HELP WANTED Person wanted for milking and general (arm work on 80 cow dairy in Central NJ. 609-259-7494 after SPM. PARTS PERSON Por Counter, Shipping & Receiving and Stocking Farm background and parts experience preferred. Send resume with references: General Manager LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT, INC. 6670 Ruppsvllle Road Allentown, PA 18106 EXPERIENCED SHEPHERD For nationally-recognized, registered flock, capable of enjoying being part of a hard-working, large crop/livestock opera tion in a North Central state. Must be strong in animal husbandry and market ing, committed to quality, and accustomed to hard work and straight dealing. Refer ences required. Salary, bonus, benefits, housing and truck provided. Reply To: Box J-4d, Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 GENERAL SALES MANAGER NEEDED Great opportunity for aggressive self starter, we need a man with experience in ag sales and management,