Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 139

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Over 200 HP
Cite 2670 - 3 Spd. Powenhift, 3 Pt.
Hitch, 1000 PTO, Cab w/AC & Heat
Over 200 HP (W 7620)
CIH 9130, 4WD, 2540 Hn., 3 Rem.,
Powenhift, 1000 RPM PTO, 16.9x38
Duals, Cab w/AC A Heat (W 7804)
CIH 4894,1985.1700 Hn.. 1000 PTO, 3
Pt Hitch, 20.8x38 & Duals, Cab
w/AC, Heal, Radio (W 7617)
JD 8650, Dual New 20.8x38,3 Pt, 1000
PTO, 3 Way JO Blade, Quad Range.
3 Rem., Cab, Air, Heat, 3200 HP,
(W 7671)
Steiger ST22S Tractor, 4WD, 4 Hyd.
Valves, 10.8x34 Tires, Clamp-On
Duals, Cab w/AC, Heat A Radio,
Warranty, 270 HP, CAT Engine
(W 7109)
Steiger PTA32S - Just Traded (W 7840)
Steiger ST2SI, 4 Hyd. Valves, 20.8x38,
Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio, 20 Spd.
Trans. (W 7227)
130 to 200 HP
AC 8030, 4WD, WFE, 54Q/1000 PTO,
Powenhift, 14.9x28 A 18.4x34 w/
Westendorf WL64 Loader A 72"
Bucket w/Grapple (W 7092)
Case 2470 Tractor, Diesel, 4WD,
20.8x34 Tires, 1000 RPM PTO, 3 Pt.
Hitch (W 7837)
OH 7120, 2WD Tractor, 1989, 1300
Hn., 4 Spd., Reverse, 14Lx16.1 and
20.8x38 Tires, 12 Wts., Deluxe Cab,
Toolbox (W 7547)
IH 5088, 2WD, Dual PTO, 20.8x38
Duals, Cab w/AC & Heat, Weights
(W 7979)
IH 1466, 2WD, 3 Pt Hitch, Dual PTO.
11.00x16 & 20.8x38, Cab w/Heat
(W 7824) .
IH 4366, Articulated, 3 Rem. Valves
(W 6683)
80 to 130 HP
IH 886, 2 WD, WFE, 3 PL Hiich, Dual
PTO, 20.8x34 RearTirei, Cab w/AC,
Heat Radio (W 7722)
IH 856 Diesel. Dud PTO, 3 Pi. Hitch, 1
Rem., 10.00x16 & 18.4x38 (W 7535)
JD 2940 Tractor, 4 WD, Dud PTO, 2
Hyd. Vdve,, 3 Pt. Hitch, 13.6x24 &
18.4x38 Tires w/260 Loader
(W 7421)
JD 4010, Dud Hyd. Vdves, Dud PTO,
HLxM & 18.4x34, 3 Pt. Hitch
(W 7738)
MF 699, ROPS, 540 PTO. 14.9x24 &
18.4x34 Tires, Rear Wheel Weights,
w/238 Loader & 84" Bucket (W 7968)
Under 80 HP
Case 580 C Backhoe, Diesel, 3725 Hn.,
17.5x24 Rear w/79” Bucket (W 7815)
Ford 345 C, 1990 Model. 575 Hn.. 2WD,
3 Pt Hitch, w/Industrial Loader &
72” Bucket (W 7986)
IH 500 C, Diesel, Rops, Rear Wts.,
Industrial Loader w/65" Deck Bucket
(W 4885)
IH 400 Farmall 1 Rem., 540 PTO,
13.6x38 Rear Tires (W76IS)
IH 400 Farmall Tractor, Gas. 2WD,
WFE, 540 RPM PTO, Fast Hitch
(W 7839)
IH 706 Tractor. Gat, 3 Pt. Hitch. 18.4x38
Rear Tires (W 7519)
IH 656,2 WD, Gas, NFE, 540 PTO, Fast
Hitch, Front 25%. Rear 25%, 4517
Hn., 1 Hyd. Valve (W 7679)
IH 770 Disc, 12’ Offset, Duals, 24”
Blades (T 7772)
IH 510 Disc, 16' 1(T Spacing, 22" BUdes
(T 7542)
JD 220 Disc, Single-Fold, Flexwing, 18'
Cat 9” Spacing. BUdes 20" FR A
21” RR, Scnpen (T 6079)
Krause 1966 Disc, 31' Cut, "Rockflex",
New 22 V. ” Notched BUdes (T 7234)
Krause IS77A Disc, 18'9” Spacing Front
A Rear, 22" Blades Front A Rear,
“Rockflex” (T 7076)
Krause 2440 “Rockflex” Disc. 30’ Cut,
9" Ft 10” Rr Spacing, Scrapers
Krause 2416 “Rockflex” Disc 23’ Cut
Blades Fr. 20". Rr. 22” CTSBSB)
Krause 4924 Disc, 9'/i ’* Spacing Front
and 9V4 " Rear, 19% ” BUdes Front
and 20% " Rear w/Scnpera (T 7661)
All. New & Used Products
Backed By
Hoober Parts & Service
7) 768-8231
Kianie 1450 Disc 24” Blades, ID’S” Cut
(T 7719)
Krause 2413 Disc, 13'9” Spacing From,
10" Rear, 24" Blades (T 6131)
Krause 2416 Disc, 25’ “Rockflex”, 9”
Spacing From ft 10" Rear, “C'-Type
Shank (T 6495)
Krause 2416 Disc, 26', 20" Blades Front
ft 22” Rear (T 6924)
Krause 4921 Disc, 18" Blades Prom ft
19” Rear (T 7564)
Krause 1577 Disc, 9” Spacing, Scrapers,
21" Blade From, 19” Blades Rear
(T 7872)
Miller 28' Disc, “Rockflex” w/C-Atms,
Hyd. Wings, 21” Blades Front & 22"
Rear CT6160)
IH 55 Chisel, 27’, Folding, I(7* Spacing
Front ft Rear, Walking Tandems
(T 7228)
IH 55 Chisel. 10 Tooth, 10’5” Spacing. C
Shank, Spring Trip (E 7329)
Krause 3519 Chisel, 20 Tooth, Spring-
Cushioned Shanks (T 7702)
Taylorway 10 Shank Chisel (17170)
Sunflower Chisel, 16 Shank, Folding,
Rev. Points, Repainted, w/Spring
Cushion Shank (17787)
IH 315 Cultimulcher 14’ (17841)
IH 315 Cultimulcher, 13’2", C-Shank,
14” Packer Wheels (17330)
AC 20' Field Cultivator, Folding (T 6826)
Heiniker 23* Field Cultivator, Hyd. Fold,
12* Transport, 6” Spacing, Cushioned
C-Shanks (17311)
JDl2’ Field Qdtivator, With 2 Row Tine
Harrow (T 7825)
Krause 4133 Field Cultivator, 37’ K-
Tines (T 6863)
Westgo Row Crop Cultivator, 8 Row,
Hyd. Fold & Wings ll’ (T 6877)
Wil-Rich Field Cultivator, 30' Swath
(T 6517)
Brady Chisel Plow, 10' (F 6483)
Chem Farms CPK 180 Chisel Plow, 17',
Folding Hi-Qearance Spring Cush
ion Shanks (17134)
Olenco Soilsaver Chisel Plow, 9 Shank
(T 7489)
IH 710 Plow, 4-18” Semi-Mounted,
Good Condition (T 7512)
IH 710 Plow, 6-18”, Auto Reset, Semi-
Mouttetf (T 6813)
JD 2500 Plow, 7x18” Bottoms, Auto
Reset, Coulters (T 8320)
Myers 6* Snow Blade, Rotating (V 6942)
Westendoif WL64 Loader, 72” Bucket
w/Grapple (W7O9S)
John Deere #37 Loader w/40” Bucket
(W 7532)
Bull 120 Pt. Spreader, 540 RPM PTO
(V 7813)
Spreader-Hydraulic Push Unlaoder,
Drive Beater ft Rear Tailgate
(V 7657)
Ficklin Grain Wagon w/8 Ton Pequea
Gear, New 12,5Lx15 Tires ATubes
(V 7734)
Hesston 4900 Baler, 4x4xB Bales, Pickup
Rebuilt Last Year, Very Good Condi
tion (U 7673)
NH 269 Baler w/Wisconsin Engine
(U 7138)
NH 273 Baler (U 7000)
N 1565 Baler w/Wisoonsin Engine, Steel
Whls., Engine Overhauled (U 7141)
Unverferth RA22O Bale Wrapper, 3 Pt.
NH 499 Haybine, 12' Cut, Hydro Swing,
3” Knive w/Guards (U 7899)
NH 499 Haybine w/New Rolls (U 7310)
Bush Hog 207 Mower, 3 Pt. (U 7172)
Woods 120 Mower, Pull Type (U 7509)
Woods Cl 14 Mower, 9V> Cut, Belt
Drive, 540 PTO, Good Condition
(U 7529)
Woods 120 Mower. 10’-Offset (U 6970)
IH #6O Shredder, 6 Row (U 7551)
Grimm Tedder B’, 540 RPM, PTO Dri
ven (U 7948)
CIH 75 Windrower, 18’ Pull Type
(U 6989)
Great Balm 12' Drill, No-Till, 1985
Model, New Diik Openen in 1992
(V 7685)
Great Plaint IS’ Drill w/PuU Caddy,
Needi Bladea in Front, 4” Pre»
Wheela (V 6677)
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 17,1993*023
JD 530 Drill, 30'. 2 Section Fbldin(,
2x13 Preu Wheelt, Electric Clutch
(V 7892)
Deutz Allis 325 Planter, 4 Row, New
Paint, Dry Pert, 4" Ribbed Press
Wheel (V 7744)
QH 1660, 2 WD. Hydro, 1390 Hn.,
AHHC, Rock trip, GL Monitor, Cab
w/AC, Heat, Radio (U 7945)
CIH 1660, 2WD, Hydro. AHHC. AC,
Heat, Soecialty Rotor (U 7382)
CIH 1660,’ 1987, 2180 Hr*., 2 WD.
Hydro w/AHC, Cab w/AC, Heat,
Radio, 30.5x32 (U7SOI)
CIH 1680, 1989, 1100 Hn., 30.5x32 ft
18.4x16.1 w/AHC, Feeder-Revener,
GL Monitor, Specialty Rotor, 2 WD
(U 7550)
CIH 1660,1989, w/Strawchopper, Stone
Retarder Drum, AHHC, Feeder-
Revener, 30.5Lx32 ft 18.4x16.1
(U 7693)
IH 1440 1978,2 WD. Hydro, 23.1x26 ft
18.4x16.1 Cab w/AC, Heat ft Radio
w/AHHC (U 7068)
IH 1440, 2400 Hr.. Hydro, Cab w/AC,
Heat ft Radio, 28.5x26 Standard
Rotor (U 7361)
IH 1460, 1982, 2850 Hn., 4WD, Hydro
Cab w/AC, Heat, Radio, AHHC,
30.5x32 ft 14.9x24 (U 7598)
IH 715, Hydor, 2 WD, Cab. w/AC ft
Heat, 7.50x18 ft 28Lx26 (U 7724)
JD 7720,1981, Hydro, 4WD, 30.5x32 ft
16.7x26 w/Chopper (U 7154)
JD 6620 SidehiU', 1984, 2365 Houn,
(U 7423) w/21S Flex Platform
(U 7424)
JD 6600 SidehiU, Hydro, 28Lx26 w/215
Flex Platform ft 643 Comhead
(U 7474)
JD6620,19813180 Hn., Hydro, 28Lx26
w/215 Platform (U 7343)
JD 6620 SidehiU, 2 WD, 28Lx26 ft
11.00x15, AHHC. Cab w/AC ft
Radio (U 7065)
MF 860,1981 w/18’ Flex Platform, 2WD
(U 6668)