Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 03, 1993, Image 134

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    DMancastar Firming, Saturday, July 3,1993
National Association of Animal
Breeders (NAAB) announces the
recipients of the 1993 Distin
guished Service, Member Direc
tor, Pioneer, and Research awards.
These awards will be presented
during the 47th NAAB Annual
Convention August 11-13 in Wis
consin Dells, Wis.
Service Award
George A. Miller, dairy sire
analyst; Select Sires, Plain City,
Ohio, is this year’s recipient of the
NAAB Distinguished Service
Miller has been associated with
dairy cattle his entire life. He is a
member of the Charles A. Hope
Family, of Purcellville, Va., own
ers of Round Oak Farm. He
attended Virginia ’Polytechnic
Institute, receiving his bachelor’s
in dairy husbandry in 1952. Two
years later, he returned to VPI as
herdsman and earned a master’s in
dairy science.
Miller’s career in the AI indus
try began in 1956 with Virginia
Artificial Breeders Association,
now Virginia/North Carolina/
Select Sires. The Virginia organi
zation, as a result of his originality
and resourcefulness, was among
the first to adopt a direct herd, do
it-yourself breeding program, and
young sire proving and sampling
The most far-reaching and last
ing impact of George Miller’s
contribution to the AI industry is
the direct result of his “roots” at
Round Oak Farm. George’s
experienced eye and expert advice
caused a bull calf named “Round
Oak Rag Apple Elevation” to be
produced, which later found its
way to Select Sires.
In 1973, George Miller was
promoted to director of marketing
and development at Select Sires.
Here he continued his successful
pattern of recruiting, hiring, and
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Animal Breeders To Present Awards
developing the talents of high sem j nars f or regional farmers, a' or not the leukosis virus was trans
caliber people. Under Miller s financial workshop for bankers, mittable through semen,
leadership, the volume of semen an( j careers j n agriculture for high in addition to the collection and
marketed by his organization sc hool students. The family hosts processing of semen. Dreher
increased threefold. Miller served foreign exchange students as well trained the first non-veterinarian
with distinction for eight years on as f ore jg n visitors that stay on the AI technicians. At a later point, he
the NAAB International Market- f arm- was instrumental in developing a
ing Committee. He was instru- He served Atlantic Breeders swine AI trial that was able to
mental in arranging a distributor- Cooperative on their board of achieve good litter size and con
ship agreement with World-Wide directors from 1973 to 1992 and ception rates. In the 19605, he
Sires for international marketing, has provided unequaled assistance worked closely with a Mexican
and helped open up the Latin tQ both die board and manage- firm to advance a semen collec-
American market. ment. Slusser also served on the don and processing program for
Although retired as director of NAAB board of directors from diem,
marketing and development. Mill- 1934.1990. When frozen semen became a
er continues to serve the industry Pioneer Awards reality, Dreher looked for and
as Select Sires’ dairy site analyst Dr WH “Hank” Dreher was found a mote efficient tool than
for Virginia and West Virginia, born j„ Oregon, Wis., on August die ampule for inseminating. His
He also serves as a consultant to 25, 1917. He attended lowa State method was to freeze extended
enhance the marketing program in university, receiving a degree in semen directly in the pipette. Its
Canada. veterinary medicine in 1940. application was simply to with-
NAAB Member After a short return to a veterin- draw from the liquid nitrogen.
Director Award ar y practice in Oregon, he joined thaw in air, add a pipette exten-
David C. Slusser possesses T r i-County Breeders at Witten- s fon, and inseminate the cow.
those special inspirational skills berg* Wise. Tri-County later Tagged as the “Magic Wand,” it
that help build a solid and unified became Badger Breeders, merging was use d until the conversion to
team, and a progressive attitude to w i t h Consolidated Breeders to straws in the 19705.
accomplish optimum fo rm Midwest Breeders in 1967. Quality control was of para
perfoimance. Throughout these transitions, Dre- mount importance to Dreher. He
He attended Penn State Umver- ber continued his position as pro- worked with other staff members
sity and was graduated in 1965 duction manager. to develop a nonreturn rate report
with a bachelor’s in dairy science. Dreher was a pioneer in apply- fog system to estimate conception
While at Penn State he was fog research to the production and rates. He also supported further
employed by the Penn State dairy distribution of semen. He was research to determine the accuracy
research farm, and was also foot- instrumental in developing semen of nonreturn rates to actual
ball manager for the Penn State collection, extension, and preser- pregnancies.
Nittany Lions. vation methods to obtain optimum As markets for U.S. germ plasm
In 1970, Slusser purchased fertility, and also ensure that opened throughout the world.
Orange Bucket Farm, a 270-acre semen was disease-free. He work- Dreher was instrumental in early
farm in Crawford County with on adoption of univer- health testing work in compliance
100 head of registered Holstems. s ily research on buffers and exten- with foreign regulations. He
The rolling herd average is cur- (j ers an( j CO nducted extensive in- traveled worldwide marketing the
rently about 21,000 pounds ot bouse research on semen concept of health and genetic
milk. Here he resides with his extenders. Dreher collaborated quality of U.S. semen,
wife, Kaye, and his two children, w j t b Tanabe and Cassida on Dreher was among the founders
Lee and Dana. Dave Slusser is re peat breeding cows and early of NAAB technical committees
immediate past president of Allan- em bryonic death. He also worked that supported research and shared
tic Breeders Cooperative, a mem- w j t b University of Wisconsin fo the findings. His most promi
ber of the Federated Genetics researchers on leukosis transmis- nent activity was as a member of
Council, a former member of the ion bu u s determine whether both the NAAB sire health and
National Council of Dairy Cattle
Breeding, and was chairman of the
1983 State Holstein Convention. \ W'
Dave has taught computer \ |
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research committees. He also
maintained advantageous contacts
with the veterinary profession
through membership in American,
Wisconsin, and Northeast Wis
consin Veterinary Medical
Harry A. Herman was bom in
North Carolina in 1903, and at the
age of five moved with his family
to Hannibal, Missouri. He later
enrolled at the University of Mis
souri, where he earned Ids bache
lor’s in agriculture, and master’s
and doctorate degrees, and was
elected to Sigma XI. He also did
graduate work for a period of time
at the University of Wisconsin.
For nearly 25 years he served as
a teacher, researcher, and lecturer
in dairy cattle breeding, artificial
insemination, and herd
In July 1953, when the National
Association of Animal Breeders
was in its infancy, Herman was
appointed as the first executive
secretary, and the national NAAB
office was established in Colum
bia. Mo. During his tenure, the AI
"program expanded from 40 to 97
mostly cooperative members with
one or more AI organizations in
nearly every state. At the same
time, many organizations in Cana
da and other countries became
associate members.
As frozen semen, semen mark
eting, and young sire proving
programs came into the picture,
the consolidation and mergers of
the different organizations began.
Herman retired in September,
1972. He had passed the estab
lished retirement age by more than
two years, and was given the title
of NAAB executive secretary
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