Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 102
WM CUSTOM WORK 4900 Hesston baler for sale or will custom bale hay or straw. Large acreage preferred 215-593-5665, 215-593-2751. CUSTOM COMBINING- Reasonable Rates. South ern York, Northern Harford. 717-382-4659. Custom Silo filling in Mor gantown area (corn or hay lage). (215)286-5638. Warner Liquid Transport Liquid Manure Spreading, Septic, Water /717)464-0841 after 5.00. OBERHOLTZERS GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Valley View Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 Custom or Rent Self-Loading Round Bale Wagon Hauls 10 Bales Per Load Also Custom Round Bale Wrapping ft Baling Lee-Mar Farm Morgantown, Pa. (215) 286-9052 White Washing And Bam Spraying Low Prices! (717) 656-0975 (717) 442-4408 Tom Peace Full Time Business I ! | PRODUCERS | I Why Call Us j | To Do Your Pressure Washing? J ) * Larger Equipment ) i * Higher Working Pressure t f * More Volume | i * Less Hours On The Job | V * Lower Hourly Rate V I * Family Owned and Operated Since 1981 i * * Need More? V I Please Give Us A Call We Have Ideas That Can A J Save Your Hundreds Even Thousands Of Dollars ' | G&G Pressure Washing ( I Barry L. Garber ) i 1821 Kaylown, PA ! | Elisabethtown, PA 17022 I j Rent a round Claus baler, 4x4 bale, w/englne or with out engine, $4.00/bale w/ engine, $3/bale without en gine. You bale or we bale. Wrapper available 717-687-9050 7-7.30 AM, Sollenberger 717-392-8023 LIQUID MANURE HAULING (717) 284-8710 (717) 464-1344 Steve Lehman NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Flatbed Trailer Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 Bale Guard Stretch Film 20 n x6ooo’xl mil., white $5B/roll or will deliver 5 rolls plus for $59.75 within 15 miles Custom baling and wrapping Amos E. Stoltzfus 5516 Strasburg Road, Gap, PA 17527 717/442-9173 batman 7-7:15 PM waakdaya Custom Bagging 6’ & 8’ Rotor Baggers Reduced Price For NEW Customer Will TraveJ 150 Miles Elam Rutt (800) 767-1672 [717) 626-4072 r « C ‘99feO9oC39lß't “We Want Your Business” CUSTOM BAGGING Contact CHARVINFARM 717-665-7471 1 (800) 352-3785 “Bagging With Experience" ' #<sw i#w^ Kelly Ryan W BIG BAGGER© <££> ” AUKER’S >< CUSTOM BAGGING 2 Kelly Ryan Centerline Strictly Power Take Off “A tighter pack for a better ferment” JOHN S. AUKER, PROF. Myeretown, PA 717.fl3S.fiMa f “a k Silver Creek Supply^ Authorized Distributor lorßele Gird 9 Strotch Film Dealer Inquiries Welcomed BALE CARD® STRETCH FILM i-t Quality guarantaad product I at unbaatabla prlcoa 1 \JTIx 1 1 1 “12 month warranty on all aizea Black & Whlta “ Available Black or White 20”x5000'x1 mil ■ 41#/roll - 32 rolla/ekld 20"x6000'xl mil - 494Vr01l - 24 rolla/ekld 30"x5000‘x1 mil - 61#/roll - 24 rolla/ekld GRO TUFF BAT ft SLEEVES Bag 53" - 59" - 66” - 72" Slaava Dlamatars 48" - 60" - 66” - 72" Made in the USA - Buy American-made Products and Support Our Country. We pay shipping on full skid orders. Additional discounts for multi skid orders. Truck load pricing available. Ask us about our new Inline wrapper uses approx. 50% leas wrap. To order call collact: (717) 374-8010 (717) 374-8071 Fax Or Writs To Ua At: RD #l, Box 70, Port Trevorlon, PA 17864 Custom Round Baling w/net wrap, wet or dry. Custom Combining (215) 273-2343 Drager Bros. Custom Round Baling Net Wrap Marietta, PA (717) 426-2940 CUSTOM SQUARE BALING Large 4’x4’xB’ bales JAMES GARBER & SONS MT. JOY, PA. 717-653-0432 Custom Combining Lower Dauphin- Upper Lancaster Co. Areas Days (717) 944-1346 Evenings (717) 533-1358 Kiel HELP WANTED $2,500/WEEK Why would anyone pay you $2,500/week? Farm or Ag related background re quired. Call 1-800-488-7570. CARPENTERS NEEDED 3-4 people needed for erection of poultry houses and pole buildings. Out-of town work, 4 to 5 days per week, must be exper ienced. Good wages for right people! Please call Fetterville Sales, 717-354-7561 for interview. Carpenters/Finish All Ph ases Of Residential. 215-367-4016. Chicken Processing Tues days Near Millersville. Can Provide Transport from Farmersville Area. (717)872-9570. EIDGER HARVESTING. Young men wanted for truck driving and machine operator. August thru November. Inman, KS. 316-585-6960, 316-585-6903. Experienced herdsman wanted, prefer Christian. 250 cow Reg. Holstein herd, double-8 auto ta keoff, lagoon, no regular milking. Good salary plus all fringe benefits for good ’cowman’. Supervise 5 non-field employees. DIA MOND GROVE FARM INC., RT2, Box 180, Brod nax, VA 23920-9329 804-848-3329 anytime. Experienced dairy person, to work and/or buy high componant stall barn herd. Facilities, crops and house available. References re quired. (717)359-4383. Farmer needed- Exper ienced and dependable person for dairy & broiler farm. Duties include all dairy functions, broilers and some field work. Hous ing on premises. Salary and benefits negotiable with experience. Call (717)896-3637. Help Wanted on Custom Harvest Run, begin work immediately. (405)227-3452. ADMIV'S SUPPLY P.O. Box 621, Brownstown, PA 17508 We Deliver 717-656-6508 For Your Best PRICE. QUALITY & SERVICE • BALE WRAPPERS • BALE WRAP • SILAGE BAGS • BAGGING MACHINES Trucking & Custom Farming Hauling Grain, Hay, Straw, Sand, Stone Custom Combining Flatbed - Dump Trailers Call: Russel Funderwhite (215) 935-2526 Doug Hettinger (215) 987-9197 Full and Part time positions available in mid-August on Mt. Joy dairy farm. Experi ence necessary in milking, operating equipment and general farm duties. Good pay and benefits. Send let ter or resume to; Box J-50, Lancaster Farming. POB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Full Time Experienced, Dependable Dairy Herds man needed. Some field work. Possible housing. References required. Somerset Co 814/479-7682. Person to care for and train work draft horses. Must be experienced and sober. Some riding. Send com plete resume and safWy re quirements to Valleybrook harms, PO Box 347, Stevenson, MD 21153. Herdsman/Herd Manager for 300 cow herd. Must be responsible, able in all dairy functions including management. AI.& herd health. Housing, insur ance. Write: Box J-50, Lan caster Farming, P.0.80x 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Full Time Person with experience operating large equipment on a cash grain (arm opera tion. Must be mechani cally Inclined to help with machine mainte nance and repair. Sal ary negotiable with ex perience. Includes 4 bedroom, 2 lull bath house plus other ex tras. Located In south ern Columbia County. 717/672-3245 anytime FARM EQUIPMENT SALES fj Put your farm background and experience Jj to work selling John Deere farm equip- II ment. Local territory available with Num- H ber 1 dealership. Related sales experi- H ence preferred. Excellent pay plan, bene- 8 fits, and training provided. Send Resume: II Sales Manager | LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT, INC. _ 6670 Ruppsvllle Road II Allentown, PA 18106 II IHMHMHMINHNHMEHKHHMi Herdsman needed for 40 cow farm, some field work. Must have experience w/ cattle and be dependable. House available. Harford Co., MD. 410/692-6028. HERDSMAN; Small dairy (40), must be experienced w/milk fever, Mastitis, heat detection, reliable, honest, good wage plus housing and utilities. 814-398-8774. Persons to Hoe Tobacco and Unload Straw. Millers ville Area. 717-393-1490. Herdsman for 140 Regis tered Holsteins, TMR feed ing. herd health and help with milking. Salary negoti able. 301/662-7086 after 6pm. Hersman manager for 80 cow dairy, must be respon sible in all dairy functions, A-1 herd health. House provided. Otsego County, New York, 518-966-8675. Volunteers Wanted: Light house Rehabilitation Cen ter between Blue Ball and Ephrata. 6-8 people needed daily. Light work Call Sarah to schedule, 215/445-4669. Herdsperson/ Herd Manager for 300 oow herd. Must be responsible, able in all dairy functions Including management, Al & herd health. Housing, insurance Write: Box R-14 Lancaster Farming, PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522