Members of the Penn State Dairy Science Club ask for support in getting consign ments for the 10th Annual Fall Classic Sale, an educational event run cooperatively by the club and the Pennsylvania Holstein Association, to give the young people an opportunity to experience the planning and execution of a high quality sale. From the left, are Adam Tanis, Cathy Pavelski, Bryan herring, Kirk Sattazhan, Thad Sturgeon (kneeling), Dwight Stoltzfus (kneeling), Kara Tussey, Todd Rabenold, Susan Caldwal lader, Andy Foster 111, and perched on the Nittany Lion, from the left, Susan Bove and Jen Hummel. See Your White-New Idea Dealer Listed Below. New Jersey Bridgeton Leslie G. Fogg Inc. Columbus Reed Brolhets Equipmenl Shiloh Farm Rile Inc. Pennsylvania Airville Fanners Equip. St Supply Co. Inc. Bechlelsville Miller Equip. Co Bethel Zimmerman Farm Service Bloomsburg William F. Welliver Chambersburg Chambersburg Farm Service Inc. Cochranvilte Sloltzfus Farm Service Inc, Dover George N Gross Inc. Everett Sollcnbergers Equipment Inc. Gettysburg Yingling's Implement Inc. Honesdale Marshall Machinery Ktingerslown Stanleys Farm Service Lebanon Umbergers Of Fontana Mahaffey Hutton Farm Equipment Plan Now To Consign For Fall Classic Sale Mercer Ralph W Kyle Inc. Oakland Mills Peoples Sales it Service Inc. Quakerlown C. J. Wonsidler Bros. Quarryville A.L. Herr It Brother Somerset Lincoln Supply It Equipment Co. Tunkhannock Arc Jurista Inc. em chisel points & sweeps ✓ Meets strict quality requirements 'tj Bury a little residue. Or a lot. The new White 445 Chisel Plow makes complying with residue guidelines and requirements easy. Options like rippled coulters and chisel points set at 15" spacihg leave lots of residue. Concave coulters and twisted shovels set at 12" spacing leave less residue. And these are just a few of the combina tions available. Our deep-till shank option rips hardpan by tilling 4" to 6" deeper than chisel shanks. This reduces compaction problems And our leveling bar option White Ra* Crop Cutnxaiors are provides a desl ft ned f°< l,l z h s n eed smoother surface for your next pass With nine models, there's a model with the options to match your residue management plans. White BY WHITE-NEW IDEA Lancaster Firming, Saturday. Juna 12, 1993-A3S UNIVERSITY PARK(Centre Co.) The Penn State Dairy Sci ence Club and the Pennsylvania Holstein Association are to team up to sponsor the 10th annual Nit tany Lion Fall Classic Holstein consignment sale, set for Saturday, Oct 30. After last year’s sale averaged $1,841 on 76 Holsteins, this year’s sale committee is extremely opti mistic about selecting cattle and managing the 1993 Fall Classic Sale, according to a news release from the club. The sale managers and selection commiace met in early May and are to be visiting Holstein breeders in the next few months to select cattle for the sale. The 1993 Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale chairmen include Dwight Stoltzfus, of Morgantown, overall sale chairman, and Thad Stugeon, of Fombell, assistant chairman. Others involved are Adam Tanis, of Centre Hall, chairman of the Selections Committee; Cathy Pavelski, of Susquehanna, mem ber, and Brian Herring, Farmington. Other committee managers Snowco BALE ELEVATORS £ Sturdy square tube construc tion. Basic 16' unit is sec tional so that other sections / can be inserted for greater . lengths. /*/ With this unit as the basis, complete bate handling systems can be tailored for use in the field or in the mow. j include Jen Hummel, of Duncan non, advertising; Kara Tussey, Huntingdon, publicity; Todd Rabenold, Kutztown, finance; Kirk Sttazhan, Womelsdorf, mark eting and merchandising; Susan Bove, Ann Arbor, Mich., recep tion; Susan Cadwallader, Salem, NJ., arena preparation; and Andy Foster 111, Petersburg, cattle manager. Most Dairy Science Club mem bers use the fall classic as an edu cational experience. The sale provides first-hand experience in selecting, financing, merchandising, preparing, eva luating and managing dairy cattle. Last year more than SO students were involved in the sale. The goal for this year’s sale is to select approximately 70 top qual ity springing heifers and young cows. In addition, a select group of top pedigreed calves will be sold. Those interested in consigning an animal should call either Ken Raney at the Pennsylvania Hols tein Association (814) 234-0364, Dwight Stoltzfus at (215) 286-5002, or either Larry Muller (8140 863-4205, or Dale Olver at (814) 863-3914, at the Penn Stale University Department of Dairy and Animal Science. In the news release, it was stated, “The Penn Slate Dairy Sci ence Club and the Pennsylvania Holstein Association appreciate your support of this important edu cational activity.” MILK. IT DOES A BODY good: Need Your Farm Buildings Painted? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel’s Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. RonkS, PA 17572 (or leave message) (717) 687-8262 Spray on and Brush in Painting - distributed by - J.S. WOODHOUSE CO. 572 Industrial Drive Lewlsberry, PA 17339 i r~~t r~\
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