KuS SOME “JARRING” NEWS FOR SUMMER PICNICS Warm summer days mean picn ics. Not to mention summer holi days with friends and family the perfect days for picnics with all your favorite foods and recipes. While planning your picnic, think about all those empty glass canning jars sitting on your pantry shelf. They arc the perfect solution for packaging your favorite picnic foods! These handy jars can be used to transport beverages like lemonade as well as those impor tant extras like olives, dressings, nuts and condiments. When you use glass jars instead of plastic bags, you do not have to worry about the ice chest becom ing a soggy mess. After the picnic, repacking leftovers will be a snap! (Be sure to throw away all leftov ers which require refrigeration.) You can also use the jars to cre ate a slushy surprise which dou bles as insulation for the ice chest until it is time to eat. Fill glass jars with favorite fruit drinks, making sure to leave room for expansion at the top. Place lids and screw bands on the jars and freeze them. Pack with the cold foods in your cooler. When you sit down to cat, the drinks will have defrosted r------- CUP THIS VALUABLE COUPON) - J NATIONAL RECLINER R s 9 | Must havs coupon for this special price I ■ OUR CASH PRICE $129.95 ! SSpon WBtBB $69.00 (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) - - CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON! I Spectacular offer! SWIVEL ROCKERS ! ■ iC~ Wit—- I*'* ■ rafuaal by the largaat chain atora In tha country. Wa bought ' I tham at daap dtaeount pricaa. Looaa euahlon modal with vary I | axpantlva valvata. Don't mlaa out on thla daal. | I Reg. Ret. OUR | I $399.95 CASH PRICE WITH A m An f\ A . 5249.95 COUPON p lUo.Ufl j • CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON 1’ " " *~ ** I CONTEMPORARY LIVING ROOMS I Your choice of sofa and loveseat in multi-pillow Rag. Rat. OUR CASH WITH COUPON J $1629.95 PRICE $569.95 $469.88 I --- - •S « ... .(WHILE SUPPLIES LAST)). r”-”””"" "CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON!" | ° 6 ai er , . Tou muat aee this onel '’e/t/ Sa// ■ Contemporary styling I SECTIONAL SET • Rag. Ret. $1699.95 WITH COUPON * OUR CASH PRICE $549.95 $499.88 1 I !!■ I OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AM our furniture is brand new merchandise. Not used. Not traded in. Heard? By Doris Thomas Lancaster Extension Home Economist enough to poke with a spoon, making a slushy beverage. Even plain ice water becomes a sooth ing treat. For your celebration on the Fourth of July try this festive dessert. For each person, prepare a wide-mouthed jar filled one-third with strawberries, one-third with blueberries. Just before serving, top with a dollop of whipped cream. Add a special touch to any out door evening get-together by using jars as candle holders. Par tially fill the jars with sand, set a votive candle in the middle and you have a safe, wind-proof lantern. So, when you sec those empty glass canning jars silling in your pantry pul them to good use for your next picnic or summer gathering. FIRE UP YOUR GRILL AND COOK HEALTHY Cooking on your grill can mean cooking healthy. It comes down to making some sensible food choices. Traditional summer fare, like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips and potato and macaroni salads should be saved for an occasional treat. But you can still fire up that grill and enjoy food hue supi alternatives lower in fat, calorics and sodium. Poultry and seafood offer a var iety of delicious options when cooking on your grill. For chick en, the key lies in the marinade you use. Here are some marinades you might want to try: A mixture of vegetable oil, lime juice and minced onion seasoned with tarragon and Tabasco make a marinade reminiscent of the Caribbean. Tcriyaki sauce, seasoned with a little brown sugar and mixed with a few drps of sesame oil, white vinegar and mustard give chicken a rangy taste. A marinade for chicken legs, minced ginger root, ground cumin and Tabasco. For seafood, the sheer variety of choices, including shellfish such . communications _Jtsy Dupu teaches children to prepare cheese and peanut butter pretzelwiches at the Pitts bu ' Children’s Festival. BEDDING BLOW-OUT «««*£* - our prices, mii prices because they can’t match our prices. are for BOTH PIECES. Our ad has no asterisks. No footnotes. This is the deal BASSETT MATTRESS & BOX SPRING R ** R# ‘- SPECIAL FREE Polaroid Camera with purchase single $589.95 $259.95 $119.95 Look at the value...plus a bonus of $59 Polaroid Double.... $729.95 $309.95 $149.95 This is top of the line bedding, and one of the bast deals Queen $859.95 $399.95 $199.95 that ws ever madal These are all overruns, cancellations *Tnoo ob or. 2okq ok and close-out fabrics. This Is one heck of a price on Kln 9 $1099.95 $510.95 $259.95 bedding, complete with a warranty of one full year raplaeamant at no charge. SERTA MATTRESS single... Reg. Rot. $609.95 OUR CASH PRICE $129.95 & BOX SPRING Double... Reg. Ret. $749.95 OUR CASH PRICE $169.95 FR We Q—...Reg. Ret. $889.95 OUR CASH PRICE $199.95 T me ATTDrCC Single Re 9 Ret $ 18995 OUR CASH PRICE $79.88 DELrCO IVIAJL IKEOO Double.. Reg Ret $289 95. OUR CASH PRICE $99.88 & FOUNDATION Queen Reg Ret $52995 our cash price $119.88. BEST DEAL GOING! King Reg Reg $609 95 . OUR CASH PRICE s2ootBo - Price On A King Sell if SPECIAL! $189.88 Best prices anywhere on other brand names, too. Remember... there's no such thing We also have the lowest prices on crib mattresses. as FREE DELIVERY. PUBLIC NOTICE We are a four store chain not affiliated with any other stores. LANCASTER YORK CHAMBERSBURG CARLISLE 3019 Hempland Road 4585 West Market Street 1525 Lincoln Way East 1880 Harrisburg Pike 717-397-6241 717-792-3502 717-261-0131 717-249-5718 ■BB| kH||h STORE HOURS: Monday' Thru Friday 9-9 Saturday 9-6 (Lancaster t Tork) 9-5 (Carlisle 1 1 Chambersburg) Sunday Noon-5 (Lancaster & Tork) Closed Sunt " lisle It Chambei as shrimp and scallops, and the different combination of herbs, are all you need to create an end less parade of tastes. The tcriyaki mixture I men tioned for poultry goes equally well on fish, especially tuna steaks and bluefish. The flavor of salmon steaks can be enhanced with a sprinkling of thyme, sage, parsley and pepper before grilling. If you wish to serve it with a sauce, try yogurt with lots of minced cucumber folded in and seasoned with dill, grated onion and white pepper. Rosemary, lavender leaves, crushed fennel and cumin seed are another good herb blend for sea soning fish. And do not forget. m. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 19, 1993-B7 fresh chopped basil there is nothing belter during the summer months. Some tasty vegetable side dis hes can be prepared to accompany chicken or fish: Grilled vegetables, cooked on skewers or wrapped in aluminum foil, require only a slight brush of oil and a strategically chosen herb or two. Low in calories, these veg etable side dishes provide taste, color and texture plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. For raw veget ables such as carrot sticks, pepper rings, raw broccoli or cauliflower, try a dip made by adding a teas poon of curry powder to one cup of low fat yogurt. Grill healthy all summer long. No Refunds No Exchanges Cash & Carry FINANCING AVAILABLE No Out-Of-Slale Checks Accepted Out-Of-Sute Credit Cards Accepted For purchase with a check, bring proper ID and a major credit card Not responsible ft* typographical error*
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