Farm Tax Reassessment (Continued from Pago Al) the three county commissioners. “My feeling on the whole thing is that never have so many people paid so much for something that is not necessary,” said Brad Fisher. “It is one of the most striking examples of why we need tax reforms in Pennsylvania to get away from this unfair taxing sys tem. The nature of property appra sials is that no matter how many millions you spend, we can’t keep it up to date. It is a tax system that is an insult to taxpayers. Not only are we taxing you for government ser vices, we are taxing you eight or nine million dollars just to main tain a system to tell us how much Join the list of with Chore-Time More Than 230 Ultraflo® Systems Have Been Sold In The Northeast Since 1985 * That’s Over 16 Million Birds! "" “■ """ 1.111,1 , EASY AUGER CONNECTOR. Allows fast and simple installation, , y blk> quick and easy repair of auger A tf ever necessary. Auger and trough s are both warranted 5 full years. Chain feeders ore not. Call or send for the list of over 80% top egg producers who have switched to Chore-Time! Call for send for the list of over 200 Ultraflo® houses in the northeast. The Top 54 US. Egg Producers os lilted In NovJDtc 1991 EGG INDUSTRY Contracts available for new layer houses. For more information call: 1-800-673-2580 tax you must pay.” Jim Huber, chairman, county commissioners, said that in the ear ly 80’s they had looked into the need for reassessment and con cluded that Lancaster County had one of the most equitable assess ments in the state, and the expen sive program to reassess each prop erty was not necessary. Huber said that part of their concern was the effect reassessment would have on But the new court ruling has forced the reassessment and a con tract has been awarded to Auto mated Valuation Services, Ebens burg, to do the job. What’s done is done! To get some additional benefit Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK (JJJ Sffi (IPw)" mtm 139 A West Airport Rd. (717) 569-2702 from the reassessment effort that calls for a visit by an assessor to each property in the county, Terry Kauffman, county commissioner, said a Geographic Information System (GIS) and a 911 Emergen cy Enhancement System will be done at the same time. Aerial photos have been taken that will be scaled on the basis of one to 200 feet in the county and one to SO feet in the city. These maps will be detailed enough for firemen and policemen to use in emergency situations. To the agricultural community’s benefit, overlays of these maps will show the soil types on the farms. This will help fulfill the need for farmers who want to apply for exception under Act 319, the Clean satisfied users Ultraflo feeders ones have too. They’ve all looked at die advantages and chosen ULTRAFLO. That’s because it makes them more profitable. Total egg production and egg size—these are the best benefits of our complete feeding system. Why not check out the facts for yourself? Contact us now—or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO. Because the only negative comments about our feeding system come from our competition—not from our customers. Lititz, PA 17543 1-800-673-2580 UncMtor Fuming, Saturday, Juna 12, 1903-A33 and Green Act. This Preferential Assessment of Farmland and Fore st Land Act factors in some assess ment based on production income as well as real estate values. Many farmers are expected to apply for this preferential assessment after they see what the new county assessment has done to their tax burden. One of the questions raised at the meeting dealt with this issue. Ken Rutt, Quanyville farmer, business man, said commercial real estate assessment is done on an income approach basis, and he asked why not assess farms the same way. Rutt acknowledged that Act 319 does this. STORE WifiS Mon-Fri. 7:304:30 SaL 0:00-Noan “Bui why can’t we do this in the first place rather than make every body file a lien against their prop erty in order to comply with Act 319 to geta preferential assessment value,” Rutt asked. “We should be getting this value in the original assessment process.” Other statements made in a wrap-up session that was running out of time for adjournment included: -Commercial buildings appre ciate while they are depreciated on the books. Many farm buildings for special purposes, such as swine or poultry, have no alternative use at the end of the depreciation period. -The equipment inside farm buildings often helps sell the real estate but should not be part of the assessment placed on the farm. It’s important to know that equipment is not valued in the real estate. --The county commissioners plan to ask agribusiness leaders of finance and building contractors to help advise the assessors. --Over 200 farms are under deed restrictions and in ag preserves. No consideration of how these farms will be treated in relative assess ment has been addressed by tax officials in their presentations. -Another meeting on reassess ment will be held by the Lancaster County Farmers’ Association Tuesday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Farm and Home Center. Every one is invited to this meeting. WE MANUFACTURE HIGH PRESSURE WASHERS Portable or Stationary WmW 8 CONSTRUCTED WITH I HYPRO PUMP Detergents or Soap Fluid Injection Available We Also Manufacture Coal Fired Hot Water Supply Broilers! HIGH-TENSILE FENCING and HARDWARE WELDING-STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL & ALUMINUM WELDING SUPPLIES KENDALL OILS & LUBRICANTS @y*i| , a Kendal) , WtZt Drydene OILS & \ LUBRICANTS fl» n g a m€mgllg SSI®!?. 2388 Old Leacock Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-3853 UPS StlWt
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