Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 12, 1993, Image 62
818-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12, 1993 MAIL CX MARKET F R SALE E ffi 40 3x6 26 gy. joist $500.00, 2516 ft. rafters $125.00; 12 doors; also heavy logs, 717-653-4075, Mt. Joy, Lane. Co. Equipment for sale: Anti que Wooden Pipe, Solo Knapsack Sprayer with Motor (717) 993-2865. N 1751 Hay Crimper $275; Case Skid-loader $3000; IH Complanter for C Far mall or 200 $475; IH Grin der mixer N.H. 3 pt. mower $875. 215-445-4348. Bulk Feed Bins 3T and 5T for outside use. Lancaster County, 215-267-5012. CAT 955 H Loader S/N 60A12995 (1966) w/CAT Diesel Engine 1-3/4 CY Bucket, Preventive Maint. Dandy loader for farm. Berks 215-683-7383, 8-5 weekdays. 609 Tobacco plants. 1822 Georgetown Rd., Christia na. PA 17509. JD 14T Baler, new needles and bearings $550.00; Nl 290 Haybine 9 ft. cut $BOO.OO, field ready, call after 5:00 p.m. (717) 382-4383, York Co. International no. 350 trans port disk, 12 ft. wide $l4OO, 12 ft. spring harrow $350, both very good condition & shed kept, Sch. co. 717-345-4109 after 8.00 p.m. AC WD 45 parts tractor Block is cracked. I would like to sell it complete. York Co. 717-927-9256. A 252 Acre Dairy Farm approx. 100 acres, tillable 12 miles south of Everett, Pa near Clearvillo, PA (814) 652-6586, Bedford Co. Black Mule off side 6 yrs old, Lane. Co. Ephraim G King, 50 Heyberger Rd, Quarryville, Pa 17566. 84 Dodge Charger 4 cyl 5 speed, runs good, insp 21,000 miles, black with red- int. $995.00, 717-246-1964, York Co Purebred Aust. Shepherd Pups, 6 wk old, $5O each, J B E , RD #2, Parkesburg, Pa 19365. Used carriage, good condi tion, $l6OO or best offer Stevie Blank c/o Benuel Blank, 205 Churchtown Rd , Narvon, Pa 17555 New Holland #33 crop chopper, like new condi tion, York County, 717-757-4238 1066 Int Hydro 4300 hrs , good condition, new front tires $7200, York County, (717) 927-6066 60 Ft. Risser Feeder, 32 ft Cross conveyor, both with motors $llOO Lane Co 717-733-2972 after 6 00 p m. Several 2 inch irrigation pumps, approx 1200 feet of 2“ x 50’ PVC Hose, call for prices, Sussex County, NJ 201-827-4672. Nl #2Ol Triple beater, PTO manure spreader $850.00, two row 3 pt toolbar cultiva tors for MF $135.00, York Co. 717-235-6733. Good 5.50x16 tires & tubes, 3 rib trac front 6 ply $2O each. Tree top fire wood. N W Shirk 263 Bootjack Rd., Narvon, PA 17555. Lane Co New Idea Model 245 Tan dem Manure Spreader, New Webb twin cylinder, hydraulic endgate $3150 00, Hoelscher Ten small square bales, accu mulator and forks Blair Co (814) 832-3655 evenings. Copper Apple butter kettle, $150., older Sears engine, $6O ; 8 H.P. engine with reduction, $6O. Both run good Lane. Co 215-445-6144. Farmall H P.S remote hyd.; Kalamazo Band Saw, 250 amp Ideal AirC Welder, AC/DC PH meter Boiler Analyzer, Lane 717-354-3195 or 717-355-9937. Smokestown Fire Com pany Wlnross trucks $4O. Shipment at your cost. Wanted rims, tires for 300 Case tractor. Lane Co. 215-267-2687. 2 two horse wagons, w/new bed's one rubber tired and one high wheeled. Indiana Co. 412-254-4903. NH 66 PTO baler, good antique deering grain bin der, good 412-423-5925 after 6 PM Westmd. Co. delivery available. No Sun day calls. Straw SOp a bale or $5O a ton. Fulton Co. 717-294-3407. 1930’s pickup truck bed Free. Coffee table, heavy, wood $2O. ex. cond. 814-447-3519. Bunnies, lop ear's, solids and spots' $5.00 each. Lane. Co. 717-464-3923. Goats for sale two buck call 717-865-6836 Leb. Co. Also Wanted wire egg baskets. Hussman 12' refrigeration produce case complete with compressor, works good, Union Co. 717-966-2433 after 3 p.m. 1000 gal. propane tank, new valves, etc. $890.00. Also new air sewage pumps $990. Ira J. Stolt zfus, 339 Spring Garden Rd., Kinzer, Pa. 17535. 609 tobacco plants also standing at stud 15H, gray jack. Daniel U. Click, 125 W. Center Square Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505. Heavy lumber from tobacco shed and lever stanchion for sale. Elam King, 335 Gap Rd., Ronks, Lane. Co. Pa. 17572. Single and double trees 1 -8 hitches, yokes, jockey sticks, clevises, tongues, pokers, puzzles, pot and cup hangers. Abner B King, R 2 Box 66-1, Honey Brook, PA 19344. Western saddle, bridle, breast collar, light oil $375 Circle-Y, dark $450. Engl ish hunt seat, saddle-new market color $250. York Co. 717-259-7721. Jersey bull 10 mon. old $l5O Also a few Jersey heifers breeding age Alvin Ebersol 120-S New Hol land Rd., Gordonville, Pa 17529. JD style D 1948 aluminum pistons, rebored, good cond. $2750. F2O manifold $lOO cash. Lan. Co. 717-548-4131. Tire chains like new 11.2-24 $75. 5-9 pm. 201-875-1597 Sussex Co 5 yr. old standardbred car riage horse all trot big strong would do for general purpose. Lane. Co. 215-267-3695 250 gal. skid tank w/hand pump $125, 50 gal. step tank $35, 2 cyl. Wise engine $225, 10-22 truck rims. Bucks Co. 215-794-8713 eves. VW Camperbus 1970, newly rebuilt engine $5OO firm. Also ’Bl Wagoneer Limited, excellent Interior high mileage. 908-782-4797, Hunt. Co. Fuller & Johnson 32V Pow er Plant, see on page 192 ency. of gas engines $350, Bill Fletcher. Rt. 227, Tru mansburg, N.Y. 1-800-426-7981. John Deere #5 mower with hitch for 3 point hook up. Lehigh Co. 215-679-9496. Kennel 16 ft long, with runs 12 ft wide $700.00, Blood Hound, male AKC $450.00, 9 month Mastiff Male 2 year without papers $400.00 215-273-2406. Pair black swans $450, mut male swan $225, or trade for female, wanted Barba do Sheep. CT. 203-564-2579. 54' Flip Board with all hard ware to fit taper board feed er $150.00, Lower North'd Co. 717-758-6221. 14x32 Store Building on skids insulated, heater and shelving included $4500, Miffling Co. 717-899-6665. Polled purebred Simmental Bulls and Heifers. One year old. Eight month cross Angus and Simmental Bull. 814-733-4705, Bedford Co. 7 Char. Heifers approx. 575 lb. @ .86, ready for pasture or feedlot, new steel 9xlB hay wagon on 10 ton gear. 717-345-4489. Winross, Ertl trucks for sale, call 717-225-1367 or 225-6854, York Co. Jersey cow to calve in July, Jersey Heifer due in Sep tember, Pony-very gentle. 717-229-2413. Two year old Grade Hols tein bull after 8 p.m. Phone 814-662-2232, Somerset Co. 609 tobacco plants, Ist6 farm last from Nickel Mines, Enos Miller, 255 E White Oak Rd„ Paradise, Lane. Co. 17562. Hay wagon, high sides B’xlB' $175.00 or b.o. 717-871-9706, Lane. Co. 15 mo. old rotate Rambo Son - Dam 27.263 M 938 F 880 P Proven Breeder, $975.00, Christ Peter sheim, W. Eby Rd., Blrd-in- Hand 17505. Lane. Co. 28 Frick Thrash machine with long Ebersole feeder; also 7xloo endless belt John Deem grain binder, Lane. Co. 1-717-354-7866 Bob White Quail Full grown $3.00 @ Chicks $35 @ also eggs for sale $lO @ 717-354-5561, Lane. Co. 16 Jamesway water bow els, good condition, also Galv. Pipe, Berks Co. 215-589-4454 3 used driving harness 1 English saddle, used riding bridles 2 new pony har ness, 1 heavy driving, no lines, 215-445-4709, Lane Co. 100 wire bound wooden string bean crates. Lane Co 717-872-6038 Irregation pipe 4" saddles, guns, small kiFco Traveling Gun, like now, John Deere H. overhall, repainted $1,600, Nice, Lancaster Co 717-354-4430 1985 Suzuki Quad Sport, good condition, $950, call 215-484-2170, Lane Co 1986 Pickrite tomato harvester, Delivery avail able, Lehigh co. 215-756-6374. New Holland super 66 Bal er, field ready. Good Tires $200.00. Lane. Co. 717-284-4942. 806 IH Tractor. Cab, T A., W.F., 3 pt., Turbo, Reason able, Cumb Co. 717-776-3967. Irrigation pipes 3” and 4’ 20 ft long with springlers 3 pt cult, all sizes, 464 Int Trac tor, good condition, 215-777-0052, 777-4272. Flywheel for 671 G.M.C. Diesel Auto. Type in good cond. Also wanted, final drive housing for 440 JD right side. RR 1, Box 336-A, Belleville, PA 17004. 2 Coal forges with blowers and anvil. Some hand tools available. Best reasonable offer. 717-754-3150, leave message, Schuylkill Co. Farmall F-20 1939, runs good, $1,095. Chrysler 1950 Windsor 4 DR, runs good, for restoration $1195. Carlisle, Cumber land Co. 717-249-0514. IH 986 Engine parts D 436, crank, head magnafluxed, and checked plut other parts. 717-253-1708. Registered polled Hereford two year old cow, large frame, good breeding, bred to calve January 24, 1994. $1,025.00, also registered polled Hereford Bull, $925.00, large frame, mea ty, $925.00. 717-866-4185. Ear Corn some mold $48.00 ton, new crop bar ley - wheat straw out of field reasonable. 717-866-4185. 4 Poly dome calf hutchs $150.00 each, used 18-4-34 Goodyear Rear Tractor Tire, 30% tread, $75.00. Frederick Co., Md. (301) 371-6141. Trailer-1988 Skyline 14x70 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, good condition, $16,500. Call 215-296-5498. Int 650 Forage Harvester Recutter blower model 6' Deluxe pickup, all new teeth knives excellent 2 RN cornhead $1450.00 717-665-7155, Lane. Co. Dry Van Trailers 40’ with side door & 45' sliding tan dems, good condition; also liquid delivery truck, Lane. Co. 717-354-4996. 1 ton budgit chaiun hoist, with 3 phase 230/460V 2’/. HP motor 32 F.P M $250, Lititz, Lane. Co. 717-627-0833 Fork lift prongs 5" W-36" L, Industrial type gas stove with oven. 30V4" W- 40V4 ” L. 32’ H., Snyder Co. 717-374-4246, eves. Irish Dexter cattle, Heifers and bull calves. Kent Coun ty. Md. 410-639-7217. PTO Bearcat Hammermill $2OO, PTO Rollermill w/ mixer $5OO, Frederick County, MD, 301-371-4866. Struck Magnatrack with loader, any condition. Phone 717-265-6465, Bradford County. Southdown sheep-ewes, rams and lambs; Miniature registered stallion - Bay 5 years, 38 inches, AM Hr $300.00, call (410) 836-1622. Massey Ferguson TD3S Tractor for parts, complete $700.00, Bob after 8 p.m. 908-359-3722, Somerset Co.. NJ. Hi-Boy Sweet com sprayer 36" row or wider $lOOO.OO Warren Co. 908-859-3730 or 454-0889. 2 Shropshire spring ewe lambs. Born March 1993, real nice $50.00 for one, $lOO.OO for both. Berks County 215-926-4436. N.H. 273 Baler New plun ger, $1400.00 0.b.0. (717) 532-5871, Cumberland Co. Wringer washer, easy spin dryer; wood splitter, home made Dodge Aries 1981, all bargins, Elizabethtown, Lane. Co. 717-367-3785. Railroad ties $3.50 ea, 8000# Champ rough terr. Forklift $3400.00; 9UD6 Dozer-no blade $1850; HDS Dozer-needs work $1650; (410) 378-2785 Cecil Co., Md. 1986 Isuzu Trooper Deluxe 4x4 AC, PS, PB, AM/FM cassette alloys; new tires, rare diesel engine, 30 mpg, excellent condition, $3750. 717-993-2288, York Co. Round locust fence post 5" Avg diameter 7' long, Chester Co., 215-255-5048, Delivery available. Swan mute male $225 or trade for female. Pair black swans $450, can deliver to N.H., CT. 203-564-2579. 14-ft. ‘Starcraft’ ‘V’ fishing outfit complete with trailer, 914 HP Johnson etc., $1295.00 'Globe' stainless meat slicer, 11-inch $495.00, Lycom. 1-800-874-2928. Land Pride Finish Mower 60’, 3 ft, $550.00, David Bradley, Garden Tractor, free, no Sunday calls, York County 717-235-0858. Bee hives, 6' used con crete blocks. 717-867-1453 after 7 p.m. Gehl Flail Chopper-good condition, $1,200.00 or trade for young stock beef or Holsteins. (201) 746-3321 evenings. 1949 Case LA, Factory LP, P.T.0., Remote Hydraulic, good clean Western Trac tor 301-898-3289 after 8 p.m. Woods Cadet 60’ Brush hog pull type $450, JD494A 4 row cornplanter, mini mum till attachment, extra plates and gear box $375, Northampton (215) 837-6454. Ford 200 Gas late model power steering three point new paint ready to work, Leb. Co. 717-270-1841 after 7:00 p.m. 7 ft. sickle bar mower, fits M-Farmall. Caprer for 8 ft. Pickup bed. 17 Beehive sections, York Co. 235-3197 after 4 p.m. 6 year old standard bred gelding traffic safe, good traveler, safe for women to drive, Noah Yoder, RD 1 Box 107, Reedsville, Pa 17084. Mifflin Co. Farmall 400 gas, Tri, fast hitch P.S. $2150 00, 1941 Farmall H, Hyd Loader, Bucket & blade $1150.00, Warren County, 308-689-3332. e. Myers self-unloading wagons, exc. cond., w/ roofs, $4,250 ea. Warren Co. N.J. 908-689-3332. Female Llama five mos., chocolate, two male lla mas, seven mos. halter trained. Sheep fleeces many colors, textures, grades. 717-362-4315, Dauphin Co. International cultivator 4 row 3 pt FML Beam 1229 mist blower sprayer 3 pt, Bucks Co. 215-297-5254. Nubian, Saanen, and Cashmere goats-milkers $200.00; doe kids $l5O 00; Nubian/Alpine doe kids $100.00; whethers $5O 00; C A.E. negative. Ches. Co. 215-458-8458, PVC pipe '/: inch used 5 cents per foot, 717-426-1395. 1962 Jeep 4x5 rebuilt engine with drawbar ideal for on the farm, $600.00 0.b.0. Phone 215-326-0156, Montg. Co. Air compressor 7Vi 10 15 Hip Industrial 3 P.H. 2 & 4 draw fire files, call after 6 p.m. York Co. 717-252-0760. Farmhouse and one acre plus lots. Perc approved, final stage of subdivision. $20,000 00 to $75,000.00 Southern Schuylkill Co. 215-926-3841. Vacum spreader 1100 gal. utility trailer, $175.00, Berks Co. 717-933-5683. Arps Backhoe model 90, 3 pt., digs 9 ft., 18'' bucket, pto pump, very good cond., $2195, Berks Co. (215) 562-3436. IH 710 4 Bt reset blow Long 900 tractor NH 269 baler w-thrower, case 14' T disk. JD FBB 17 disc drill, Blair Co. 814-944-0818. Good quality oats at the bam. 20 acres Timothy in the field you harvest, Dau phin Co. 717-362-9218. 7 ft. New Idea hay condi tioner, Century sprayer, no pump both in good condi tion, call 717-469-2983, Dauphin Co Crested Ducks, geese, Northumberland County, 717-758-4282. Mueller 400 gal. bulk tank with compressor and washer. Merle A. Earon, R.D.I, Box 264, Beech Creek, Pa 16822-9712, 717-726-3377. JD 4 row com planter, N.H. field chopper, key making machine, two flat wagons, three bottom plow $450.00 each. Montgomery Co. (215) 631-1890. JD 24T baler, good shape $750. IHC 300 utility $l2OO. Rear half of Oliver 1850 $5OO. Metal dump wagon $350, Berks 215-926-2446. Breedersl Poodle Cairn Skipperkee husky Samoyed Bichon Maltese- Akita Lhasa. Lane. Co 717-354-4374. Fresh cows and heifers; also Springers and fall cows, records to 26,000, call 717-354-4374, Lane. Co. (3) CFA registered Himalayon-Persian kittens for breeders or pets $125; 2 tortie-point females, 1 flamepoint male, Lane. Co. 717-786-9070. Flatbed trailers 20' gooseneck 10,000 GVW electric brakes, $1800.00; 20' car trailer 5000 GVW Elect Brakes $1200.00 0.b.0. Berks Co. 215-929-0888 200 BU gravity bin on NH 6 ton gear. New Holland model 25 blower. John Deere 35 chopper. 717-665-4743. 15 HP phase converter with starter $380.00, Reddy Heater 35,000 BTU, good cond. $85.00, call 717-733-6654 7 to 5:00, Ephrata. 85 Glick 16' stock trailer with tack compartment, good condition, $1,650 0.b.0. Lancaster County, call after 4:30 717-664-4447. Pure Maple Syrup $30.00 gal., $16.00 Vi gal. $9.50 qt. Postage paid, Hoffman Farm, R.D. #2. Box 310, Wellsville, NY 14895, Ale gany Co. Woods 6' Flail mower FM72 like new $5OO. Rhino S' SES mower $lOO. Twin Brook Farm. Gap. PA (717) 442-4915, Lancaster Co. 14' Silo-matic silo unloader with 5 HP motor, power winch, cable, power cord, tripod, switches. Complete, good shape, $1250. 717-786-2103, Lane. Co. Bxl2 utility shed insulated inside and outside lights, vinyl siding 8 ft ceiling, ask ing $895, Schuylkill (717) 682-9996, No Sunday calls, please. 10 Cheviot Sheep, Dauphin Co. Phone 717-566-0329. Wheat straw out of field. 6 row cultivator $995. 717-626-8257, Lane. Co. New six inch stainless steel submergable pump - 7V> HP-3'-phase-220 Volts, $6OO or b/o - Ocean County - 908-928-0819 evening. Maytag wringer washer square tub alum and round tub $250.00 and $125.00, good condition (215) 367-7210 after 12:00 noon, Berks, Boyertown. Angora buck kid 8 weeks white friendly $75 obo, also fleece for sale or trade, Montgomery Co. 215-323-2680. New spinner haytedder with engine. 8 yr old Sorrel Saddlebred driving horse with a lot of style. Traffic safe, 16 hands. $1475.00, Service age Bulls. Lane. Co. Israel S. Beiler, Jr., 343 Christiana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509. 5000 ft white pine BDS 8 to 14’ wide, Paul Yerger, Auburn, Pa 17922 - 717-754-4661 evenings 1952 GMC 350 Dump Truck, good condition $llOO 00; 1969 Ford stake body truck - hydrohe tail gate, good condition, $2200.00. William Hen nings, 234 Miller Rd., Reading, Pa 19608. Paint pony mare 12 hands, excellent driving pony, goes single or double, flashy, gentle, $500.00, Burlington Co. (609) 758-3664. Victor welding and cutting outfit, tanks, torchs, noz zles, hoses, regulators and cart medium size tanks, $300.00; 609-771-3664, Mercer County. Jack Russle Terrier Pups & adults starting at $175.00; also Yorkshire puppies, starting at $5OO, call 717-677-7616, Adams County. JD 2010 Crawler diesel w/ loader bucket excellent shape, plenty power, ready to work, call 215-445-6674, Lane. Co. 5 ft' ith r Diesel-1984-87 Escort .X 0 Stone Lynx Tempo or Topas (for rake $350.00; JD 212 tree- Bradford Co. Leo ph nard Manahan, R.D #3. 717-442-4279 evenings. Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 1963 Ford 4,000 LGC Four 265-8562. _ u^u ga ?, 8 Black Powder Flint lo* PTQ 3 pt. Hitch. $3500. Rjfl oi pa Hunt approved, obo. Del. Co. caliber Perry 215-692-4191. 717-536-3610. Pygmy/Cashmere goat- small log house standing buck 8 weeks old, $75. 0 r dismanteled and nuffl - Dehorned and shots. Call bered quote price and tooa-' evenings (215) 267-5072, t ion. call collect Lancaster Co. 410-648-5943, Kent Coun- New 23.1 x 26 Firestone dia- ty- MD - - mond tread tires $400.00 Heed female mute sw*n each, (215) 572-7700, will purchase or trade* Montg. Co. year old male swan. C» 215-777-2131 Berks Co. One Team Haflingeji Mares, half sisters, Broke Susq. County' 717-465-3428. Two polled Hereford heif ers, yrlings, excellent blood lines, halter broke, gentle cattle. Delivery available call 71 7-689-215$ evenings. MFF 80 Combine 10 ft head/2 row com rebuild & field ready $1250, Bucks Co. 215-536-9290. Buggy without top MFD. By split Hickory Company $650. Firm (717) 785-3353, Wayne County. Beautiful black female Doberman 2 yrs. Would make house dog, friendly 1 yr male black lab Make offer. Fulton County 717-485-4927. JD #45 Combine 10' grain head, hume reel, clover screen, full cab, never used in corn, good condition, $2000.00 Centre Co. 814-364-1661, phone 8-10 p.m. MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Trailer plows on steel 1,3,4,5 bottom mechanical lift Deere or IH Columbia Co. 518-329-2081 Evenings. Old midget race car, % or full size 1940-1950's in unrestored oond. or related parts. Berks Co. 215-670-9544. 140 Parmall or International Tractor with fast hitch and equip. AA Co. Md. 410-741-1652. Case 155 Lawn Tractor attachments, owner's man ual, and parts. Scoop dirt bucket for L Gravely, Cecil Co. 410-398-7680. Immediate opening fulltime person for general farming on large livestock/crop farm, call 215-267-3209 9 p.m.-11 p.m., Lane Co. Old Wheel Horse Garden Tractor, where engine sets between seat and steering wheel, don't need engine Lane. Co. 717-738-4117. Woodstove, Vermont Cast ings, black Intrepid, Resold i ute, or Vigilant, Chester County. 215-347-2196 Outdoor Taylor wood fur nace 165,000 BTU or lar ger. Zimmerman 991 hydraulic rear unload for age box. Consider other makes. Union 717-922-4385. Running gear from 1968 Dodge W4OO. Also over and under transmission for same. Will haul. Cnetre Co (814) 355-1853. VW Turbo Diesel engine 1984 thru 1986, any condi tion, please call (215) 444-9808 or 444-1913, leave a message. Salvage to wide attic floor ing; old loghouses and farmhouses; old grist mills; warehouses; large bams. Evenings 717-334-0249 Wire corn crib 14 ft. in diameter, roof must be ok. 5780 Buena Vista Rd., Gap. PA 17527. Will purchase old wooden pumps; decorative porch posts; wide flooring; sal vage to wagon sheds, car riage houses, call only at 7 pm evenings, 717-334-5740. Will buy large chestnut beams; salvage to large brick or stone gable-end bams; early oak fencing 7 pm-9 pm. 717-334-6223.