820-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 3, 1993 Lunch With Lynn (Continued from Pago B 12) Chicken Salad 1 cup cooked chicken cut in bite-sized chunks 'A cup diced celery 'A cup mayonnaise A teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sour cream Yields VA cups. Add fruit and nuts as desired. You can use your favorite chicken salad or this basic recipe and add red grape halves and small pieces of canned pineapple or matchstick almonds, or all three. Serve on a curly piece of Boston lettuce. 1 medium lemon 2A cups flour l'/> teaspoons baking powder V* teaspoon salt 11/}I 1 /} cups sugar *A cup butter 3 eggs V> cup milk Heat oven to 350°. Grate 1 tablespoon lemon rind. Squeeze 4/4 teaspoons lemon juice. Set aside. Grease one 9x5 loaf pan or two small ones. I cut a piece of parchment paper to fit in the bottom. In a large bowl with folk, mix flour, baking powder, salt, sugar. Cut in butter with pastry blender. Stir in peel. In small bowl whisk eggs, lightly and stir in milk. Stir this mixture into flour mixture just until flour is mois tened. Spoon into pan. Bake 2 small pans about 40 minutes or one loaf pan about I'/ hours. But watch carefully, for loaf or loaves are done when bread pulls from sides of pan and toothpick comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan. Remove and peel off paper. In small saucepan over medium high, heat lemon juice, 2 tablespoons sugar to boiling. Cook, stir until thick, about five minutes. With pastry brush, spread sugar mixture evenly over top of bread. Take care that loaf doesn’t stick to wire rack while cooling. For thin slices, use an electric knife. Make ahead, wrap well and freeze. Poppy Seed Bread 3 eggs beaten 3 cups flour VA teaspoons salt VA teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoons butter flavoring 'A -'A cups poppy seeds I/ teaspoons almond flavoring VA cups milk l/« cups oil 2'A cups sugar 1/2 teaspoons vanilla Add all ingredients to beaten eggs. Mix with mixer 1-2 minutes. Pour into 2 lightly greased small loaf pans that have a piece of parchment lining the bottom. Bake about 40 minutes at 350°, checking for bread to pull from sides of pan and for doneness with a toothpick. Glaze: Mix '/< cup orange juice, % cup sugar, A teas poon vanilla and 'A teaspoon butter flavoring. Mix in saucepan and cook until sugar dissolves. Pour over loaves while still warm. Cool, taking care that loaves don’t stick to wire cooling rack. Wrap well and freeze. This yummy quickbread recipe comes from Market Fare Restaurant in Lancaster. It’s very moist if not over baked. Wrap and freeze. Townhouse Cheese Soup 4 small carrots, cut into 1” matchsticks 3 celery stalks, cut into 1” matchsticks VA cups chicken stock 2 tablespoons ('A stick) butter 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion V* cup flour 3 cups hot chicken stock 1 cup fine shredded sharp cheddar cheese (1) BJ/<8 J /< ounce can tomato wedges undrained, chopped 10 drops hot pepper sauce % teaspoon nutmeg salt to taste (I only used A teaspoon) VA cups whipping cream, heated chopped parsley for garnish Add carrots and celery to 1/4 cups chicken stock on a 1-2 quart saucepan. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer until tender, about 15 minutes. Set aside. Melt butter in a 4-5 qt. saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and saute until transparent but not brown. Add flour, blend well and cook 5-7 minutes, stirring continuously. Do not brown. Slowly stir 3 cups hot chicken stock into flour mixture and cook over low heat, whisking constantly until sauce thickens. Blend in cheese and stir until cheese melts. Add tomatoes and undrained vegetables. Season with pepper sauce, nutmeg, salt. Just before serving soup, stir in hot cream. Garnish withbhopped parsley. Serves 6. This is a light soup; perfect for lunch. Lemon Loaf Cream Puff Swans 1 cup water 14 cup butter or margarine 14 -teaspoon salt I cup flour 4 eggs 1 cup heavy cream 1 314 -334 box vanilla instant pudding 114 cup milk 14 teaspoon almond extract Grease large cookie sheet. In 2 quart saucepan over medium heat, heat water, butter or margarine and salt until butter melts and mixture boils. Remove saucepan from heat. Add flour all at once. With wooden spoon, vigorous ly stir until mixture leaves sides of pan and forms a ball. Add eggs one at a time, beating well with wooden spoon after each addition. Cool slightly. Preheat oven to 375°. Spoon 14 cup of batter into pastry bag with large round tip, about 14 ” in diameter. Pipe eight three inch long “question marks’’ for swans’ necks, mak ing a small dollop at the beginning of each for head. Drop remaining batter, using a large spoon, onto cookie sheet into 8 large oval mounds 3” apart. Using moistened finger, gently smooth batter. Bake necks 20 minutes or until golden. Remove necks to wire rack. Continue baking mounds 45-50 minutes lon ger. Remove to wire racks to cool. Prepare filling. This can be made ahead of time. In small bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat 1 cup heavy cream until soft peaks form. Set aside. Prepare pudding using 114 cups milk. With rubber spatula, gently fold whipped cream and 14 teaspoon almond extract into pud ding. Refrigerate. To assemble swans: cut off top third of cream puffs (swans’ bodies). Set aside. Divide almond cream into 8 bodies. Place necks into bodies. Cut reserved piece of body in half and set cut edges into sides for wings. Refrig erate until serving time. Whether you’re hauling hay in or moving manure out, you can’t beat the combination of a John Deere 3255 TVactor and a perfectly matched John Deere loader. It’s easy to keep loads moving. You get top traction in slippery lots with standard “engage on-the-go” Caster/Action” MFWD. Hus, you’ll make tight turns in all tread settings, so cramped quarters are an easy fit. There’s plenty of power, too - with the m. ; SEE ONE OF THESE DEALERS FOR A DEMONSTRATION: ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton, PA (naar Adamalown) 215-484-4391 BARTRON SUPPLY, INC. Tunkhannock, PA 717-836-4011 CARLYLE A MARTIN, INC. Hagaratown, MD 301-733-1873 CLUGSTON FARM , EQUIPMENT Naadmora, PA 717-573-2218 Loaded and priced to move ♦& CLUGSTON AG & TURF, INC. Chambaraburg, PA 717-263-4103 DEERFIELD AG & TURF CENTER, INC. Wataontown, PA 717-838-8557 DUNKLE & GRIEB INC. Mill Hall, PA 717-726-8115 ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. Oxford, PA 215-832-8858 Cream puff swans with almond cream filling may look difficult to make but really aren’t. One drawback is that they cannot be made more than a day in advance. You’ll need a reusable or disposable pastry bag to form the neck. VA cups flour 'A cup commeal 2 tablespoons sugar 'A teaspoon baking soda '/» teaspoon salt 'A cup butter or margarine, softened, divided 'A cup water 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons sesame seeds Into large bowl measure flour, commeal, sugar, baking soda, salt With pastry blender cut A cup butter or margar ine into flour mixture for coarse crumbs. Stir in water and vinegar. With hands, knead flour mixture until well blended. Preheat oven to 37S°. Divide dough into 30 small balls. On lightly floured surface, with floured rolling pin, roll dough into 4 'A ” paper thin circles. (Edges may be ragged.) With pancake turner, place circles one inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet. In small saucepan over low heat, melt other A cup but ter or margarine. With pastry brush, lightly brush each doug circle with butter or margarine. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds. With back of a teaspoon carefully press seeds into dough. Bake 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove to wire rack to cool completely. Store in tightly covered container. Makes 30. These light paper-thin crackers feature the maty rich flavor of sesame seeds. Easy to do ahead - up to one week. turbocharged 100-horsepower, 6-cylinder diesel. High on torque yet low on fuel consumption, this remarkable engine delivers a 24-percent torque rise at just 80 percent of rated speed. %u can keep working - without downshifting - right through changing load demands. That lugging power is coupled to the innovative top-shaft-synchronized (TSS) transmission. For loader or blade work, the exclusive “shuttle-shift” lets you quickly move back-and-forth with a single lever while clutching. All this for a surprisingly affordable IKN price. See your John Deere dealer today OuA for tiie full story ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. Whllaford, MD 301-452-5252 EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. Labanon, PA 717-272-4841 FINCH SERVICES HANOVER INC. Hanovar, PA 717-832-2345 A.B.C. GROFF, INC. Maw Holland, PA 717-354-4181 Sesame Thins GUTSHALL’S INC. RO #2i Box 74-A Loyavllla, PA GUTSHALL’S INC. Cartlala, pa 717-249-2313 KERMIT K. KISTLER INC. Lynnporl, PA 215-298-2011 LANDIS BROS. INC. Laneaatar, PA 717-291-1046 LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT Waaooavllla, PA 215-398-2553 v) W ir ‘ '!*£***t*jr LONE SALES I Naw AIM 412-48 LOST IMP Oaklar 717- MILLER’S RD Falrmo MILLER Belli 717-