Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 03, 1993, Image 71
Belleville Livestock Market Wednesday, July 7,1993 1:30 P.M. •1 Load of top hand picked Canadian Cows mostly registered •Several are fresh & most of them are springers •Several sires include, VG Majesty; •Nice Argile Limited, Bred to Lincoln, Due in Mid July •2 Hanover Hill Spartans •1 Hanover Hill Jethro •Also an Astro Jet, Due at Sale Time For More Information; Gene Click (717) 667-2703 Sale Barn (717) 935-2146 9.30 A.U' FREDERICK COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FREDERICK, MARYLAND COMPLETE LIQUIDATION OF BANCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. i FOR OTHERS DIRECTIONS: Traveling mat on I*7o, taka E. Patrick St, sxk 56 to Fairgrounds. Traveling aaat on 1-70, taka South 81, axh 55, to Fairground*. Travalng north on 1-270, taka Routa 355, Marfcat St, axh 31-A (by tha l-70-Tmck Stop). Taka 1-70 aaat to axh 55, South St., to Fairground*. CAT 951 C track loader with OROPS, GP buck*!, S/N 85J4561; CASE 14568 track loadar with CROPS, GP bucks!, 00% unc., SM 8382618; root rako to fit CASE U 558; ALUS CHALMERS HD7Q track loader with OROPS, GP bucket, S/N 23148; OUVER 468 track loadar with gaa ang., bucket 5 forts, S/N 2967. CASE 580 K loader backhoa with anc. cab, axtendahoe, ISO orig. hrs.; CASE SBOC loadar backhoe with OROPS; FORD 5558 4x4 loader backhoe with anc. cab, axtendahoe, OROPS; CASE 450 extsndaho* backhoa attach. SKID LOADERS 5 RUBBER TIRE LOADER BOBCAT 743 skid loadar with discs! ang., S/N SOMMI44II; JOHN DEERE 24A skid loadar with diesel eng., bucket A forks, 1,700 hrs., S/N 222100; BOBCAT 610 skid loadar with gas ang.; DITCH WITCH 400LD aiUcutated 4x4 rubber tire loader with OROPS. VERMEER 66SA tag along stump grinder with gas ang.; trailer mounted CHIP HARVESTER Model 188 with 18' chipper, Cummins diesel eng., cab, 1,700 hrs., S/N 486. PETTIBONE Super 8 4x4 forklift with diesal eng., S/N 81441; PETTIBONE Super 6 forklift with diesel eng.; GROVE TMI2OS hyd. truck crane with 62' boom, 20' jib, T/A carrier, gas lowdf 5 diesel upper, S/N 661370. AIR COMPRESSORS A BORING MACHINE GARDNER DENVER 185 dm air compressor with Ford diesal eng.; SULLAIRIBS dm air compressor with JD diesel eng; INGERSOL RAND air operated boring machine with 2 heads, 4', 6*. 8* augers, SM 60840123. STREET SWEEPER A HYDRO HAMMER WAYNE Modal 12 street sweeper with gas ang.; INTERNATIONAL 574 sweeper tractor with gas eng., 3 pt. hitch; Hydro hammer with enc. cab, gas ang.; ARROW hydro hammer with 453 Detroit diesal eng. FARM TRACTOR A TRENCHER FORD Model 1910 tractor with loader, diesel eng., 1,450 hrs.; 1969 CASE 360 trencher with gas eng., S/N JAF0022307,4' rock chain, backfill blade, backhoe attach. JOHN DEERE 680 LC with long unc., 2,000 hrs., S/N 521501; CASE 1060 with 2,300 hrs., hyd. bit on turn table S/N 627162. SEAL COAT MACHINE TAYLOR 300 gal. trailer mounted teal coat machine with fall sweep agitator, 2 cyl. air compressor with 10 hp gas eng., spray wand, hot kettle. • DUMPS I FLATBEOS 1902 INTERNATIONAL S Series S/A dump with crew cab, 0T466 ang.. auto tram., P/S. air brakes; 1976 INTERNATIONAL 1800 S/A dump with gas ang., 5 sp., 2 sp. bans., air brakas, 9' body; 1975 INTERNATIONAL S/A dump with gas sng., auto bans., PIS, air brakes; 1971 FORD L9OOO T/A dump with Cummins diesel sng., 10 sp. bans., 14' steel body; 1995 FORD F70016' flatbed dump with diesal eng., 5 sp., 2 sp. bans.; 1964 DODGE 1 ton flatbed with gat ang., auto bane. ROAD TRACTOR I TRAILERS 1963 VOLVO F 716 S/A road tractor witt diesal sng., 5 sp. bans., 23,000 nan. P/S; (2) 1978 CMC Brigdaisr S/A road tractors with 270 Cummins diesel ang., 10 sp. bans., 23,000 rears; 1973 FORD L9OOO T/A road tractor with a just rebuilt Detroit diesel eng., 13 sp. bans., P/S; 1973 KENWORTH T/A cdb-ovsr rood bactor with Cat 325 ang. 13 sp. bans.; 1968 EAGER BEAVER 9 ton dual wheel equipment trailer; 1987 EAGER BEAVER 9 ton tri-axla equipment trailer; misc. 40' & 45' box van traitors. 1964 FORD F3SOI ton wrecker wHh hyd. wheel lift, gat ang., auto bant.; 1975 CHEVROLET 90 T/A reetor buck with TharmoKing unit, diets) eng., 13 sp. bant., P/S; 1968 INTERNATIONAL T/A 1800 Loadstar with 12 at. yd. Stottz Urns body, 5 sp., 3 sp. bans., gas eng.; 1960 FORD F7OO service truck with utility body, new gas ang., auto bans., P/S, air brakes. PICKUPS A CARS 1988 FORD FISO Lariat 4x4 pickup with 4 sp. bans., A/C; 1965 FORD FI SO pickup with auto bans., A/C; 1974 JEEP CJS with snow plow, V-8 gas ang., 4 sp. trans.; JEEP (or parts, no tide. (3) MOTOROLA base stations with (7) mobile 2 way radio units. Plata steal; hyd. host I fittings, water pumps; tampers; GE Model EIS electric riding mower with 48' deck. TERMS OF SALE; COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY. Payment for ail items must bo made in full on tala day with CASH, CASHIER'S CHECKS. PERSONAL OR COMPANY CHECKS ACCEPTED WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY A VALID BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEED PAYMENT. Items sold ‘As-is, Whera-is' with no warranties expressed or implied. Immediate removal. Not responsible far accidents. This listing subject to additions and deletions. financing on Homs $20,000 or non. Can Kathy Welbom, CREDIT AIIIANCE CORP. (410) 859-2300. MSPECTION: Thursday, July 8,1903 1000 AM to 4:00 PM. Sale site phones dating July 5 (XI) 695-8424 or (XI) 695-8368. HOTELS: Holiday Inn Rt 40 Watt (XI) 662-5141; Holiday Inn 1-2701 Rt 85 (301) 694-7500; Dayt Inn Rl 85 (XI) 694-6600. SPECIAL RATES AT THE FOLLOWING: Comfort Inn, Proapact Blvd. (XI) 6858200 $39.00 pH* tax by mentioning our name, or Red Hone Motor Inn Rt 40 Wad it holding rooms at the foUcwing ratal, single $40.00 plus lax and doubles $45.00 plus tax. STILL ACCEPTING EQUIPMENT. TRUCKS, TRAILERS I TOOLS CALL FOR FULL COLOR BROCHURE Wotl* Induttritl Auction*, foe. has mend to a ntw IS ten *lt* lor in taction complex. OUR NEW ADDRESS AS OF JUNE 28, 1993 US MARTIN ROAD GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17325 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR NEW PHONE NUMBERS ARE (NO) 443-9580 FAX (ON) 443-9511 LOCAL NUMBERS (717) 334-0044 FAX (717) 334-IMI Howavar, wa wU contlnua to hold auction* at our Virginia aha and at tha Fradartck County Fairground* In Maryland. ‘ INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC. 10510-A Woodsboro Pike, • (301) 663-8644- Walkarsvilla, MD 21793 AU-002335-L *4* MID ATLANTIC AREA CONTRACTORS' AUCTION FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1993 TRACK LOADERS LOADER BACKHOES ROLLER 1 1/2 ton roller with gas ang. STUMP GRINDER A CHIP HARVESTER FORKUFTS A CRANE HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS SPECIALTY TRUCKS RADIOS MISCELLANEOUS Real Estate Auction Fri. Eve. July 23, 1993 7:30 p.m. Located In Lack Twnp., Juniata Co. In the Village of Croas Keys 23 ml. south of Mifflintown, Pa off Rt. 38 A 1,5 acre lot-drilled well, sewage, two story frame dwelling with all modern conveniences. For inspection- Phone 717-527-2449. Terms: 10% down payment balance in 30 days. Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer AVOOI6B6L Estate of Gerald W. Berrier Randy Ruby, President Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication THE DOWNING CONSTRUCTION CORP. COMPLETE LIQUIDATION AUCTION SATURDAY. JULY 10 9 9:00 A.M. ONTARIO. N.Y. MODULAR OFFICE - CLASSROOM BUILDINGS, MODERN OFFICE EQUIPMENT, BUILDING TRADE TOOLS, BUILDING 8L REMODELING SUPPLIES, TRAILERS & ROLLING STOCK LOCATION: 15 miles East of Roches ter. Take Furnace road North from Rt. 104 1/4 mile to auction site. SUN SPARC STATION: Color monitor. 24 MB RAM, 1.2 gig drive, tape back-up UPS, CD ROM player. Ethernet bds., auto cad release 12. & misc. software, HP design jet plotter. Large quantities new Building materials: Aspenite, vinyl clad windows, 2x6, 2x4, 2xB, 2xlo, plywood, sheetrock, perolite, felt paper, kitchen cabinets, electric fans, ribbed alum, siding, vinyl, wood & metal moldings; Interior & exterior doors; bathroom fixtures, vinyl flooring. Delta faucets; S.S. sinks; insulation; steel siding & more. SHOP ft POWER TOOLS: (8) table saws; Delta joiner; miter saws; heaters (2) oxy. Acet. outfits; (10) Linde 225 Mig welders; jacks; ladders; Hilti guns; Laser level; screw guns & drills; floor sander, airless paint sprayer, pow er hack saw; Kingsley - Fisher hyd. jack units; chains & binders; (IS) circular saws; chop saws; magnetic drill; gang boxes; dozens of vices & C clamps; extension cords; floor jacks; portable scaffold; 10’ brake & more. OVERHEAD HOISTS. PLANT FIX TURES ft RIGGING EQUIPMENT: (6) ceiling mtd. air purifier units; (2) IT electric hoists; Demac overhead crane system; iron racks; heavy slings; moving dollies; choker cable; jacks; SO heavy caster wheels; air com pressor, spreader bars; large supply I beam & other steel. TRUCKS ft MATERIAL HANDLING: JD 480 D Forklift; Clark C 300,4000 lb; Clark 8000 lb. dual; C4O propane forklift; Ford NH SS3 skid steer loader w/forks & bucket; 88 Ford 150 Van; 87 F 250 4x4 w/plow; Ford 4500 tractor loader, 30’ Cargo trailer w/office & storage space. PLUMBING ft ELECTRIC DEPT.: Good supply- here. TRAILERS: (10) 68’ 6 axle trailers, 8’ wide, 7000# per axle; (6) 56’ (extendable to 70’) x 8’ (extendable to 16’) - 3 dual axles. ALSO: Way too much to list here - come see you’ll be glad you did! OFFICE: Large supply Steel Case furniture; 4 personal computers; Toshiba copier; fax machine; comdial phone system; Xerox 2510 blueprint copier, Mutoh 1P530 pencil plotter; drafting table; blueprint files; office shelving; storage cabinets & many more fixtures & supplies. MODULAR OFFICE BLDG.: 36'x60', 3 sections, steel framed, heated & cooled w/ packaged terminal HVAC units. MODULAR CLASSROOM OFFICE BLDG.: (2) buildings are available. 24’x72' 1728 sq. ft., 4 sections. The interior is (2) classrooms, carpeted, (2) bathrooms, heated & cooled. INSPECTION: Friday, July 9,10 AM. • 4 P.M. or by appointment OWNER: DOWNING CORPORATION Phone - 315-524-5354 RoyTeitsworth, Inc. Sales Manager & Auctioneer 6502 Baiter Hill Rd.. Geneseo, N.Y. 14494 716-243-1563 LancMMr Firming, Saturday, July 3, 1993-827 FRI. JUL. 9, Upcoming Auction, Now Accepting Construction Equipment, Trucks A Trailers For Sale. Located Frederick County Fairgrounds, Frederick, Md. WoMe Industrial Auc tions, Inc. FRI. JUL 9 - 9AM Farm Equipment & Supplies, A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 W. Jackson St, Now Holland. Alan Diffen bach, auct. FRI.JUL 9 -9:3OAM Com plete liquidation of Bar-Co Enterprises & For Others, Track loaders, loader back hoes, skid loaders & rubber tire laoder, roller, stump grinder a chip harvester, forklifts & crane, air com pressor & boring machine, street sweeper & hydro hammer, farm tractor, dumps & flatbeds, specialty trucks, pickups & cars, radios, misc. Traveling west on 1-70, take E. Pat rick St., exit 56 to Fair grounds. Traveling east on 1-70, take South St., exit 55, to Fairgrounds. Traveling north on 1-270, take Rt. 355, Market St., exit 31-A (by the I-70 Truck Stop). Take I-70 east to exit 55. South St. to Fairgrounds. Frederick Co. Fairgrounds, Federick, Md. Wolfe Indust rial Auctions, Inc. FRI. JUL 9-12 Noon. Liq uidation of assets of Argo designer furniture manu facturer. Located at Sec ond and Buttonwood Streets, Reading, Pa. For National Bank of Boyer town. E M. Murry Assoc., aucts. FRI. JUL. 9- I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc., Exit 13, South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717-249-4511. FRI. JUL. 9 & SAT. JULIO - 3PM, SAT.-B:3OAM, See bold Two Day Country Estate Auction. Located At The Floyd See bold Farm, 1 Mile East Off Route 304 At The Village Of Dice, 4 Miles North Of New Berlin, Or 3 Milas South Of Mifllinburg, Pa. From Harrisburg Travel Route 15 To Winfield, There Turn West Onto Route 304, Continue To Dice Or Traveling South Off Route 80, Take Route IS To Lewisbura, There Take Route 45 To Mifflinburg, Pa., There Take Route 304 To Dice. Watch For Signs. Executor, David N. See bold. Eart W. Eash, AucL FRI. JUL 9 - 4PM, Valu able Peat Card Collection. Located At Springetta Fire Co. Social Had, 3013 E. Market St.. York, Pa. Jacob A. Gilbert A Brian L.Qifcert, Auet*. FRI. JUL 9 - 6PM Large mechanic tools & tool auc tion. Over 50-year collec tion. At (sennock Auctions, New Park, PA. Isennock Auction Services, Inc. FRI. JUL. 9 • 7PM 19 acre farmetto. Turn E off Rt. 145 in Walnutport, at the Burger King onto Rt 946 (Moun tain View Dr) go thru Danielsville toward Kleck nersville & turn onto W. Scenic Dr., for approx. 1 mi., Northampton C0.,-Pa, For David R. & Linda S. Kichline. Ralph W. Zettle moyer Auction Co., Inc. SAT. JUL 10 - 9AM S acres, 40 perches real estate, woodworking tools, antiques, garden equip. At 293 Wanner Rd., Earl Township, Lane. Co., Pa Rt 322 E. of Ephrata in HlnMetown, turn onto Wan ner Rd. By Ivan H. Fox Estate. Horst, aucts. SAT. JUL. 10 - 9AM, Household Goods, Anti ques & Quilts. Located Between Gap & Paradise Turn Off Rt 30 On Church St To 42 North Kinzer Rd. Across From Kinzer Men nonils Church,-Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By,' Arlene B. DenMnger, Robert E. A Jef frey R. Martin, Aucts.