Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 03, 1993, Image 51
Onbei a farm -And o bazar Joyce B “It’s the weekend!” says the perky voice coming from an area radio station. “No alarms! No hassles! No bosses!” continues the upbeaC excited disc jockey. “bosses” I’m directing to stalls, I I glance around the dairy bam. laugh out loud. A hundred cows are waiting to After nearly three decades at enter their stall for evening milk- this profession of farm wifery, ing on this particular late June Fri- experience tells me that Murphy’s day. From the calf nursery comes law applies more intensely to the sound of a dozen calves weekends than any other period of already impatiently bawling for time. Anything disruptive will, by their evening bottle feedings. laige probability of fate, happen Forty acres of grass hay lay dry- on the weekend, ing under the baking sun and When you can’t get repairmen, 93-degree heat The Farmer and can’t get parts, can’t get anything crew are busy baling and stacking shipped, employees are more like heavy bales in the hay mow of a ly to be off—it will break down, humid bam. Their day will stretch bust up. shut off, die, get a calf even longer than ours in the bam stuck midways through delivery, as they toil feverishly to put away break a leg, or develop a twisted the last of first-cutting grass hay. stomach and need emergency And then The Farmer will surgery. Nearly every time the return, at dusk, with several trips power has gone down in recent left around the bam to feed the years, it’s been a weekend. cows, attend to any health needs We have a standing joke around we may find during milking and the farm about the silo/feeder drag perhaps artificially inseminate a chain mechanism. If it’s broke, it cow or two before the long day must be Sunday morning. That ends. chdin has surely broken on as Tomorrow Saturday will many weekdays as it has on Sun be a repeat. Sunday, even without days, but somehow they stand out r-------CUP THIS VALUABLE COUPON) NATIONAL RBCLINER Must hsvs coupon for this spools! priest I OUR CASH PRICE $120.95 I CCXJPON soBtBB $69.00 (WHILE SUPPUES LAST) _ I ------ - CUP THIS VALUABLE COUPONI ■■"■■"-■■l I Spectacular offer! SWIVEL ROCKERS ■ I It's a rafuaal by llw largael chain atora In lha oauntry. • 1 oSM Tags are still on ths chairs. Ons color. • I Rag. Rat OUR WITH <S aAQ f\A ( ■ $309.95 CASH PRICE COUPON p IUSJ.U** \ J $249.95 J CUP THIS VALUABLE COUPON)' “ " “ I 2 PIECE LIVING ROOM ——l • I Contemporary aofa and lovaaaat | I gorgaoua selection of prlnte. * I WITH COUPON $499.95 Reg. Ret $1629.95 I r- - a (WHILE SUPPUES LAST!)- - -- -- -- -g a------- -CUP THIS VALUAP , CONTEMPORARY SET ; Sofa and lovaaaat I Rea. RcL OUR CASH . | $1429.95 . PRICE $569.95 I with coupon $499.95 I QUEEN SLEEPER AND LOVESEAT j Rag. Rat SIWt.tS ! OUR CASH PRICE WM.96 COuP&N $669.95 - COUPON _ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Ail our furniture Is brand new merchandise. Not used. Not traded In. field woik, all the dairy choes still need done. So the announcer’s weekend celebratory pronounce ment strikes me as hilarious. In the middle of the bam surrounded by in memory far more clearly. Regardless of when, if the cows are to eat, which they loudly demand, it must be fixed. Also, it seems about 40 percent of our baby calves arrive at the calf bam so that their fust bottle needs to be given on a Sunday morning. And giving that first bottle manually often proves to be an adventure in which I get butted, slobbered upon, knocked into a comer (I once flew right out with a gate when a calf took offense to my presence). I did make a resolu tion sometime ago to stop grunt* bling about Sunday morning first feedings and instead count the blessing of a healthy calf. A few Saturday evenings ago, a fellow dairy producer called ask ing if we knew of any used bulk milk tanks available for sale. His, while operating for-the-half at that moment, was failing to the point whero it could cease to continue cooling milk at any given second. On a weekend, naturally. Even more enticing to trouble than plain, ordinary weekends are holiday weekends, such as this one. Vividly impressed in my memory is a Labor Day weekend a few years back when we had everything lined up to fill silo. The weather was ideal, we had adequ ate manpower and the forage harvester broke down. Late on a Friday afternoon. Parts had to come from a source in the mid-West. But neither the postal service nor the private delivery services were operating until the following Tuesday. We do enjoy the special things planned for weekends and try to set aside at least an hour or two to relax even if it’s just sitting by the pond at dusk on Sunday evening. Last Friday night. The Farmer BEDDING BLOW-OUT 6 3 No kksss. our prices! mii prices b ecause they can’t match our prices. are for BOTH PIECES. Our ad has no asterisks. No footnotes. This is the deal. BASSETT MATTRESS & BOX SPRING R# * R,t O “ R ,g ASH SPECIAL FREE Polaroid Camera with purchase 5ing1e....... $5*9.95 $269.95 $119.98 Lode at the a bonus of $59 Polaroid Double.... $729.95 $309.95 $149.98 Rile le top el the line bedding, and one of the beet deal* Qtwon $95995 $399 95... $199.98 that we ever made! Rises ara all avamint, eaneaUatione ae aw and fabrics. This Is one hack of a price on Wn B- 51099.95 $519.95 8289.98 bedding, oempMe with a warranty of one full year raplaoamanl at no charge. SBRTA MATTRESS single... Reg. Ret $909.95 OUR CASH PRICE $ 129.05 & BOX SPRING Double... Reg. Ret $749.95 OUR CASH PRICE $169.05 FR Wc Qwn...Reg. Ret $999.95 OUR CASH PRICE $190.95 n - T rft W ATTDireC Single... Reg. Ret $189.95 OUR CASH PRICE 979.88 WATtwnATTnw 3 Double... Reg. Ret $289.95 OUR CASH PRICE $99.88 { ® FOUNDATION Oueen...Reg. Ret. $529.95....0UR CASH PRICE $119.88. BEST DEAL GOING! King... Reg. Reg. $609.95 OUR CASH PRICE s2ooiBB UnMievable Price On A King Sell ★ SPECIAL! $189.88 Bml pries* anywhere an ether brand namee, tee. Remember... there’e no euch thing We alee have the lewaat prleae en crib mattreeaae. aa FREE OEUVERV. PUBLIC NOTICE We are a four store chain not affiliated with any other stores. LANCASTER YORK CHAMBBRSBURG CARLISLE 3019 Hampland Road 4585 WMt Market Street 1525 Lincoln Way East 1880 Harrisburg Pika 717-397-8241 717-792-3502 717-261-0131 717-249-5718 ![.... ' i .\| , A / No Refunds. No Exchanges. Cash & Cany — ■ il -V FINANCING AVAILABLE STORE HOURS: >CLOSEd V; No Out-Of-State Checks Accepted Monday Thru Friday 9-9 'SJULT Sfh y- Out-Of-Sute Credit Cards Accepted Saturday 9-8 (Tanoaatar It Tor It) i For purchase with a check, bring proper 9-5 (CarUala ft Chanabereburg) , ID and a major credit card. Bondar Noon-5 (Laueaatar <cYork) VI IV u« mpma* r- mmMoimt Cloaad Sunday (Car Mala dt Chaaabarabnrd) it* . . r * wi •- w. . j collapsed on the couch with a “It’s the weekend!” gleefully snack just in time for the late announced our favorite television night news. Hay had kept him in weatherman on the late night the Held again until dark. Then, news. after several feeding trips around “Yeah," agreed The Farmer, the bam, he’d spent nearly an hour with a tired grin. “It’s the weekend wrestling a huge bull calf from the maybe we can get done at nine heifer mother straggling to give instead of eleven.” birth. Perry County Chooses D P June 8. Marel Raub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Raub of Duncannon, will be promoting the dairy industry over the next year, and will represent Perry County at the State Pageant in September. Emily Dum, right, Dairy Ambassa dor, and Abby Dum, Little Dairy Miss, will be assisting Marel at local promotions. Anyone wishing to have Marel speak at a function, please contact Brenda Hollister at (814) 834-4578 (day) or (814) 834-3298 (eve). Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, July 3, 1993-B7