It is summer and the heat is on. In the Midwest, It is raining a flooding rain weeks on end. The mighty Mississippi River has been far from the confines of its banks and flexing its muscles. Some com in the Northwest Com Belt is devastated. In the Southeast, the talk is about rain —very little has fallen. In Pen nsylvania, we have a mixed bag on precipitation some a little dry and a few areas are getting enough. Overall, at this point, the Pennsylvania com crop looks good. Nationwide, com prices to mid July are down from a year ago and # WARNING. ALL SILO OWNERS it’s Important that you know your silo needs maintenance. Your silo will not fall when Its empty. Please check your silo for damage or check your insurance policy! A Reminder: Now Is A Good Time To Check Your Windes f Suspension Cables and Tripods For Sqfety! • Coats the silo's interior • Protects feed in storage • Durable, tough, acid-resistant < Increases useful life • Economical Before The silo’s interior After. The surface is with plaster da mated and stave reconditioned, and a new, thick, exposed tough surface will protect stored feed Shot Crete is also good for repairing stone walls. Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lanceeter, PA • (717) 299-3721 Whatever The Crop, Pioneer Has The Seed And Inoculant You Need. m. PIONEER If you’re striving to yk ig forage crops, there’s no better place to start than with Pioneer Contact Your Sales Representative Listed Below By Sept. 30th to take advantage of a special $2.00 discount on inoculant products, in addition to Quantity and Cash Savings to qualifying customers. Kent L. Fritz Fbares Burnt . F . eed Martin L. Snyder 8 Japonic* Dr. 175CenterSquareRd. 245 Ridge Avenue Lititz, PA 17543 Leola, PA 17540 Paaeh lottom, PA 175 M Ephrata, PA 17522 717/626-9484 717/686-7944 717/548-2376 717/738-1500 •, TM Trademark and aarvloa mark, raglttarad or applied lor, of Plonaar Hi-Brad International, lnc„ Daa Moinas, lA. All talaa ara aubiact to tha tartnt of labeling and aala docu manta. O 1983 PHII YLVANIA MASTER RN GROWERS ASSOCIATION President’s Message H. Grant Troop President, PMCGA somewhat flat. Our concerns about the com crop are turning from the estab lishment phase toward harvest and crop handling. We have been changing hats alot nothing new to us. Our engi neer hats are in place as we evaluate the job our planters and sprayers did for us and as we make mental notes about our harvest and crop handling systems. Our agronomists hats are worn as we check for nutrient problems, soil PH, weed con trol (what did the job, what didn’t, and what is still doing it), and soil problems (compac- tion, crusting, erosion controk etc.) We checked for com injury from our various herbi cide programs. Fortunately, the weeds get a lot sicker than the com. The entomologist’s cap keeps showing up on our heads as we evaluate the insect pres sures in our fields and calculate thresholds for treatment. Most fields had some insect pests eating away at the bottom line. We identified our enemy and took the most profitable course of action. We will wear the hat /* * l« 'n in, • ••*« Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993-Page (CdDIH IT Am NIWO again as we assess the second brood of European com borer and com rootworm adult populations. We will also wear the patho logist’s hat as we diagnose com diseases and determine their effects on our various com hybrids. We are on the lookout for a high-yielding, disease-resistant hybrid. And of course there is the economist’s hat, which more often than not is worn just before and just after all the other hats. We wear it to improve the bottom line, to sharpen our marketing skills whether we are maiketing our IF YOU NEED SEED WHEAT THIS FALL CLARK GR 863 MADISON FOR YOUR SEED WHEAT AND ALL YOUR OTHER SEEDS NEEDS GR 915 CONTACT; Harold Dietrich ®76 40 Martin Dr. Myerstown, PA 17067 (717) 933-4940 flBSi IF YOU NEED SEED CORN THIS FALL YOU SHOULD BE PLANTING TOP QUALITY SEED FROM GREEN LAND SEEDS! Only the best from Madison Seed 1915 ttsm wiMM crop as grain, milk, meat, or eggs, and to influence (for the better profit) our course of action when we are wearing each of the other hats we wear as we are involved in com production. Our next board of directors meeting will be Wednesday, August 18 at Ag Progress Days. The 1994 Pennsylvania Com Conference will happen the first week of March, most likely in Southeast Pennsylva nia. Please join us. YOU SHOULD BE PLANTING TOP QUALITY VTTAVAX 200 TREATED SEED FROM GREEN LAND SEEDS! GL 9240 CARDINAL FREEDOM 167 Sincerely, H. Grant Troop President, PMCGA ■ E m
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