Page 10-Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993 When energy is relatively cheap, as it is now, systems will use it liberally. If energy was very expensive, we would like ly see shifts towards technolo gies such as no-tillage, low temperature drying, shorter season hybrids, and high mois ture com storage systems. The next consideration is whether com production is socially acceptable. This could be a difficult question for some. Possible socially unacceptable aspects of com production might include the need to spray pesticides in suburban areas, the need to apply manure, and the need for growers to farm large acreages to make a living. Last year, I talked with one com grower who told me that he now farms eight farms that each supported a family a gen eration ago. I know he’s not alone in this regard. Is this an acceptable direction for us to be Let Your Crops Dine On Alpine The Company Thai Offers You ■ High Quality Plant Food At Competitive Prices Talk To Us About Seed Banded Plant Food And Foliar Feeding Place Phosphorus Where It Does Most Good (Seed Banded) 6-24-6 9-18-9 3-18-18 5-15-15 Check Early Order & Quantity Price Zimmerman Lime & Fertilizer, Inc. (717) 733-7674 235 W. Burkholder Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 SPEED UP YOUR FORAGE HARVESTING OPERATION SAFELY! 1993 “New Production” Dump Wagons Feature; * Narrower Treadwidths • SCASH PURCHASE • LEASE TO OWN • FINANCE $ CTW)fLETfrHTIPCT 133 Ro,hs '' i "«stationnd. i-soo-it pays u PiilALititz, PA 17543 BROS.INC. <717) 62< - 470S §Sg wm After lime Eau|«cj c«Ui (717) ntuis (7i7) iK-tiss (717) )ss-i7u Cp Farm Plan. HuUanr M-r 7 UtlliL 7 U 11:30 ta. due* -Urd'l Day IYLVANIA MASTER *RN GROWERS ASSOCIATION ween The Rows (Continued from Pago 8) heading? Another aspect of sustaina bility is our dependence on off farm resources. Most com pro ducers rely heavily on off-farm products pesticides, fertiliz er, fuel, and seed to name a few. Ideally it would be great to be totally independent from any one else but is it worth it when others can produce these items so efficiently and inexpensively? This aspect of the definition of sustainability is the one where com producers probably have the most trouble. I main tain that it probably should not be part of the definition and there are many other industries that are far more dependent on external resources than agriculture. Nevertheless, much Pen nsylvania com is produced with far less off-farm resources than in some other areas. Rotations * ‘Ultra-Wide’ Flotation Tires • No-Grease Diagonal Slide System and manure supply us with much of our nutrient require ments. We harvest much of our - com as high-moisture and ear com without using external cneigy for drying. We are also not dependent on irrigation like many corn producing states. Consequent ly, on a relative basis, we’re more sustainable in this regard than some other regions. In summary, are we sustain able? I think most will agree that we are not there yet, but we have made substantial progress during the past two decades. Economic considerations still remain at the forefront for many growers. Considerable progress is being made on the environmental front and many are adapting to be more “acceptable” to society. Energy use is tied to eco nomics but technologies to reduce our dependence on ener gy are available should condi tions dictate their use. Use of off-farm inputs is low com pared to some regions and we are continually working to replace inputs with manage ment. We may not be complete ly sustainable yet, according to this definition, but I think we are on the right track. Quality Grain Equipment At Affordable Prices GSf Grain Dryers • Welght-Tronlx • Bucket Elevators • Feed Bins . Air Drying Systems Also Feed Mill * Stirring Systems • Wet Tanks Available For Air Drying * Transport utility Augers • Grain Bins Computerized Aeration Monitor mm miLi isw 3-Year PMCGA Memberships Include QUARRYVILLE (Lancas ter Co.) For a limited time, com growers who sign up for three-year memberships with the Pennsylvania Master Com Growers Association (PMCGA) will receive, as a bonus, three free months of Doane’s Agricultural Report, including 24-hour access to Doane’s Marketing Advice VIA Teledoane - Doane’s market hotline. ‘The National Com Grow ers Association (NCGA) con ducts programs in market development, research, and education,” said NCGA Field Services Director Dave Dren nan. “In cooperation with Doane Agricultural Services (of St. Louis, Mo.), we now will have the opportunity to educate our members more ful ly. Weekly issues of Doane’s Report will help our members to get better prices for their crops, make the right moves on government programs, and upgrade production and man agement decisions to improve their bottom line. It will keep R YOUR D IS COMING GSI FEED * F ™to Flex-Auger Systems, PVC Tubing, BINS 150 Ton 2 ”’ 3 ”■ 31/2 ”& 5” Dla. Systems Curved Auger Tube Bin lost EXCLUSIVE (GSI ★ Full Line Parts Dept. ★ Sell, Service & Install ★ 14 Herrville Road Willow Street, PA 17584 Ph: 717-464-3321 or Toll Free 800-732-0053 Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM 7-ir Lii: Newsletter W Au<*r TufcfV -- IflWriKlOrtvf f I DfO» LmlMi I N««Un» i A rsn Suspension Hooks FACTORY WAREHOUSE com growers on top of events and primed to make profitable decisions.” The newsletter includes short and long-range market forecasts, ag legislation updates, management tips, and farm business strategies. The newsletter is completely free to corn growers who join or renew for three-year member ship terms during this limited time offer. Contact Greg Roth, execu tive secretary, Pennsylvania Master Com Growers Associa tion, PO Box 304, State Col lege, PA 16804, or H. Grant Troop, PMCGA membership director, 286 Furnace Rd., Quarryville, PA. 17566-9423, (717) 786-8045. The U.S. Feed Grains Coun cil reports that it would take a fleet of 20,000 Panamax ves sels to ship 50- billion bushels of com. In 1993 the United States will export its 50-bil lionth bushel of com. WJ g FARM FAN F " “ Automatic Batch Or Continuous Flow Dryers