Page 12—Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993 Project Looks At No-Till Com BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) Bedford county com grow ers are cooperating in a study designed to evaluate the role of trashwheels in no-till com and to look at potential barriers of adoption of no-till com in the area. The study has been spon sored by the Bedford County Conservation District, Penn State’s Department of Agro nomy, and Bedford County Cooperative Extension. Richard Hershberger, agri conservation technician for the Bedford County Conservation District, has been coordinating the project alonjg with Greg Roth, an assistant professor of agronomy at Penn State. “We’ve established plots on about IS local fields to examine the effects of the trashwheels mounted on the district’s plan NUTRA-GUARD Preservatives For Silage ' For_Hay • Improve * Bale at 20-25% livestock f moisture performance I _ , * Reduce leaf • Save valuable shatter nutrients , shorten curing 1 • Reduce spoilage time • Decrease NUTRA"(](IARD * Stabilize nitrates lIW HOT nutpienta Inoculants for Silage and Hay Distributed by: The Ohio Seed Co. West Jefferson, OH 43162 800-879-3556 Peter Johnson - Mifflinburg, PA 717-966-2580 I 1 1 ' Dealers Inquiries Are Invited ters,” said Hershberger. Hersh berger coordinates a no-till program in the county which makes four rental com planters available to county corn growers. This year, 60 farmers rented equipment with about 75 per- cent of the cooperators no tilling their fields. Nearly 1,300 acres were planted with the rental planters. On two of the planters, Hershberger installed trash wheels on two of the four plant ing units. The trashwheeels are devices that are added to a con ventional no-till com planter to help remove crop residue from the furrow without moving any soil. Ideally, the trashwheels could create a residue-free environment with wanner soil temperatures that should enhance germination and emergence. Growers who rented these specially adapted planters to plant their com established side-by-side com parisons for the research group to monitor. The trashwheels used in this study were made by John Deere. They were installed in conjuction with the exsiting no till coulter, not in place of the coulter, since there have been some concerns about taking the no-till coulter off to install the trash wheel. This necessitated some modifications to the plan ters to accomodate these. Measurements being col lected from each field include plant populations, soil tempera tures, and grain yield. Accord C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC. ■ Intercourse, PA Middletown, DE (717) 768-8231 ■ ■ TWO LOCATIONS (302) 378-9555 i^rii nr AWTFD m uni* JL £/I( OAOTC Mk JL 107-129S...Great Plains I Drill $22.54 107 '130S I w Great Plains Drill... 527.00 WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. HOURS pppwbb Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5 PM; Sat.: 7 AM-Noon ■■■ CALL US... Autoied ltCtvUßlW»Hmlt UPS Station If You’re Planning On SPRAYING POST EMERGENCE AG-CHBM Has Tour SPRAYER mm miLi mm ing to Hershberger and Roth, the population data is still being analyzed, but large differences between the coulter systems have not been apparent, prob ably because this was such a good year for com to emerge from the ground. A second objective of the study has been to evaluate Sold at today’s market price, 50-billion bushels of com would generate approximately $135 billion. According to the U.S. Feed Grains Council, that sum would pay for nearly half of the fiscal year 1992 federal deficit most recently estimated at $290 billion by the Office of Management and Budget. The Saving Place PLANTER & DRILL DISK OPENERS (With Bearings) • Case IH • John Deere • Krause • Great Plains PART# 90850C92 90851C92 603020R92 1344911C1 Case IH Drill 141464C92 IH Planter 8500276..., CONTACT US FOR THE DEALER NEAREST YOU. potential problems growers encounter when adopting no till. Among the problems encountered so far are insect problems in sod fields, weed escapes in spring-killed sods, and uneven manure applica tions before planting. None of these problems appear insur mountable, however. 1993 marks the year in which the United States will export its 50-billionth bushel of com. In 1991 the top five export markets for U.S. com were Japan, the Former Soviet Union, South Korea. Taiwan and South Africa, reports the U.S. Feed Grains Council. DESC. Disk „ Disk Case IH Drill JD Planter.. Serving The Farming Industry For Over 25 Years. 1188 Enterprise Rd. East Petersburg, PA 17520 SI call (71 7) 569-2610 FOR MORE INFORMATION chem \NJ CO INC. ii ic. INI PRICE $20.18 ~$20.18 .$14.49 .$lB.lB .$19.58 ~.$17.58 YOUSTAYPUT rk Up Your ’hone And lace Your Parts Order With Us
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