Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 19, 1993, Image 4
A4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 1993 Markets LANCASTER FARMING STAFF Evaratt R. Nawawangar, Managing Editor Lou Ann Good, Staff Andy Andrawa, Staff Vamon Achanbaeh, Jr., Staff NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Joyca Bupp, York County Savon Vallaya (717) 426-1665 Connlt Lalnbach, Barks County Boyartown (215) 367-4376 Randy Walls, Indiana Marion Cantar (412) 397-2529 Judkh Patton, Union MHlllnburg (717) 966-4770 Gall Strock, MHflln (717) 935-5675 Batlavllla Unda William*, Bedford Bedford (814) 623-5745 Gay Brownlee, Somerset Salisbury (814) 662-2127 Carol Pearce, Bradford (717) 265-5172 Bonnie Brechblll, Franklin Chambersburg (717) 369-2916 David Hlebert, Westmoreland Scott dale (412) M 7-5929 Agnes Smith, Northampton M. Bethel (215) 586-8262 Wyaox Chrlatin* MeCahran, Juniata MHllntown (717) 436-2886 Carol I Onalaa Smith, Manor Graanvilla (412) 588-6203 C.J. Houghtallng, Tioga Mlddlabury Center (717) 376-2821 Bath Millar, Cumberland Nawvilla (717) 776-6571 Sharon Sehuatar, Maryland New Windsor (301) 635-2654 Eva Martin, Maryland Smithaburg (301) 824-2106 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Price: $19.75 per year; $37.50 - 2 years $3O 00 per year outside of. PA. NJ. MD, DE. NY. OH, VA & WV $58.00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $l9 75 per year, $37 50 - 2 years by Lan caster Farming, P O Box 609 1 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 Second Class postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Main Street, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Phone. Lititz (717)626-1164 or Ephrata (717)733-6397, Lancaster (717)394-3047. FAX 717-733-6058 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets, Members of National Aaaoclation Of Agricultural Joumallats Pa. Newspaper Publiabers Aaaoclation, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative JX. Fannakis, Inc. Phone (203)966-1746 Available On Microfilm Copies of Lancaster Farming are available on microfilm from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Any questions about their service should be directed to the publishing manager. PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typo graphical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertise ment The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is stnctly limited to publica tion of the advertisement In any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 15, 1993 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .50-1.00. MIXED FOWL .30-.80. BROILERS .40. CHICKS EACH .50-1.50. FRYERS .40-.60. GEESE 1.10. BANTAMS EACH .70-1.80. ROOSTERS .40-1.45. TURKEYS EACH 2.00-4.00. BUNNIES EACH .35-2.75. DUCKS EACH .50-1.90. RABBITS .30-1.15. PIGEONS BY THE LB. 1.50-2.10. GUINEAS EACH 1.25-8.50. DUCKLINGS EACH .50-2.00. WHITE EGGS: EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .57-.82; LARGE .51-,75; MEDIUM .40-.62. BROWN EGGS: EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .56-.75; LARGE .50-.55; MEDIUMS .53. NY Egg Market EDISON, NJ JUNE 16, 1993 NEW YORK EGGS, JUNE 16. 1993. FEDERAL-STATE Prices were unchanged. Trade sentiment continued steady. Demand was mixed, and mostly moderate. Supplies of extra-large were short to adequate, large were adequ ate to occasionally dose, and mediums were adequate. PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A. WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS. DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 77-79 LARGE 74-77 MEDIUM 59-62 C* DURABILITY*-} f YOUNEEDAT S I PRICES \ YOU CAN AFFORD , DUTY AUGERS 4”-6” -8” -10”-12” Custom Sizes Mode To Order FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL OR WRITE TODAY: automatic farm Olh systems IB I 'I rK 608 Evergreen Rd. fH|i IS Lebanon. PA 17042 # ™ ( 717 ) 274-5333 Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes From Frl., June It to Thurs., June 17 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS OFF GRADE BROWN EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM OFF GRADE UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS BREAKING STOCKS: FRI. 48-50 LBS. 47.00-49.00, 50 LBS. AND UP 49.00-50.00. N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report June 15 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES: EX. LARGE 1.08 1.02-1.06 1.04- 1.04- 1.04 1.10-1.11 1.11 MAINE N. HAMP. MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY New York & Phila. Frozen Egg Report Tuesday, June 15,1993 Prices were generally unchanged. Trading was irregular and moldy confined to immediate needs. Buyers were cautious and closely watched for further market developments. Raw materials were suffi cient as were current floor slocks for pre sent trade needs. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 50-53 50-51 53-60 BLEND (/) - 59-70 WHITES 50-53 51-52 54-61 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 54-57 54-55 57-65 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 51-54 52-53 54-62 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER. GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Philadelphia Eggs Thursday, June 17, 1993 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: TRADE SEN TIMENT WAS STEADY. DEMAND WAS LIGHT TO MODERATE. SUP PLIES OF MEDIUMS AND LARGE WERE ADEQUATE. AND EXTRA LARGE WERE BARELY ADEQUATE TO ADEQUATE. A EXTRA LARGE .74%-.77, A LARGE .72%-.75. A MEDIUM .SB-.59. .84 .86 .87 .87 .83 .84 .84 ' .84 .79 .79 .79 .79 .64 .64 .64 .64 .57 .57 .57 .57 .66 .66 .67 .67 .86 .82 .66 .86 .82 .66 .86 .82 .66 .34 .34 .34 .34 .34 LARGE 1.06 .99-1.03 1.01-1.02 1.02-1.06 1.02 1.05-1.09 1.09 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were generally unchanged. The market tone was steady. Demand covered the foil range and was mosdy light to fair. Supplies were usually short to adequate for jumbo and extra-large, and the balance of sizes were generally adequate. Breaking stock supplies were barely adequate to adequate, prices were unchanged to higher, and the most inquiry was in the Midwest. Live hen markets were steady at best, and demand was only fair for the at least adequate supplies. EAST PETERSBURG POULTRY AUCTION SALE OF JUNE 15, 1993 PRICES PAID DOCK WEIGHTS. CENTS PER POUND. EXCEPT WHERE NOTED RANGE Muscovy Ducks - Drakes 1.25 - 1.52 Muscovy Ducks - Hens 1.40 - 1.54 Pekin Ducks .50 - .70 Red Fowl 4-5 .22 - .28 Red Fowl 5-6.36 - .48 Crossbred Fowl 5-9 .18 - .34 Crossbred Roosters 4-6 .34 - .60 Crossbred Roosters 7-11 .50 - .60 Guinea Fowl 1.30 - 1.45 Banty Roosters 2.00 - 3.25 ea. Banty Hens 1.00 - 2,50 ea. Leghorn Hens .17 - .20 Leghorn Roosters .20 - .24 Silkies .50 - 1.25 ea. Geese 9-11 .10 - .20 Pigeons .75 - 1.25 ea. White Pigeons 1.85 - 2.50 ea. Rabbits 4-6 .20 - .60 Rabbiu 7-11 .25 - .55 Bunnies .50 - 1.00 Guinea Pig .75 - 1.50 ea. Goats 25.00 - 35.00 Kid Coats 17.00 - 21.00 ea. Doves 1.10 - 2.50 ea. Pullets .16 - .24 Total Coops Sold 990 PULLET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Pullet Performance Tracks: ✓ pullet costs ✓ growth and nutrient intake Compares: ✓ actual vs. strain potentials ✓ cumulative to date vs. strain potential Heritage Computer Solutions (a division of Heritage PMS, Inc.) Annvillc, PA 1-800-388-EGGS .86 .82 .66 .86 .82 .66 SMALL .62 .55-.59 .57-. SB .SB-.62 .58 MEDIUM .88 .81 -.85 .83-.54 .84-. BS .84 .89-.91 .91 National Egg Market EDISON, NJ JUNE 16, 1993 Heisney’s Poultry EDISON, NJ JUNE 17, 1993 N.E. Chicken Parts EDISON, NJ JUNE 16, 1993 NORTHEAST BROILER/FRYER PARTS - PART I FEDERAL-STATE Tracklot buying interest was fair for imme diate deliveries but improved for late week and on into next week. Supplies of bone less skinless breasts were in close balance. Trading was reported at steady prices and the sentiment was fully steady. Supplies of line tun breasts were fairly light but so was demand. Shipper asking prices and trading were at unchanged levels and the sentiment wu also fully steady. Fresh yellow skin leg quarters cleared to a fair demand but tome buyer inquiries for next week went unfilled. Yellow skin wings continued tight, demand was very active, and prices trended higher. PRICES PAID PER POUND, ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS. DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S (W & W/D TENDERS) 200 BREAST - WITH RIBS 93-94 BREAST - LINE RUN 93 LEGS 32-33 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 22-23 THIGHS 28 DRUMSTICKS 31-32 WINGS 48-49 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 25-30 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 25-30 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA. NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CON NECTICUT. RHODE ISLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). * TODAY'S NEGO TIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. New England Shell Eggs EDISON, NJ JUNE 16, 1993 SHELL EGGS IN NEW ENGLAND. JUNE 16, 1993. FEDERAL-STATE NEW ENGLAND: Price* to retailer* were unchanged to higher for extra-large, and the balance of price* were unchanged. Trade lentiment wa* steady to fully iteady. Demand wa* mostly moderate with some improvement noted into vacation areas. Supplies were short to adequate with the large sizes, and white eggs in the tightest position. PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS, CASES EXCHANGED. GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGGS LOOSE. AT FARM. CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE JUMBO 83-86 EXTRA LARGE 76-79 LARGE 73-76 MEDIUM 55-58 SMALL 29-32 BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS. DELIVERED STORE DOOR. CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 94-97 LARGE 92-94 MEDIUM 74-76 We Buy Poultry Weekly For Cash! • Leghorn Fowl • Spent Fowl • White Pigeons • Bantams • Bantam Roosters • Broilers • Rabbits • Guinea Hens • Muscovy Ducks We Pick Up At The Farm Watkin’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 bet. 7 AM & 6 PM 718-843-9302 After 7 PM Green & Dragon Sales % Location; 1 mile N. on North State St., Ephrata. SALE EVERY FRIDAY 11:00 A.M. -B»*f 6:00 P.M. -Small Animal Sala Office 717-733-2444 Home 717-838-4318 WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor