D22-Lancister Farming, Saturday, June 19,1993 ECONOMY MOWERS Stop In For Quality! am ™ S Foot 6 Foot ?F “ QmmM ’StS? Reasonable Prices! Models No-Mist Application Is Healthier For The Operator And Keeps Your Neighbors Happy! SEE BINKLEY & HURST FOR A ROUND BALE WRAPPER IN STOCK AT BINKLEY _ IVfl & HURST LET’S MAKE A DEAL NOW! f T ' AG-WHAP Bale 3 Wrapper k One Tractor Operation Lift, Wrap, - No Damage Unloading Simple ■■■■■■■■■■ Low Price WE ALSO STOCK & SELL FLAVOR SEAL WHITE POLY STRETCH FILM FOR YOUR ROUND BALE WRAPPER - Let Binkley & Hurst Get You Going Now! FOR A FINAL FINISH ONE-TIME-OVER YOU NEED A VIBRA-SHANK Case IH 4500 Vibra-Shank Field Cultivators T c , • 9'/j Ft. Pull Type $1,994 In Stock: # j VA R pull Type $2,147 BlNKLEmurst BROS. INC. 133 Rolhsvilla Station Rd, IaBB Lititz, PA 17543 NHAS>J I^Si (717) «2«-470S rn Farm Plan. 1-800-IT PAYS U feO-*—>»«»— Used Skid Loaders And Backhoe Loader Tractors and Industrial Loader Tractors and Crawler Loaders And Excavators and Forklifts (1) UT2832 Case 1830 Uniloadcr (2) UT2828 John Deere 210 C TL Backhoe, Very Good Condition (3) UT2831 IH 4500 Forklift Diesel 5000 Lb. Low Hrs. (4) UT2840 JCB 930 Forklift 6000 Lb. 4x4, 21 Foot Mast With Cab (5) UT2616 Petti bone 8000 4x4 Hi-lift Fork lift, Price Reduced, Come & See, Financing Available (6) Case 14S0B Crawler Loader Price Reduced With 2V* Yd. Bucket, 1614 Ton (7) UT2844 Case 680 T.L. Backhoe With Cab (8) UT2738 Case SBOB Diesel Industrial Loader Tractor With Power Shuttle And Partial Cab And Rear Centerweight (9) UT2796 1991 Case 1845 C, Only 469 Hrs. With Hyd. Detach Bucket, Quick Coupler, New Rubber, Aux. Hyd. (10) UM2208 Model 35 Backhoe Extendahoe To Fit Case 580 C or 5808 (1) UM2301 Died Gehl 309 Scavenger V Spreader (2) H A S 7x4 Super Forage Box On Tandem Gear (3) UM2295 Caie IH M2O Round Baler With Electiic Tie and Bale Rampa Like New, Maid Com Donaity Controlled (4) >5 CMC Dlcacl Howard Mount Track w/Double Frame k IS Foot Scott Dump Body w/14 Ton Hoiat. Hydraulic Tailgate w/Grain Chute (5) UM2292 New Holland Model 30 Forage Blower 1000 RPM (6) Medium Size Ford Dump Truck, Late Model Dieael, Excellent Condition C 7) XJM2279 Caie 111 3 Pi. 60” Fimah Mower With Gauge Wheela (8) UM2282 IH 470 Wing Dlak 17’ Manual Fold Wmga (9) UM2283 John Deere 7000 Planter, 6 Row 30” w/Liqmd Fert. (10) Caie IH #l4 S Shank Auto React Subaoilcr NC 3620 (11) UM2271 New Holland 316 Baler With Model 70 Belt (34) UM 2228 JD 16’ Hyd. Fold Field Cultivator (35) UM2206 LillUton No-TIII Drill Model 9680. 18x7 Double Hopper, Double Disk With Cylinder And Hoses, Rear Hitch And Acreage Meter Thrower (12) UM2270 White 4 Row Com Planter, Late Model (13) UM2269 Caae IH 600 Blower In A 1 Condition (14) UM2268 Gehl Model 95 Grinder Mixer (IS) UM2226 Gehl 3031 2 Row Com Head, Demo. (16) UM2236 Allis Chalmers Pull Type Held Cultivator, Hydraulic Wing Fold, 16 Foot .... (38) UM2204 1000 Gallon Top Fill Manure Tanker With Hyd, (17) UM2247 New Holland #2l Forage Blower (Used To Fill V alve * Only 1 Silo) Like New 540 PTO * ” _ _ ... , „ (39) UM2234 Cue 7 Shank Coulter Chuel Tnniport (18) DM2222 John Deere FB-B Gnin Drill 13x7 With Gnit Seeder (19) Schuler Model 1758 Feeder Wagon With Scales, Good Condition (20) UM2I9S New Idea 325 2 Row 30” Picker With 12 Row Husking Bed (21) UM2202 M.F. 345 Plow 3 Bottom Auto Reset, Almost New (22) UM2263 Gehl 2170 9* Mower Conditioner (23) UM2190 New Holland 316 Baler Late Model, Used Only 4 Years, With No 75 Pan Thrower And Gandy Applicator In Very Good Condition (24) UM2194 1H Model 140 Roll Over Tumble Plow, 4 Bottom 16” Very Good Condition (25) Hi 21x7 Grain Drill, Single Disc, Seed View Cup*, In Good Condition, UM1998 USED TRACTOR SPECIALS Come & Make Your Deal! (1) UT2S4S IH 504 Wide Front Ou (2) UT2842 IH I 8« 1 Owner. Mint Condition (3) UT2797 Matnum 7110 MFD (4) UT2829 Cue 870 Cab, Tractor, Power Shift (5) UT2SI9 Caae IH Maxxum 5130 2WD 86 HP Reps, Tram, (9) UT2622 IH 186 Hydro C.A H Nice With 540-1000 PTO 16 Speed With Syncro Shift, 18 4x38 Rear Tuea (6) UT2795 One Of A Kind IH 656 Wide Front Gaa Powered With 15.5x38 Rear Tires, 3 PL Hitch, Hyd. Outlet, Very Very Nice! (7) Cue 930 Comfort King Good Amish Power BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. USED MACHINERY SALE (31) UM2167 Zimmerman 3 Axle 9 Ton Trailer In SOTS Good Condition 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Located '/* Mile North of Rothsville 1 626-4705 1-800-IT PAYS U (11) UT2807, 1991 Case 1840 Unlloader 50 HP w/Only 370 Hrs. And Aux. Hyd. (12) UT2834 Kalmar 7800 Lb. Lift Dual Drive Tires, LP Gas, Indoor Type 1990- 1991 Model. 46” Wide. 84” Right, Hard Rubber Dual Drive Tires (13) Take Your Pick From Good Used Gehl 4610 Diesel Skid Loaders: 44 Perkins, Self-Leveling Loader, 10:00x16.5 Tires, 65” Bucket (14) UM2192 Case 24” Trenching Bucket, Excellent Cond. (IS) UT2BIS Gehl 4615 Industrial Diesel 44 HP, Skid Loader With Aux. Hyd., Good Rubber, Lights (16) Case 30+4 Diesel Trencher Rubber Tired With DlOO Hoe & Dozer Blade (17) UT2BOB Case 1840 Diesel Uniloader (18) UT2718 1984 Case 18358 Diesel Uniloader 2300 to 2400 Hrs. With All New Hydraulic Drives (Best Offer) (26) UM226S JD Model 215 Dun Cushion 13' Disc (27) UM2IS3 Country Boy Bin On Gear, Like New (2t) UM2122 John Deere 145 Plow S Bottom 16” With New Coulters Lett Year (29) UM2095 Like New! Cue IH Model 710 Front End Loader, Heavy Duty Quick Attach With Self Leveling And 961' Bucket, For Magnum Tractors, Come St See (30) UM2131 John Deere 1530 12 Foot Dual Wheeled Transport Disk Harrow, Complete With Cylinder A Hoaea (32) UM2142 Sunflower Soil Finisher Like New Model 6211-13, 1 3 Foot With Walking Tandem Transport (33) GM2261 Krause Model 4900 18' Disc (36) UM2203 White 501 Semi-Mount 4 Bottom Mblbdoard Plow, Spring Auto (37) 2 Row Com Head Removed From 881 Chopper 30" Used Only 12 Loads $2,495 (40) UM2255 Case IH 8440 Round Baler Like New S'xS’ Hard Core (41) UM2246 Allis Chalmers Model 2500 Transport Wing Disk Harrow 17 Foot Centerfold (42) UM2IBB Degclman Rock Picker VA Cu. Yd. Hopper Semi High Lift (43) UM2232 Badger 950 Forage Wagon On 12 Ton Gear (44) UM2251 13x7 Massey Ferguson Grain Drill Very Good Condition (45) UM2258 Hesslon 1085 9 Foot Mower Conditioner With New Guards, Knife ft Slip Clutch, Field Ready (46) UM2267 John Deere 7000 6 Row Planter (47) UM2260 Gehl 1090 Mower Conditioner, 9 Foot $550 (I) UT2657 Cue IH (15 2 Wheel Drive ROPS Tractor, Only (65 Hn., 2 Speed, P. Shift Tram., 18.4x30 Rear Tiree 75% end 10:00x16 Front Tirea, Dual Shaft 540-1000 PTO, Very Good, 1 Owner Tractor With 7.9% Financing Available (10) UT2835 111 9(6 4 Port Ropa Tractor (11) UT2782 Cue IH 6(5 With Cab And Air Condition, 62 Rated HP Nice! Low Rate Financing Available (12) UT2826 John Deere 4430 Cab Tractor, Nice Ford 2310 Diesel At *.-«»: Less Than 1100 Hrs. Power Steering, 3 Pt. & PTO, 1 Hydraulic Outlet 1 Owner Nice IH 886 Less Than 2300 Hrs. (2) Used Case Tractors - Ideal PTO & Hydraulic Power jjEjjpyj'V*- x • Case 930 Open Rops • Case 870 F. 0.8. As Is $4,600 Enclosure Can Be Removed Good Used Backhoes In Stock! H*' • Case SBOK Phase m Cab, 4x4 Extendahoe • JD 2 lOC 2WD Tractor Loader Backhoe, Rops, NICE! • Case 680 w/Cab Good Used Heavy Duty No-Till Drill In Stock 18x7 Lilliston Model 9680 With Double Hoppers, Double Disc Openers, Rear Hitch w/Hydraulics Included! FINANCING AVAILABLE PRICE REASONABLE
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