Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 03, 1993, Image 140
DB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3,1993 JD 2140 same as 2750, 5550 hours, cab, 15.9x38* rubber, 16 spread, sync.range, $12,000. Un ion Co. 717/523-6545 JD 2150 diesel, 4WD w/175 QT loader, 45 hp, 600 hrs, sharp. $14,500 (301 )898-7426 JO 216 flex head, good condition, $2500 080 215/682-9082. JD 2350 Tractor, 1650 Hours, Rollbar Canopy, Nice $12,500. 301-733-2195. JD 245 loader, valve, no bucket, $2,000. 410-833-9091 JD 2760, 4x4, $12,000 410-833-9091 JD 2950 Tractor, Cab, Air, High-Low, Nice. 301-733-2195. JO 2955 MFWD hi/low shift, dual outlets, 540 and 1000 PTO, canaopy row bar, clean tractor. (717)733-0660. JD 3300 diesel combine, 1750 hrs, 2RW corn head, 10' grain platform. 814-383-2806. JO 343 Corn Head, Adap ter Plate for Forage Harvester, Good Condi tion. Call After 6PM 302-653-6055. J0'346 baler, very good condition. No kicker, $3,500. Northampton County. (215)252-1171. JD3S harvester, windrow pickup, 1R corn heads, re cutter screens; Martin Scavenger II; MFIS grinder mixer; 3pt potato hiller; Little Giant drag elevator. Cumberland Co. 717-258-6247 WANTED; NH9O bale stacker. JD 3800 chopper, 3 heads, 1&2 row corn head, 1 pickup head, $2500. Bucks Co. 215-249-3407. JD 4000, gas, SC, field ready, Western tractor, $5,800. 410-833-9091 JD 4420 combine, 1420 hrs., 444 corn head, 213 floating bean head, spare parts and tires, 23x26 tires, $20,000 FIRM 804-784-3131. JD 4R corn planter, $3OO 080, Oliver tractor 70 se ries for parts, make offer; Case 2X plow, $75; Far mall Fl 2 for parts, make offer. 609/584-8907. D3O Komatsu 4 In 1 Bucket $5,200 ’B7 Case 1845 C $10,500 Bobcat 643 skid stssr $5,700 Cass 1845 C Skid loadsr.... $10,500 Cat 955 L w/4-in-1 buekst $17,500 JD 410 backhos $8,500 JD 450 Crawlsr Loadsr $9,000 JD 450 C Crawlsr Loadsr, Rsbullt Motor. New Pins & ÜBS * - • Bushings $13,500 12*01110X116 lit JD 300 Losdsr w/3 pt. PTO $6,500 r _ __ _ _ JD 350, 6 Wsy Blsds $7,800 (717) 859~3283 JD 4508 crswlsr losdsr $10,500 ' Komatsu D6SS Crswlsr Loader.. No Reasonable Offer Refused \jJOHN PEIWt J ffiuqstonh [j| Ag & Turf,he. Chambersburg, Pa. Y/1 (. ‘nl llfllSlA\.Vlly»llihWHflUHx.UlMtmiiyiUX<n iMlllW JD 5720 Ft Forage Harvester w/ Heads. (Sharp) JOHN DEERE New Tractors > 7800 PF. MFWD, Demo ■ 7600 CG. Cab. PS ■' 6300 MFWD Compact Utility Tractors (New) 770-2WD Spreaders JD 874 Tillage JD 875 4R Cult. Forage JD 3950 Harvester JD 3970 Planters JO 7200 6RN w/L fort. JD 7200 6RN w/D fort Drills 450 10' & 12' Balers JD 328 JD 335 JD 348 JD 375 JD 385 JD 435 Mower Conditioners JO 1360 JD 1600, 14' Rotary Cutters JD 717 Loaders It Blades JD 540 JD 640 JD 65 Blade ams tec BTIHL mtLLSR 'bobm 3213 BlflCk Gap Rdi m TQfIQ a mo Ghamberslmrg, PA 1-800,-377-3040 1 7« vi JD 310 A Backhoe, w/Rebullt Motor $ll,OOO r /nBl I B PARTING OUT: IN TD34O CRAWLER LOADER Case 450 Crawler Loader ...$10,500 Custom Repairs On All Makes Industrial & Farm Equipment BOBCAT NEW 6428 753 Mlsc. New Miller 5100 Forage Boxes * Farm Aid Mixer Wagons v Dion Forage Boxes Kvemeland Bale i Wrapper Miller 4R & 6R Cultivators USED JD 4040, QR. 4 Post Case 1370 JD 216 Flex head JD 650 3 PTH Rake JD 3970 JD 3960 JD 4RN Head JD 1440 w/Dry Fert. JD 1209 NH 489 Haybine NH 499 Haybine Vicon KM32I 9N Ford w/6‘ Rotary Mower GT Dump Wagon 743 Bobcat 5 wood Square Bale Wagons Used Lawn & Garden JD 318 w/46" ; JD 420 w/60" j JD 318 w/50' deck 1 JD 350 6 Way $7,800 J & F USED EQUIPMENT Farmall Cub w/belly mower Kubota 6200 belly mower, 435 hrs. NH 258 rake, rubber teeth, clean Hesston hydro hayblne Ml hay rake (old 4-bar) NH 254 rake tedder, like new Deutz Fahr 170 rake. 9V4 ’ NH 68 PTO baler Nl drop spreader, like new Farmall 350 w/3 bottom plow and live PTO Nl 3622 w/endgate Nl 3615 w/endgate (2) Deutz Fahr 500 cage tedders, new warranty Used truck box 16' w/sides, (solid) Hesston 420 self-propelled NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Bx2l* Bale King wagon, $1,500 each 8' Kelly Ryan center line baggers Kewanee 42’ elevator, hay & grain, $2,890 We rent silage baggers and wrappers ' We Ship Parts UPS Store Hours, Mon.-Sat. 8-5 4 Delivery Available 4 Parts—Sales—Service < "Drive A Little, Save Even More” « Since 1949 « I WorthaMt I Distributors & Equipment Route 106 West Clifford, PA 18413 (717) 222-9090 or 9020 Leaman Ai L jm * Tractor Parts 329 Brenneman Rd. Willow Street, PA 17584 (Lancaster Co.) 717-464-2874 (Turn Left on Brenneman Rd. from 222 S at Refton) Fax 717-464-4130 DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED USED TRACTORS IH S2BS cab, air, 3 ramotaa, sharp IH M hydro WF, cab, 2500 hra. IH 135 hydro, cab, air, now rubber, fresh hydro IH 1486 cab, air, new TA, good cond. IH 766 diesel, laadgCft pt„ dual PTO, dual valves IH 400 power steering, fast hitch, nice paint, good rubber FARMALL 350, NF, fast hitch, very good condition IH SMTA gaa, power steering, good cond. AC 7Q20 cab, 3 valves, power director trans mission, 4000 hra., $7,500 Complete MFD axle to til JD 5020 1981 IH 1420 CombiM, 1000 Hra., Haadar Ht Control, Monitor. Haada 820. 13' Flax; 843 4RN Racond., Vary Nlea Condition • ENGINES IH D3lO, fita 708, 758, good runnar IH DT46B complata Parklna 840 cu. In. VB, abort block or long block Cummlna KTIA (1155), ona naw block and 4 racon haada Cummlna 290 amall cam, naada rebuilt COLLECTORS JD 430 T WF, powdSSlßlrlng, 3 pt. ’52 JD G JO 730 diaaal atandard alaclrlc, adjustable raar whaata JD 730 diaaal, alactrle atari, WF, 3 pi., 2 valvaa JD 720 LP gaa, aharp MF 444 row crop, gaa WF, good running condition IRRIGATION PUMP, 5x6, Detroit power, 280 •ctual hrs, 1,000 QPM, $2,000. 410-833-0001 JD 1020 ORCHARD, gas, very narrow, $2,500. 410-833-0001 JD 13' rigid combine head, very good condition, shed kept. (717)944-1346 days; (717)533-1358 evenings. JD 146 Loader, Indepen dent Valve, Sharp, $2400. 301-733-2106. JD 14T Baler, Call with Of fer. 201-764-3743. JD 2030, P/S, 90% rubber, 2644 hours, very clean, $8,250 080. (410)833-1847. JD 4020 Gas, 2-outlets, WF $4,000 Field Ready $3,200 Vleon 1311 4x5 Round Baler, Like New $5,200 Ford TW3O CAH, Duals, Dual Power, Runs Good $6,800 JD 820 NF $l.BOO Tree Planter, old but work* $4OO ID 2140 (same as 2750) cab, 4x4, hi-low $12,000 NH 411 Discbine $2,800 410-429-1927 IH fast-hitch adapter to convert to 3pt, $2OO (301)898-7426. Int. 241 round baler $2,250. (410)775-2954. International combine 615; 3RN corn head, 13' grain head, $l5OO 215-865-1032. International 424 utility, 3pt hitch, #llO, side bar mower, very clean, tractor 609, 693, 4444 other 3 pt. 609-693-4444. International 225 Self- Propelled Hay Swather, 10V4' Cut, Good Shape and Field Ready. $3BOO 080. Adams County. 301-271-3051.