ■hvpviMMntfwfitH With All The w ritontoS Ono SIM Cuttarkor Mjwtmom - Finest Mokat adjuring th# cuimbtf quick tnd ucy « Thro# MePolt To Chooto From - including it* ewl.. I#iga#l capacity pul-lypt tong* hatwwr on th# SflOWn moAoi Herat Model 1060 In Stock w/Tandem Axle For Smoother Chopping With All The Finest Features Shown Here! PSI PSI Geographic meat is 88 cents an acre for husking gloves. If you’d like a good back ground reference, or just some good reading. I’d recommend getting a copy of the article. The issue also contains an arti cle on the Chesapeake Bay with some interesting comments about the effects of Pennsylva nia agriculture. It would take 373,134,320 pick-up truck loads to deliver SO-billion bushels of com. End to end they would reach to the moon and back 3.5 times, reports the U.S. Feed Grains Council. SYCAMORE INO. PARK 255 PUNE TREE DRIVE ‘ UNCASTER. PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 sbi: gsj: Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993—Page NEWARK, Del. Efficient nitrogen management is criti cal to optimize economic yields and avoid nitrate conta mination of groundwater when growing com in Delaware. But maximizing crop recov ery of fertilizer and manure nit rogen can be challenging because of the state’s unpre dictable weather conditions, varied cropping practices and sandy, teachable soils. Com farmers should find the task easier this year, with the help of an improved nitrogen management program that has been developed by researchers and extension professionals in the University of Delaware’s department of plant and soil sciences. Details of the program are explained in three new fact sheets: “Advances in Nitrogen Management for Com in Dela ware,” “Use of the Leaf Chlor ophyll Meter for Nitrogen Management of Com,” and soil test note 14 on “Prc-Sidedress Soil Nitrate Test for Com.” “The recommendations out lined in these fact sheets have the potential to greatly improve the profitability and environ mental efficiency of nitrogen management of com in Dela ware," said Dr. Tom Sims, a professor of soil fertility and soil chemistry. The recommendations are the result of five years of field trials in experimental plots at the university’s Research and Education Center and more than SO on-farm studies. Components of the new nit- OOg) <6s|) <m> IME dig) WPONENTSX m> <m> <@> BBS usi: DEALERS UALITY IODUCT PPORT GSI Route 30 West at the • Centerville Exit. GSf :gbi; ODIH TMM HIWO PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORK GROW:- PS ASSOC., INC. Delaware Unveils New Nitrogen Program For Corn CONESTOGA VALLEY ENTERPRISES hi-mag AC LIME HI - CAL mmt i - MUM amt 4 *" _ . n'of\ Cash Discount Savings on Delivery For your convenience calls received Mon.-Sat. until 9:00 pm 1-800-724-3277 * Serving PA, MD, Dalmarva & NJ SBS rogen management program include the use of realistic yield goals based on actual on farm records and results from university corn-hybrid trials, use of the appropriate nitrogen rate for com, and avoiding unnecessary preplant nitrogen applications. In-season nitrogen applica tions are guided by new soil and plant nitrogen tests and revised yield goals are deter mined by actual plant popula tions, weather, and insect and disease pressures. Two other components of the program are field-scale trip-trial experi ments and accurate yield records relative to the nitrogen applied. The fact sheets describing this program are available at county extension offices in Newark (302) 831-2506, Driv er (302) 697-4000 and George town (302) 856-7303. The United States is the world leader in com produc tion, producing 9.3 billion bushels, or, 46 percent of the world total in 1992. In 1993, the United States will export its 50-billionth bushel of com, reports the U.S. Feed Grains Council. How many kernels are there in 50 billion bushels of com? According to the U.S. Feed Grains Council, there are 5.02 quadrillion kernels. In 1993, the United States will export its 50-billionth bushel of com. In 1993 the U.S. will export its 50-billionth bushel of com, reports the U.S. Feed Grains Council. 50-billion bushels of com loaded in 100-unit trains, would make 47 trips the length of the Mississippi River. Twenty-eight percent of the 1992 U.S. corn crop was exported, leading all agricul tural export commodities in value and volume. The U.S. Feed Grains Council reports that in 1993 the United States will export its 50-billienth bushel of com. 175