ELIZABETHTOWN (Lancas ter Co.) Tours and demonstra tions will be the order of the day during Heritage Day at the Herit age House Museum, 43 East High Street, Elizabethtown, on Satur day, July 10 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Heritage Days are held on the sec ond Saturday of each month from March through November. Interpreters will be demonstrat ing bake oven baking throughout the day in th e 1847 squirrel-tail bake oven which was recon- AH da; you’re resistant SuperSole® Red Wings, you get all AllensviOe Shoe Shop Box 7 Star Routa Red Wins Shoe Store Marks Shoe & Repair 1091 Union BWd. 22 South Main 215-432-6455 717-584-2616 CHAMBERSBURG KUTZTOWN Shoemaker’s Sporting Goods Waynes Dry Goods 7«3 S. Socood St 271-273 W. Main St 717-263-4124 215-683-7686 Heritage House Celebrates Heritage structed on the original foundation found during archaeological excavations. There will be either a spinning or weaving demonstration per formed by Heritage House inter preters. Tours of the herb garden will also be given. Mary Conrad will offer guided tours of the historic building throughoutu the day, and an archaeological display of artifacts found on the museum grounds will be available for viewing by RB) WM6S ON DUTY. Fitting Ybu Right Is Our #1 Priority. HONEY BROOK MADISONBURG Brandywine Shoe Shop Fisher Harness & Shoe Shop Box 156 Rt 2 ' Star Routa. Box 47 the public. In addition, the genealogical library, staffed by a genealogist who is available for consultation, the preservation bookshelf, and the Information Center will be open. The Heritage House signature quilt is on permanent exhibit in the museum and can be viewed during Heritage Day. The Heritage House Museum Store will also be open. There is a charge to participate Zimmerman Harness KD 2 Box 36 814-793-3961 Lost Creek Shoe Shop RO #1 Box U in Heritage Day at the Heritage House Museum: Non-members - $1 adults, half-price for children 12 years of age and under. Mem bers showing their membership cards are admitted free of charge. Heritage House is open every week during the following hours: comfort instead. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3, 1993-811 Books Shoe Service 107 E Sum St 717-786-2795 Leo’s Shoe Store Oodfny St ' 717-933-81(9 RKD^M^KI'C spRTNGPrein ppfySfcZr Red Wing Shoe Store 237 Btltimor* Pike IPCW ® 215-544-1664 Made in U.S.A. Thursday, 12:00-3:00; Friday, 9:00-5:00; Saturday, 9:00-11:30. This ggenealogical library is open every Thursday, 1:00-5:00 P.M. There is a small charge for non members of EPA to use the library. WILLIAMSPORT Lcesers Shoes 2000 E 3rd Sl On Willianupoitt Golden Strip 717-326-0211
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