5% OFF! ■XCBI/Bnt Ford Tra TW-20, cab, air, DP, 20.8x38, weight*, 2,700 hr». 7710 11, cab, air, 18.4x3d, weight*, 2,400 hr*. 6600, 8 spd., roll 950 hr*., 1 owner 6600,16 cpd, 18.4x34,1981 mod'el, 2,400 hr*. 6600, DP, dual hyd, 540 it 1000 PTO, 18.4x34 2,900 hr*., 1 owner 5610 H, DP, dual deluxe hyd., 18.4x34,1,200 hr*. 5600, DP, 2 remote*, 16.9x38, 2,500 hr*. 4610, 4 WD, (yncro tnn* w/Ford 7410 loader, 800 hr*. 4610, 8 spd., 16.9x30, 1 hyd., 2,300 hr*., 1 owner 4100, diesel, 14.9x28, 1976, w/Dunham loader 4000 SU, dsl., 8 spd., 16.9x24, 3,100 hr*. 4000 SU,g**, 8 spd, 165x24, 3,100 hr*. 3000, gas, 8 apd., PS w/loader, 3,500 hr*. 2810 H, 750 hr*. w/Ford 7209 QT loader 2600, diesel, 8 spd., LPTO, PS, 3,100 hr*. 445 C, 4WD, shuttle trans. w/loader, 250 hrs. JD 1070, 4WD w/JD 80 loader, 350 hr*. JD 855, 4WD w/60" deck it blade, 90 hr*. Equipment NH 489 haybinc, like newßßliSl UK (3) NH 144 windrow im ertera, like new NH 25 forage blower, excellent condition NH 824 com head, like new Ford 515 T 3 pt tickle mower, excellent Roll bar fita 5000 thru 7610 New Canopy fit* new atyle Ford roll bara Loaders Dunham 22 QT loader w/bucket & valve, brackets fit 2000 thru 4610 Ford 7209 QT loader w/72" bucket 6c vaive, brackets fit 2810 thru 46105 U, like new AH Tractors Tested On Our Farms. Please Call Before Coming Burkholder Bros. Lebanon, PA 717*272-2382 717-949-2123 NH TR7O combine. hydro- jq 780 manure spreader, static, 6R corn, 15'orain hydro push and endgate, head, 2200 hrs., $12,500. rea r pan; JD 725 8R.30" (301)898-7426. front mounted cultivator NH twin V rake hitch. $5OO, Both"® w condition good condition. 717-356-7614 804-784-3131 JD 830, 730, 630, 430; Nl 213 spreader w/hyd. en- 195 £ G: (2) 1938 0,1 on doate. $5OO. spokes. Call evenings. 717-862-3743. 717-222-4432. Ml 218 manure spreader, ®' B P^ n fl tooth harrow. $950. Stump Acres, °* es tate. 717/792-3216. (301)898-7426. TRACTORS AC 185 w/cab MF 3630, 2WD w/cab, 50 hrs. IH 454 w/k>ader IH 504 w/loadar Ford 641 w/loader Ford 4000 diesel Faimall 350, gas MF 285 w/loader MD 1010, excel, cond. MF 175 diesel MF 670 4 WD, cab & air, like new MF 3660 2WD, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 60 hours SKIDSTERR LOADERS tors (2) Gehl 4610 Diesel Gehl 3610 Diesel HAY & FORAGE Ei Gehl 2240 swing frame mower conditioner Gehl C 8750 harvester Gehl 1250 harvester NH 770 forage harvester JD 3800 forage harvester Nl 279, 9’ cutdltloner NH 467 7’ mower conditioner NH 488 mower conditioner Hesston 1091 Mower Conditioner, excellent condition NH 1499 12’ self-propelled mower con ditioner, diesel, cab & air, 650 hours, excellent condition Balers NH 311 baler Hesston 5580 round baler MF 124 Baler w/lhrower NH 269 w/thrower Gehl 1400 round baler (2) NH 630 round balers, 1 baled less than 50 bales, like new; 1 only 2 years old, both excellent condition Lontfenecker’s Inc. Williamsburg, PA 16693 814-793-3731 ni 2R com picker, model Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3,1993*07 322, tractor mount $6OO ' Juniata. 717-436-6137. Ml 707 w/717 combine and 13' grain head. $5,500 080. (717)235-1790. Nl 713 Grain Platform, Field Ready, 713 Platform for Parts, Both for $300; Nl 705 Uni-Tractor Parts. 717-677-8789. Nl 713 Quik-Tach Flex Head, Good Condition. Wash. Co. (301)223-6364. Old farm machinery for sale at very reasonable prices, including a running 1941 John Deere B tractor. .-717-842-4335 Leave message. Parting out MM 670 tractor, Yale GSIC forklift, 30" cen ter tractor tires and 6-lug front wheels MM tractor parts and service. Need for parts MM tractors, Gehl harvesters and forklifts Daniel Qlick, Jr., 360 Radc liff Rd„ Willow Street, Lan caster Co., PA 17584. J.L. HOLLINGER & SONS INC. RT. 72N, Manhelm, PA. 717-664-2444 717-665-2354 FAX 717-664-2835 NEW & USED Farm & Construction Equip. IMO Cbm MOC TLB w/ROPS Canopy Standard Hoa, 2800 Hra. Canopy t Buekal, $11,780 $19,500 Cate 1835 C cab enclosure 198 S Case 184 SB, big rubber w/engine problem Case 1845 C, aux. hyd., very good cond BACKHOES 1989 Case 580 K, 2WD, full cab w/air, extend-a-hoe 1990 Case 380 K, 4WD, cab, air, extend-a-hoe, phase 111, excel, cond. 1980 Case 580 C TLB w/ROPS canopy, standard hoe, excel, cond 198 S Massey Ferg. 30E TLB w/full cab, standard hoe, excellent cond. JD 310 A TLB, w/ROPS canopy, standard hoe, good cond LOADERS Ford A 64 4WD wheel loader w/full cab, GP bucket, excellent FARM TRACTORS IH 460 diesel engine, runs good (2) MF 1105 w/full cab, 3 pc hitch, PTO, TA, both very good cond. CRAWLERS 1973 JD 4508, 6 way angle blade, ROPS canopy, sweeps, excellent 1988 JD 4SOG, 6 way angle blade, 900 hrs JD 350 crawler loader, GP bucket, good U IC, tuns A operates good Case BSSD Crawler/Loader w/ROPS canopy sweeps, GP bucket, runs A operates VG JD 3508 Crawler Loader, GP bucket, winch, runs A operates very good. 1983 Cat 9318, crawler loader w/4NI buckets, like new cond MISCELLANEOUS JD 70 excavator, full cab, VQ U/C Onan 10KW generator, 2 cyl. Onan gas engine, excel Miller portable welder .„. PAH Hydraulic Excavator powered by Detroit diesel, good cond. Gallion 503 motor grader, Detroit diesel, cab, very good cond Oliver forklift w/14’ mast, gas, good tires, runs A operates good. Onan 10KW Ganaralor Gaa Powtrad, Low Hra. $l,BBO JD 70 Excavator w/Full Cab Waln-Roy 24” Buckat, Exoallanl $28,800 *. $10,900 .. $4,050 $12,500 $24,900 $35,500 $11,500 .$12,500 .$11,500 $18,500 52,350 $8,500/ea. $lO,BOO $38,800 .. $7,780 SIO,BOO ... $8,750 Call $38,500 ... $1,550 ... $3,350 ... $6,500 ... $8,750 ... $3,800
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