FNC carrot, red beet harvester Potato bagger JO potato planter Haines 2-way distribution belt Troyer potato piler w/sizer B-sizer Miscellaneous conveyors Tobacco Ladders Transplanter Lathe and Rails Mi«9gilanwuB; Gravity bln on running gear Flatbed Trailer, 39’ Refrigerated trailer, 36' 717/872-5591 .Mat J & L hay-saver feeds 20 cattle. New, improved, round hay-bale feeder feeds large or small hay bales along with square bales. It proves to save hay. This feeder is built of heavy 1 'A ” pipe and % ” steel for ring. Available with Vi" steel or treated % ” plywood floors. This 1,200 lb. feeder is built to last. Call for more Information. J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA (717) 369-2637 We am making 3 pt. units. Prices starting at $2,800 and up thru July. DH 210 Manure Pump 6’-14’ With Dual Agitator; rotates at 270°, full or partial hydraulics & manual operated with flexible spout on agitator. It chops heavy straw. (Check our price before you buy.) Option: Variable depth pitch. 6 to 10', 8 to 12' & 10 to 14' Renting Lagoon & Vertical Manure Pumps Round hay feeders 2-7 horse hitch, yoke & jocket stick Stainless steel & aluminum welding Weather head, hydraulic hosing made to your size Gutter Grates Made To Order New Holland 275 Baler Completely Overhauled w/Englne And Steel Wheels We Are Now Overhauling NH Balers, Haybines And Mowers. Call For Pricing. We Ship U.P.S. DRY HILL FARM SHOP Dauphin Co., RR Box 426 Lykens, PA 17048-9744 (717) 365-3109 Call 8:00 to 8:30 AM Rt. 25,1 Milo North of Crossroad Auction Dealer Inquiries Welcome DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, PA 215/273-3131 or 215/273-3737 NH 790 Manure Spreader Butler 28’ Pit Pump Grimm Tedder- New Demo NH 474 Haybine NH 489 Haybine NH 478 Haybine Ford 532 Baler ■ NH 144 Windrow Inverter NH 310 Baler NI 200 Ground Drive NH 30 Forage Blower Spreader NH 770 Pick-Up Head Pcquea Ground Drive NH 553 Skid Loader Spreader Automatic Mod. 1800 Ear IH 56 Blower Corn Mill NH 456 Mower -f 419 WOBBLE BOXES | ■■ I DEALER FOR |mBM PJj Itoskamp ~~itr FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 ■ Phone: 717-263-0705 nssrfj Salaa - Parte - Sarvloa BEST BUYS IN USED TRACTORS IT ' Ford 8N JD 122 Forage Box Ford 600, 5 Spd. NH 775 Skid Loader Ford 4000, 1964 w/1,600 Hrs. Diesel ' Ml Spreader Ford 4000 Ford 14’ Disc, Ford 5610 w/Cab, Like New 4WD 10’ Ford Field Ford 7700,2WD w/DP Cultivator Ford 7910, 2WD Ford 3 Btm. Plow Ford 8210, 4WD Ford 10’ Disc w/Cab & Air Ford TW3O, 2WD, Cab & Air Grove 14’ Forage Ford 8730, Power Wagon Shift, 4WD NH 495 Haybine, 12’ w/Cab & Air, NH 770 Chopper 1,200 Hrs. w/Hay Head & Approx. 2 Row Corn JD 3350, 4WD NH 770 Chopper & w/Cab & Air, Grass Head 95 HP. NH 1499 Haybine, JO 4430 450 Hrs. New 6 Row While Tye No-Till Drill, Cultivator Grass & Broom Nl Spreader NH 278 Baler IHC Grain Drill w/Thrower Hours: 8:30-5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. 8:30-12:00 Saturday - Pack mors punch from the cantor with laaa h.p. tor tlghlar and more uniform bags of feed - T. 8' A>' dlamatara 2wh standard (up to 12' by spools! ordar) • Vi" cablaa. 150' and 200' - No hydraulics. Ruat-troa, chroma disc maehanleal braka - Tongua oontorad for cloaa bag spacing and road travel ■ Oil bath gearbox A drive chain • *lBO rollar chain main rotor drive - Gearbox 540 or 1000 rpm PTC - Safety-first, V-bolt driven conveyor for aide feeding - Design permit* bagging nearly twice as fast as other models - Adapts quickly for road transport - Frontload dump hopper available - 8* Rotor 3-4' above ground ■ Many more desirable features UP NORTH SILAGE BAGS 9 Mil CUSTOM BAGGING - All Items USA made. AG PRODUCTS CO.. INC. 717/328-3177 SSS^S. 10’ Briliion Culti mulcher ENGINE 0 THERE’S MORE THAN JUST POWER IN THE NAME There’s More Selection; 5 to 5,000 hp with specific concentration from 10 to 50 hp There’s More Exp.: For over 60 years these engines have proven themselves the world over, in the most demanding applications LET'S TALK DIESEL POWER USED ENGINES S3F Mitsubishi SLD 930-3 Lombardinl RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION & POWER JAMBS E. HORST 76 Pumping Station Rd. Quarryville, PA 17566 717-786-1617 COLLECTOR TRACTOR JD 430 W w/35 Loader $5.500 NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT JD 450 17x7.5 Grain Drill w/grass seed att $5,875 NEW BRILUON EQUIPMENT BRS 4402 4R Cultivator $1,900 XDIOB 21’ Wing Fold Pulverlzers6.79s MLS. 1483 12’ 4” Pulvl-Mulchers7,42s SS 10,10’ Grass Seeder $5,150 BRS 6302 6R Cultivator $2,525 SSLP Grass Seeder $1,775 USED TRACTORS JD 2440 w/Hi-Lo $8,900 JO 2640, ROPS, Hl-Lo $lO,BOO JD 4250 $38,900 JD 2940 $13,900 USED EQUIPMENT JD 3020 Coming In JD 2800 6B Plow $B,BOO IH 720 SB Plow $4,200 White 543 4R Planter $2,198 JD 5200 SP Harvester w/Dura/Drum w/3R Heads, r PU $29,900 Badger BNIO4O Blower $298 OGutshalls, Inc; | Carlisle Loysvllle (717) (717) 249-2313 789-4343 InL 3388 w/Cab; (3) Int. 1066 w/cab; 986 w/ cab; 856; (2) 766; 706; 544 w/loader; 460 w/picker; 340; Cub w/Woods mower. JD 4020; 4010 w/cab; 3020; 3010; 2940; 2630; 730; 720; Fer- guson 35; MF 65; Case 630; JD 410 Backhoe loader; JD 3508 Crawler Loader. Combines: JD 6600; 6600 Side Hill; 4400; (2)3300,40; MF7SO; 550; 510. Call Leader’s Farm Equipment Everett, PA 814-652-2809 All Types 6f Farm Equipment TRACTORS Stolgor 8T251 tractor 4WD, Him lUw nmr, w/3 pi. hheh JD 4240 Tractor, Cab, air JD 4010 Tractor «/Cab, RMOMIIIbMd JD 2040 Traotor w/Loador JO ISO Tractor 2WD w/onty 210 hra. JO ISO Tractor 2WD Faid MOO Tractor w/loader Ford MU Tractor MFWD w/ loader, Ika naw, only M hr*. M 10M Tractor M 304 Tractor MIM Lofaoy w/30" Mower HAY EQUIPMENT JD 321 Baler w/Ejactor, Uka m AmulllUai N9V VOnQIWNI JD 397 Baler w/EJector JD 393 Baler w/E|ector JO 391 Baler w/E|ector M 4M Round Balar JO 330 Rake M Hay Rake Used 18' Bale Body only, Ike naw JD 1203 Mower Conditioner JD 1200 Mower Cond. w/ KwHt-Cut Knife NH 438 Mower Oondttloner M 273 CutdMoner, 340 PTO NH 800 Forage Harveeter W/5V4 ’ Pickup 3 2 Row Wide PLANTERS JD 7000 OR Plantar w/Dry FartNhar AC 333 4 Row, Air Champ., Dry FartUbar JD 315 Disc, Lika Naw Uaad JD 0250 Grain Dr|l Krauaa No-TUI OrM, 13' Tya No-Tlk Drill w/15 Dlae A Walght Drums COMBINES JD 0520 SMa H» Comblna Titan II JD MOO SWa HM Comblna, Racondklonad JD 220 Flax Platform JD 3300, Gas Comblna wfl 0' Platform MISCELLANEOUS JD 1500 Rotaty Mowar Casa Modal 14, 0 Shank V Rlppar Uaad JD 27 Flak Shraddar JD 2500 5 Bottom Plow, Spring Raaat JD 3 BsOorn Pjow JD 230 Dlaa IMngMd M I' PuMTVps (Mas) Ppm
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