Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 125
Cell | 49" Spade Cultivator, used one season, $3 600.00 Call between 7-10 P.M. ter information. (908)689-6954. Combine McCormack 80, PTC. 7Ft. Head Auger Feed, Good Working Con dition. 215-367-6127 or 987-3848. CRAWLER DOZER Fiat Allis HD 218, 70% UC, clean classy machine, ready to work, $13,500. 410-833-9091 Cultipacker, Brillion 10', 4" axle. $5OO. (301)898-7426. Deere 3300, 4400, 6600, 7700, 6620, 7720; IH axial flows & heads. Wholesale prices to farmers. Larry Stalter The Combine Man’ 1 800-248-2151 Deere 5200 SP chopper, air, small knives, 90% tires, rotating air screen, sheded, $18,900. Delivered; 5400, 4WD, very good, $22,900. Delivered. Others Avail able. Larry Stalter "The Chopper Man’ 1-800-248-2151 DISCBINE NH 411. $2,000. 410-833-9001 Oilier Manure Tankers: Pull type or truck mounted. We buy, sell, trade, and rebuild at a fraction of new cost. Call (800)523-8002 or (717)369-2691 today. Franklin County. Dismantling for Parts; Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main SI. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-394-3047 or Utilz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. 6 FH. 6 s.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs. 7 a.m. to S p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following catogorin ■ro ovallablo for your elasaltfad advertising. In Section D. Deadline- Thuraday morning at 9 of aach waak’a publleallon 1- Farm Equlpmant la- Conatruellon Equlpmant 2* Farm Eq. Wantod 3- Slloa and Unloadara Tha following catagorlaa ara avallabla in your classified advortialng. In Sactlon C. Deadline- Wodnoaday aftamoon at 5 of aach woak'a publication. 4- Building and Suppllaa 5- Grain Equipment 6- Dairy Equlpmant 7- Uvoatock Equipment 8- Cattle 9- Horaaa 9 Muloa 10- Shaap 9 GOala 11- Swtua 12- Artificial Brooding 13* Hog Eq. A Suppllaa 14- Poultry A Suppllaa 15- Food A Scad 16- Fertilizer 17- Planta 18- Frulta A Vegetables 19- Nursery 20- Lawn A Garden 21- Services Offered 22- Custom Work 23- Help Wanted 24- Situations Wanted 25- Business Opportunities 26- Household 27- Pats 28- Lost 29- Found 30- Computers 31- Notice 32- Mlacaltanaous 33- Recreational Vehicles 34- Autos 35- Trucks A Trailers 38- Real Estate Farmall 560 diesel, on steel, excellent condition, also 2000 loader, like new, $1,150, tractor $3,400. Wide front for 560 Farmall tractors and up $450. Ben S. Riehl, 130 Centerville Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 or call Miller's Repair (717)656-6109. Farmall BN, good cond., original owner, Woods -L-306 mower, 40' storage trailer, 2-kettle butchering furnace, plus much more. Monday. July 26 Estate Auction G.E. Smith, Cross Roads, York Co. Farmall Cub completely overhauled, reconditioned, show piece, $5500. Ly coming Co. 717-546-5624. Farmall Cub w/cultivators, hydraulic, runs excellent, $lBOO. 301/808-7426. Farmall Cub w/cultivators, hydraulic, runs excellent, $lBOO. 301/898-7426. Farmall Cub tractor w/ cultivators, excellent condi tion, w/good paint, 4 new tires, 12 volt system, $l5OO. Baltimore Co.. MD 410/655-7094. Farmers - Dealers -- Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Ferguson 35 dsl. tractor, 3pt. hitch, running condi tion, $2250 080. 215/367-2677 ask (or Jim. FORD 1000 diesel (same as 1700) 2,100 hrs., excel lent. $2,950.410-833-9091 Int. 205 combine with 12 m -»<ic hainr w/*9O ,o ° l Hume reel cab. Shaver Post Drivers; HDB FORKLIFT Lull 400, gas. Ihrower oristino condition 304-258-4549 in very good $1095. HDIO $1695. Ta -4x4, 6.000 lbs.. 34*. uZ siS conomon, condition neytown Farm & Hard- 54,500.410-833-9091 .. $4700. 215-869-2135. ware. 410/751-1500 Classified adCirdeFblank™ MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mall Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Address City, Zip Please startin' # . I enclose . Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. Dri-all Dryers: 1 is A-20 oil PTO, 400 Bu/hr continuous flow; other is PCII6 gas 30hp electric, 250 bu/hr, continuous flow. $lOOO/ b o t h . 908-859-2616. F3L912 Deutz w/irrigation pump, 350 GPN, 130 PSI, 3-R's on engine. Berks Co. 215/683-7922. FARMALL 856, field ready w/good rubber, $6,250. 410-833-9091 FORKLIFT CLARK Pneumatic, 3,500 lbs., $1,500. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE: 76 IH com bine. WANTED: SO' grain auger and grain cleaner. 717-524-0372. FOR SALE: Sawmill Ed ger, $l5OO. 717/658-3204 after 6pm. For most any combine, grain and/or corn header, or self propelled choppers. Call Larry Stalter, "The Combine Man* 1-800-248-2151 Front end loader to fit Ford 8N tractor, asking $B5O. 717/566-5895. Gas engines: (2) Delco Light, (1) Novo Upright, (1) Economy, (1) Fairbanks, (1) Hercules, (1) Waterloo. 609-965-7468 Ask for Alan. Gehl 960 forage wagon, nearly new; JD 2010 gas backhoe; Nl 2RW picker sheller, pull type. 814/643-5163. Generators, 25KW, PTO, used Onan with shaft and trailer, $1650; New Dayton (by Winco) with shaft, $2150. 717-626-7535. Phone üblish m with the DEADLINES: SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D • THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION 31 * Irrigation Equipment; AG RA) N T2IA hard hose traveling gun. Hale model 60, Pit) pump, both like new. (412)258-3557. Irrigation system 10,000', 4”. 6" pipe 1-6“ and 1-4" PTO pump, sprinklers, many fittings. Wade Rain Pipe. 410-239-7252. Irrigation Pipe- 6“-40 ft sections- 2880 ft. Good condtion. (600)935-9285. Irrigation system 400' hose reel, 4“ pump for 3-pt, ap prox. 800' 2-1/2“ plastic pipe, like new, $5,750.00 complete. 301-733-9288. Irrigation Pump. 2'/> X2V4, Mathason, suction hose and strainer, $725. (410)592-5242. JD 1209 mower con dtioner- operating condi tion, stored under roof, stub nose guards or regu lar guards. Lehigh Co. (215)679-8921. JD 13' rigid combine head, very good condition, shed • kept. (717)944-1346 days; (717)533-1358 evenings. JD 2760, 4x4, $ll,OOO, 410-833-9091 JD 2955 MFWD hi/low shift, dual outlets, 540 and 1000 PTO, canaopy row bar, clean tractor. (717)733-.0660. JD3O pull type combine, good working order $450 080. 215-445-9185. JD 3300 diesel combine, 1750 hrs, 2RW corn head, 10' grain platform 814-383-2806. PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State. word ad times issue. Classify under 17 38 39 40 (Phone Numbers Count As One Worth Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993-D9 IH 1086 tractor, completely - "■ taidS d 8i2448.3» n 7’ Gleaner A 630 6RNI corn field ready. 814-448-3297. approXt 1000 hours. IH 1420 combine, 1818 very flood condition, tin hrs„ #B2O 13' flex/AHHC ware clean, new gathering 843 & 844 corn heads, air, chains, new snapping roll heat and grain loss moni- blades, 1992. $5OOO. Ly lor. Machine is in excellent coming Co. 717/433-3580. condition, ready for field. Went to 6R machine. MUST SELLI 717-784-6359 IH 1460 combine, 1978, 2600 hours, w/grain loss monitor, good condition, machine is in use, $17,500 717/423-6719. lbf2oS combine, 10’ grain head and corn head. 908-459-4771. IH 475 disc; 8' JD off set disc; 9' Mon cultipacker. 717-382-4659. IH 5088, Cab, air, 3-remote, 20.8x38 radials, 2688 hours, like new, $26,500; IH 784, good condition, $10,900. 717/423-6719. IH 51 silage wagon w/ chute. $6OO. (301)898-7426. IH 574 gas tractor w/steel cab, good rubber; NH 36 flail chopper; NH 716 harvester w/both heads All equipment field ready 814-634-5235. Somerset Co. IH 863 corn head, good condition, $3900. 301-349-5432. IHC 5088, cab & air, nice; JO 2950, cab .4 air, nice, low hours. No Sunday Calls 717/292-1856. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES word per week - 1 or word per week - 3 or 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 3.96 7.92 4.32 8.64 4.68 9.36 5.04 10.08 5.40 10.80 5.76 11.52 6.12 12.24 6.48 12.96 6.84 13.68 7.20 14.40 360 per 300 per Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Gleaner F 2. 1.000 separa tor hrs., SN 39810. very good. $9,500. Larry Stalter •The Combine Man" 1-800-248-2151 Gleaner G w«HH Com Head. 13’ Gram Head, Will Separate. 814-632-9019 Gleaner M Combine, side hill blower, IS' floating head; Ford 5000 WF. For mal M. All excellent condi tion. Columbia County. (717)784-4499. HAY FLUFFER new 9‘ pull type, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 Hagie high crop sprayer, 4-wneel, w/Chryster slant 6 engine, 40' boom, all hy draulic, $1800; JD G trac tors. 908/359-5934. Hesston 4600 haybaler w/ thrower, excellent running condition, $8500; Brand new Hess ton bale thrower, complete w/orbit pump, controls, $975. 717/366-5696 after Bpm weekdays. Hesston 4800 big square taler, field ready, $15,500. (215)598-7687. Hesston 4600 taler, Hes ston 4800 baler, Krause 6-row 30* cultivator, Mas sey Harris 44 D. Ford tack hoe 5500 (717)386-5696. Int. 826 rebuilt engine, new torque and dutch, $5,600. 717-235-8125 eves. Hesston, model 4500, baler with thrower, good condition. Luzerne County. (717)868-3882. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Howard Price 1260, up to 126" cut. 47 HP. cuts ap prox. 71 acres in a 8 hour day. Can use blade, blow ers etc. Well maintained, one owner. 400 hours. $15,000 080 |71 7)533-3737 Hershey, Pneumatic tire, towmotor, forklift, 4000#; aluminum 4* irrigiation pipe and fittings, Race & Race 609-561-5279 M-F, 5-BPM PTO auger grain cart w/ hammermill on rear, $6OO. (301)898-7426. Rigid grain heads for small grain. Larry Stalter ‘The Combine Man' 1-800-248-2151 Round tale wrapper (plas tic), self loading, $5500 814-643-7331. SAME Leopard 65, Air Cooled Diesel 4X4, 80HP, 12X3 Transmission, 2 Speed PTO, Dual Outlets, Fire Damaged, $3500 717-532-3360. SATOH BULL4x4, 25 hp, diesel. 1,200 hrs., excel lent, $4,500. 410-833-9091 2 times more times 3 Times 9.90 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.40 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00